Saturday, January 11, 2020

Lindgren Family - Brian Lindgren's Letters Home - 4 Jan 68 - page 1

4 Jan 68
Hi Karen,

     I appreciate your sending the records. I haven't received any yet though. I got the letter last week so maybe I get records this week if they didn't get broken. Silly girl, now what was my favorites before I left. "Different Drum" of course. Maybe you could go down to Allied to buy or talk them out of a record mailer. tell them its for your brother, overseas. I will send records back as soon as possible.
     I hope you got your birthday present. You haven't said. Let me know.

     I may not be sending as much money home as I thought. While overseas, the government will pay 10% on deposits. Sounds like a good deal. Also, will be buying some stereo gear. I planned on

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