Saturday, January 11, 2020

Lindgren Family - Brian Lindgren's Letters Home - 24 Nov. 1967 -page 2


pictures but will be quite some time before you get them because they have to be sent out - sent back - then sent to you. Mail Plane comes only once a week so if mail comes on Friday at Sangley it has to wait until Thurs. to get here.
     There are some real characters on this station. You'll have to wait for pictures to see them. Sorry! About 75 natives on island. All friendly - NO headhunters. (There are some!)
     I should be getting out of here about Nov 20 1968. Gee whiz! that's only 361 days! My, how time does fly!
     We are too far away for normal radio reception so there is no music (noise to you) Therefore, I think a tape recorder is a sane investment so that I won't become any more feeble minded than I am now. You may ask, why doesn't he get a record player? That it too

[continued on page 4]

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