Saturday, November 27, 2021

Clarke Family - Thomas G. Clarke - Roots Web

I found this post on a string for the "Clarke" Family. I don't know if Roots Web is a spin off for either or

This is a post from 1998, which I found around 2015. This post reads as:

Search Millions of Original Source Documents

CLARKE-1 Archives
Archiver >CLARKE> 1998-07>0900751425
From: Alexander Rex" <>
Subject: Clarks in Indiana
Date: Thu, 16 July 1998 01:43:45 

Hope someone else out there in web land may have a link to this line of Clarks, I have climbed the tree as far as possible at the moment and hope it's not just a stump. My Clark line originates in Madison county Virginia with Thomas G. Clark (b.1811 Madison county Virginia) he came with his parents to Wayne County Indiana in 1825 where he married Cynthia Ann Lower in 1834. The had five children, four boys: Alfred J., Silas W., Joseph L., and Franklin: one girl w 0500ho died young.

Thomas G. Clark moved to Madison county Indiana, Lafayette township about 1845, he served as a State representative for that county from 1856 to 1857. I have some very good Biographical sketches on him from this time. He moved back to Wayne county, Washington township where he died in 1869. He was also a school teacher during the winter in both Wayne and Madison county and farmed during the summer months. He may also have been an engineer on the early railroad from Wayne county to Madison county, have yet to prove that completely. There was a train Station that was built on his property in 1856 that was named Clark Station in honor of him, it is now known as Florida station. I have a fair amount of information on Thomas G. Clark but do not know who his parents were.

1.) Alfred H. Clark, which is my maternal great grandfather, stayed in Madison county most of his life but moved to Jay county Indiana around 1900 after a divorce and then remarried. There are still a number of Clarks from this line in and around Madison county Indiana: il.. Elwood, Sumittville and Anderson.

2.) Silas Clark moved to Wayne county Washington township where he took over the family garm, I don't believe he had any children.

3.) Franklin Clark moved to West Baltimore Ohio, Wood county. Later Thomas Clarks wife moved there to live with her son and reportedly died in that are.

4.) Joseph moved to Kansas city Kansas

Here are the basics on my Clark tree at this time, if anyone can help I would be most appreciative. Have a great day and happy hunting.

1 Thomas G. Clark 1811 - 1869
.  +Cynthia Ann Lower - 1908
.   Joseph L. Clark
What is nice for me is that when I first found this I just squirrelled it away in 2015. I hadn't really started to work on the Clarke's that much.

I don't know if he ever found his answers but I now know that I have!

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