Sunday, November 7, 2021

Clarke Family - Daniel Wilson Clarke - 6 August 1908 letter

 Wednesday morning.

     Hereford Texas 8/6-1902

Mrs D.W. Clarke

     My Darling. - I will write you a few lines while waiting for breakfast. We got to Amarillo Monday at 5.05 P.M. and here yesterday at --1a.m. but could not get away yesterday. Have a chance to get out this morning with a fellow who lives right where we were to go - It is 55 miles from Here.

     This is an awful pretty country. level as it can be - makes me think of the country west of Pawnee Rock

We had a very heavy rain last night. Harder than any we had down there this season. There is not much farming done here, but wheat and oats are good. We saw wheat that tested 62 1/2# and some of makes 50 bu[shels] per acre. Jas McFarling lives 12 mi N.W. of here. His brother is an M.D. here. I saw their dad yesterday and had quite a talk with him. He told me of a man near Amarillo that had just 6 acres of wheat that made 300 bu. They are getting 68 cts

a bu for wheat and 30 for oats. Have no thrashers only some little horse-powers.

     Butter is worth 25 cents here when they can get any eggs worth same price.
     I haven't seen a chicken since I have been in Texas. I expect to get a place before I come back 
If I dont file in N.M. I will buy about Amarillo. We were offered our pick of 80000 acres 20 mi north of Amarillo at $3.00 per acre - '15 down and balance at 5% and as long time as we want. It is on the Canadian river and they tell us that there is some fine bottom onit. Land is higher here and going up every day. I talked to a man yesterday that sold some land here a year ago at $6.50 an acre and he said he would be glad to buy it back for $13.00
They say it has gone up $1.00 an acre in the last week.
     While I can't say that I like it here I think I will get a place for raise in the....[I do not know where the rest of tis letter is.....]

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