Thursday, November 25, 2021

Urmstead Family - Mrs. LeRoy Urmston -1936 letter

Anderson Indiana
1929 Noble St.
Jan 22 - 1936

My Dear Cousin - Your dear letter I have read over several times.
O how I wish it was possible to talk with you instead of writing. My dear girl you are young - I am 70 years old but I am like a girl they tell me-
     I have only 2 grandchildren & both goys. first - you see I am going to pencil your letter for it is the easiest way.   David Tanner Urmston is 21 year old & will graduate this Spring from Indiana Universety - Robert LeRoy Urmston is graduating from high school.
     I must tell you I am very proud of them as they are good boys & fine looking & they other side of life. So is my beloved husband my daughter Essie & I live alon "Lulu lives in Indianapolis Ind.
     Now listen we had 3 deaths close together. My son died in his automobile and in 6 weeks Lulus husband died suddenly. Then LeRoy my husband broke down from worry & trouble & he died {over

We are very lonesome but with our dear grandsons we look to them for our compaint[?].  You know honey dear I could not begin to tell you all about the Clark family as it would make a book "So many of them & I know them all. You have dear Aunt Anna who married Joseph L. Clark & he is grandfather of your husband

     Joseph brothers were Alfred who was my father, Cyles & Frank. They now are all dead.

     When I was single Joseph L. Clark married Mollie Cornthwait & brot her to my fathers home & lived with us in same house as Josephs mother did not like her & would not let them live with her. Now I do not want to tell you all these things passed & gone but poor Uncle Joe lived a dogs life & if you have heard a little from your motherinlaw she did not tell half. But I can tell you this Uncle Joe was ashamed of her she was not his equal. O what a dear sweet woman his last wife is & how we love her 

     The Clark Family are from Virginia

     They were educators & fine men 
     My grandfather Thomas G. Clark was Josephs L. father & he was professor taught school. was a 32 mason & he organized Anderson first Lodge of Masons
     He always were a silk plug had & Aunt Moll kept it & let rats eat it up
I wanted it - for a keepsake. Well that is not all she had other things a copper bell he used in school when in Virginia.
     My brother has a very large picture hanging in his home of Thomas G. Clark & my brother has his name Thomas G. C.
     He always wore black cloth suits & high collars. a gold chain around his neck for his watch. His vest was 2 rows of buttons.
     He was representative at that time his picture was made - I loved him & he was fond of me. He had a stage coach from Virginia. The nigger road on top & after his death we used it & made it all over.     
     O I could not tell you all for so many are yet in Virginia & only recently I got pictures from there
     They are colonial ancestors & I am
proud of the name but yet we find many Clarks no relation. I have lots of things I could tell you if I could talk
     I am the only one left to tell it & the oldest. I have a sister who visits- Aunt Anna at San Pedro & will soon be there this winter   Reuben Clark was the father of James Clark. James the of Thomas G. Clark. Thomas G. was Joseph L. father & then Dan & your Joe. I have all the family & could write a book on them & I know all who they married & where born but it cost money & takes time to write it all up  
  I spent $30- getting copies of deeds & wills of our Clarks from Virginia Court Records so I might make a book for each family & I found Clarks who would not help me & laughed & yet they are well off too
     Well Dear Winifred you & I may never see each other "You have nice children & that is fine. Where o where is Dannie Joes bather. I only wish


We might meet some time
     I have been in California, about all over it. We were at convention at San Francisco. Democratic Convention & my husband was a delegate from Indianapolis
     We lived then in Indianapolis & we went on to Portland Oragan to Shriners Convention as my husband was 32 mason & Shriner We had private car & one small hotel & enjoyed it - so much & them to Vancover & every where for 3 months.
     We then did not know of you in fact when I would ask Aunt Moll she never seemed to take interest about your husband & I would say dont you ever want to see any of them & she would use a cuss word.  
     Poor Soul her brother said she was always a little off  She never could get along with anyone yet I helped to take care of her quite a lot, I don't think she left very much.
     Now you say Joe is in the grain business. I hope you do well
our Country has been hard hit all over U.S.A. & I want time to get better The after affects of far left - it so
Then the managed power & many causes
     We were quite well todo one time & the depression tore us up. We were grain people ourselves. How I would love to live in California I love the state
     Right now we have a big snow & sleighs & bells ringing -for you know for the young folks Indiana is a wonderful state Artists & writers galore here beautiful roads leading places. best of all places to me but every state does not hold all the sceanery for God put it in all U.S.A. We love good people & you find the good & bad every where. God has a wonderful work yet to do to untangle the crime & make people good.
     I love good things in life & most happy doing goo. When we forgot ourselved & help to brighten the lives of others we become better souls & brighton the pathway for others
     Now I will pass your letter to my youngest sister & tell her to write you.     I bless you all in Gods Holy name
Wishing you untold happiness with peace & prosperity  I am your cousin
     Mrs LeRoy Urmston                                                             

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