Sunday, November 7, 2021

Lindgren Family - There's a Mountain lion in the back yard!

     On the morning of 24 December 2020, at 0930, I was sitting at our kitchen island eating  minding my own business when I happened to see a mountain lion trotting along the fenceline - right next to the fence. I ran to the sliding door yelling at Brian that there was a mountain lion in the back yard, as he was yelling out "Did you see that!" I decided to use the land line phone and called the police.

   I told the person answering that I had just seen a mountain lion in the back yard. They said they would send out an officer.
Within minutes, an officer arrived and I met him in the back yard. I told him I would come out to take pictures of the foot prints - but I forgot to bring a measuring tape. 
     He listened to me as we examined the prints and said that Fish and Game would come out shortly.

 Two officers from Fish & Game came out and looked at the prints. I was glad that I had taken pictures as the two men walked all over the fence line and prints.

     The bigger guy looked me IN THE EYE and said "It was a dog." I looked the guy straight in the eye and and said "It was a mountain lion."
     The second guy looked in  our North and South neighbors and said -"Yeah [whatever his name was]it was a mountain lion." 
     2nd guy then looked at me and said "[1st guy] said it was a dog because the lion drug his rear foot, which a dog would do." 
     Ist guy also observed that we had yard cameras. At that point I rolled my eyes and said "let's go take a look."
     I brought out my camera phone and we looked. There were no pictures. If someone or thing isn't within 25 feet of the camera it won't pick up anything further away.
      So that is why we now have a "lioncam" camera along the back fence line!

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