Saturday, November 13, 2021

Allender Family - William Allender - Pension acknowledgement

 This is a letter from the Treasury Department that states the widow of William Allender will receive a Certificate in the amount of $150.00.

This paper was handed down to me from Karen Louise Lindgren Bradford on the occasion of her mother's, Helen Louise Clarke Lindgren, death.This document reads:

(FORM No. 21.)

Second Auditor's Office,
Apl 2, 1873.
     Inclosed you will receive a Certificate, No. 602068, for $150, payable to you as widow of dis & died or to your order, by the Paymaster General, U.S.A., at Washington, D.C. being for pay due William Allender, a late Private in Captain [blank] Company H, 5th Regiment of Iowa Vols, forservice from the     day of, 18  , when to the day   ,18   , time of his   , and $150.00 Bounty allowed by Act July 28 1866 and July 22 1861

Discharge sent to the Paymaster Genl
         Very respectfully,
Your obedient servants,

Mary M Wilson                E.B.Lunch

                                                Second Auditor.

B F Brown Ho


DSB Room No. 68     Pa
This is what I have found on:

Allender, William Age 25. Residence Birmingham, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlist Aug. 25, 1862. Mustered Aug. 25, 1862. Transferred to company I, Fifth Cavalry. See company I, Fifth Cavalry.

I then searched: 

Go to the above website to learn more about what this unit did during the Civil War.

Here is the link at Ancestry:

Because of the spouse's name on the pension paperwork I am thinking that Mrs. Allender could have been Mary Elizabeth Cornthwaite Clarke Kemmer Jackson.

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