Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Lindgren Family - Carl Herbert Lindgren - Retirement

 Carl Lindgren's Career Parallels P. V.'s Growth

     Most young corporations must rely upon a few individuals whose careers parallel the advances made by the organization. The presence of these men constitutes an invaluable store-house of experience, and a company would find it difficult to function without them. At Pacific Valves, such a man is Carl Lindgren, Vice-President and Manager of Engineering. Carl's association with P.V> spans the twenty-one year period from 1938 to the present. Under his tutelage, the Engineering Department has expanded from but one manu in 1945 to its present size.

      Carl's career began with the Dumm Brothers Petroleum Corporation. As a petroleum engineer, he was involved in every phase of the well-drilling business. Later, he assisted in the design of the first valves made by Pacific Valve and Pump Exchange for the Maritime Commission in 1942. At that time the only units produced were two, and two-and-a-half inch globe and angle valves of 300 pounds pressure. From 1942 to 1945, Carl's labors were divided between the shop and the designing board. By war's end, he was in charge of Engineering - applying the experience gained by the company during the years of conflict.

     Carl was born in San Francisco. He moved to Southern California in 1912, and attended grade and high school in Los Angeles. He worked his way through the University of California at Berkeley, where he was awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1929 ("An inauspicious year for a young graduate," he recalls). Prior to joining Pacific, he was employed in the MacMillan Petroleum Corporation's refinery operation.

     Carl's interest in geology has provided him with an interesting hobby. He is, in the vernacular of the mineral collectors, a "rock hound" His quest for mineral samples has taken him throughout the southwestern part of our country. When he has the time, he likes to go fishing. He divides his angling between the fresh and salt water varieties. Carol's wife, Helen is a native of Stockton, California. They are presently living at 1249 Nutwood Street in Anaheim. They have four children; Dwayne, 23 Ann, 20, Brian, 13 and Karen,6.

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