Saturday, November 27, 2021

Clarke Family - Thomas G. Clarke - Roots Web

I found this post on a string for the "Clarke" Family. I don't know if Roots Web is a spin off for either or

This is a post from 1998, which I found around 2015. This post reads as:

Search Millions of Original Source Documents

CLARKE-1 Archives
Archiver >CLARKE> 1998-07>0900751425
From: Alexander Rex" <>
Subject: Clarks in Indiana
Date: Thu, 16 July 1998 01:43:45 

Hope someone else out there in web land may have a link to this line of Clarks, I have climbed the tree as far as possible at the moment and hope it's not just a stump. My Clark line originates in Madison county Virginia with Thomas G. Clark (b.1811 Madison county Virginia) he came with his parents to Wayne County Indiana in 1825 where he married Cynthia Ann Lower in 1834. The had five children, four boys: Alfred J., Silas W., Joseph L., and Franklin: one girl w 0500ho died young.

Thomas G. Clark moved to Madison county Indiana, Lafayette township about 1845, he served as a State representative for that county from 1856 to 1857. I have some very good Biographical sketches on him from this time. He moved back to Wayne county, Washington township where he died in 1869. He was also a school teacher during the winter in both Wayne and Madison county and farmed during the summer months. He may also have been an engineer on the early railroad from Wayne county to Madison county, have yet to prove that completely. There was a train Station that was built on his property in 1856 that was named Clark Station in honor of him, it is now known as Florida station. I have a fair amount of information on Thomas G. Clark but do not know who his parents were.

1.) Alfred H. Clark, which is my maternal great grandfather, stayed in Madison county most of his life but moved to Jay county Indiana around 1900 after a divorce and then remarried. There are still a number of Clarks from this line in and around Madison county Indiana: il.. Elwood, Sumittville and Anderson.

2.) Silas Clark moved to Wayne county Washington township where he took over the family garm, I don't believe he had any children.

3.) Franklin Clark moved to West Baltimore Ohio, Wood county. Later Thomas Clarks wife moved there to live with her son and reportedly died in that are.

4.) Joseph moved to Kansas city Kansas

Here are the basics on my Clark tree at this time, if anyone can help I would be most appreciative. Have a great day and happy hunting.

1 Thomas G. Clark 1811 - 1869
.  +Cynthia Ann Lower - 1908
.   Joseph L. Clark
What is nice for me is that when I first found this I just squirrelled it away in 2015. I hadn't really started to work on the Clarke's that much.

I don't know if he ever found his answers but I now know that I have!

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Clarke Family - Thomas G. Clark - A Biographical Directory of the Indiana General Assembly, Vol. , 1816-1899

I received this publication [this is a duplication of a previous post] from the Indiana State Archives. This page reads:

Volume 1
1816 -1899

Compiled and edited by
Rebecca A. Shepherd    Charles w. Calhoun
Elisabeth Shanahan-Shoemaker  Alan F. January
Published by
The Select Committee on the Centennial History
of the Indiana General Assembly
in cooperation with
The Indiana History Bureau

[Right side of page at the bottom then continued on top of next page left column.]

CLARK, Thomas G. HOUSE. 1857 (MADISON). Born July 5 1811,

Madison County, Virginia. Attended public schools. Married Cynthia A. Lower, 1838 (5 children). Methodist. Moved to Wayne County, Indiana, in 1834; to Madison County in 1844; and returned to Wayne County in 1863. Teacher; farmer. Democrat. Madison County surveyor, 1847-50; Madison County land 
appraiser, 1859; township trustee, 1861-1863. Died July 9, 1869 Connersville, Fayette County, Indiana. English; Harden-Madison.

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Clarke Family - Thomas G. Clark Memorial - FindaGrave

I found this memorial some years ago on FindaGrave website. FindaGrave is currently owned by I have placed many pictures and notations obtained from our visits to the midwest. I never made it to Indiana.

Here is the page that shows Thomas G. Clark's memorial. You should be able to copy the link below and paste it into your browser:

The pictures that I am pasting on this page is from the above mentioned page:

The picture of the headstone was taken by "Gigi". I do not know who Gigi is, and I do not know when she took the picture.

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Clark Family - Joseph Clark 1968 letter


This is a letter given to me by my sister-in-law, Karen Louise Lindgren Bradford, after the death of her mother Helen Louise Clarke Lindgren. This letter reads:

My dear Helen:     March 13 1968

     Spring is busting out all over up here. I even did a little spading in the garden today and it didn't effect the breathing to much, I think I shall try and do a little each day as I can see how much advantage there is in laying off of cigarettes. In fact there is no point in smoking and I can get up from the table now without thinking of one. Since the day left here for your place I had averaged less than 4 per day.
     This 54.62 amount just brings the check book in and even balance. Course the bank charge for the month will unbalance the even money.
     We have had a nice rain - much needed -. The humidity has been running around 80s& 90s so the air cooler has been running quite a bit which runs up both the electric bill and the gas. Gas 14.17 electric 8.62 last month but the bill for this month is only 13.04 and this call to you this evening will likely be the only long distance call this month.
     This isn't much of a letter but it is quite a bit more than what I get from you. Love you even if you never write    Bud

[Back of letter]
One thing I did find out lately is that the family name is really CLARK no E - Mother told me that Dad had tacked an I on when he came home from Normal School
To: Our Great Grand father migrated from Virginia to Indiana before the Civil War. Evidentaly the farm he had, had a grove of maple trees as one of Dads earliest recollections is being on it when they were making maple syrup about 1880.
     The dope Winnie brot home about Captain George Schaffer is the first I heard about him. I suppose he was in the Union Army. In what department?
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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Urmstead Family - Mrs. LeRoy Urmston -1936 letter

Anderson Indiana
1929 Noble St.
Jan 22 - 1936

My Dear Cousin - Your dear letter I have read over several times.
O how I wish it was possible to talk with you instead of writing. My dear girl you are young - I am 70 years old but I am like a girl they tell me-
     I have only 2 grandchildren & both goys. first - you see I am going to pencil your letter for it is the easiest way.   David Tanner Urmston is 21 year old & will graduate this Spring from Indiana Universety - Robert LeRoy Urmston is graduating from high school.
     I must tell you I am very proud of them as they are good boys & fine looking & they other side of life. So is my beloved husband my daughter Essie & I live alon "Lulu lives in Indianapolis Ind.
     Now listen we had 3 deaths close together. My son died in his automobile and in 6 weeks Lulus husband died suddenly. Then LeRoy my husband broke down from worry & trouble & he died {over

We are very lonesome but with our dear grandsons we look to them for our compaint[?].  You know honey dear I could not begin to tell you all about the Clark family as it would make a book "So many of them & I know them all. You have dear Aunt Anna who married Joseph L. Clark & he is grandfather of your husband

     Joseph brothers were Alfred who was my father, Cyles & Frank. They now are all dead.

     When I was single Joseph L. Clark married Mollie Cornthwait & brot her to my fathers home & lived with us in same house as Josephs mother did not like her & would not let them live with her. Now I do not want to tell you all these things passed & gone but poor Uncle Joe lived a dogs life & if you have heard a little from your motherinlaw she did not tell half. But I can tell you this Uncle Joe was ashamed of her she was not his equal. O what a dear sweet woman his last wife is & how we love her 

     The Clark Family are from Virginia

     They were educators & fine men 
     My grandfather Thomas G. Clark was Josephs L. father & he was professor taught school. was a 32 mason & he organized Anderson first Lodge of Masons
     He always were a silk plug had & Aunt Moll kept it & let rats eat it up
I wanted it - for a keepsake. Well that is not all she had other things a copper bell he used in school when in Virginia.
     My brother has a very large picture hanging in his home of Thomas G. Clark & my brother has his name Thomas G. C.
     He always wore black cloth suits & high collars. a gold chain around his neck for his watch. His vest was 2 rows of buttons.
     He was representative at that time his picture was made - I loved him & he was fond of me. He had a stage coach from Virginia. The nigger road on top & after his death we used it & made it all over.     
     O I could not tell you all for so many are yet in Virginia & only recently I got pictures from there
     They are colonial ancestors & I am
proud of the name but yet we find many Clarks no relation. I have lots of things I could tell you if I could talk
     I am the only one left to tell it & the oldest. I have a sister who visits- Aunt Anna at San Pedro & will soon be there this winter   Reuben Clark was the father of James Clark. James the of Thomas G. Clark. Thomas G. was Joseph L. father & then Dan & your Joe. I have all the family & could write a book on them & I know all who they married & where born but it cost money & takes time to write it all up  
  I spent $30- getting copies of deeds & wills of our Clarks from Virginia Court Records so I might make a book for each family & I found Clarks who would not help me & laughed & yet they are well off too
     Well Dear Winifred you & I may never see each other "You have nice children & that is fine. Where o where is Dannie Joes bather. I only wish


We might meet some time
     I have been in California, about all over it. We were at convention at San Francisco. Democratic Convention & my husband was a delegate from Indianapolis
     We lived then in Indianapolis & we went on to Portland Oragan to Shriners Convention as my husband was 32 mason & Shriner We had private car & one small hotel & enjoyed it - so much & them to Vancover & every where for 3 months.
     We then did not know of you in fact when I would ask Aunt Moll she never seemed to take interest about your husband & I would say dont you ever want to see any of them & she would use a cuss word.  
     Poor Soul her brother said she was always a little off  She never could get along with anyone yet I helped to take care of her quite a lot, I don't think she left very much.
     Now you say Joe is in the grain business. I hope you do well
our Country has been hard hit all over U.S.A. & I want time to get better The after affects of far left - it so
Then the managed power & many causes
     We were quite well todo one time & the depression tore us up. We were grain people ourselves. How I would love to live in California I love the state
     Right now we have a big snow & sleighs & bells ringing -for you know for the young folks Indiana is a wonderful state Artists & writers galore here beautiful roads leading places. best of all places to me but every state does not hold all the sceanery for God put it in all U.S.A. We love good people & you find the good & bad every where. God has a wonderful work yet to do to untangle the crime & make people good.
     I love good things in life & most happy doing goo. When we forgot ourselved & help to brighten the lives of others we become better souls & brighton the pathway for others
     Now I will pass your letter to my youngest sister & tell her to write you.     I bless you all in Gods Holy name
Wishing you untold happiness with peace & prosperity  I am your cousin
     Mrs LeRoy Urmston                                                             

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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Lindgren Family - Carl Herbert Lindgren - Retirement

 Carl Lindgren's Career Parallels P. V.'s Growth

     Most young corporations must rely upon a few individuals whose careers parallel the advances made by the organization. The presence of these men constitutes an invaluable store-house of experience, and a company would find it difficult to function without them. At Pacific Valves, such a man is Carl Lindgren, Vice-President and Manager of Engineering. Carl's association with P.V> spans the twenty-one year period from 1938 to the present. Under his tutelage, the Engineering Department has expanded from but one manu in 1945 to its present size.

      Carl's career began with the Dumm Brothers Petroleum Corporation. As a petroleum engineer, he was involved in every phase of the well-drilling business. Later, he assisted in the design of the first valves made by Pacific Valve and Pump Exchange for the Maritime Commission in 1942. At that time the only units produced were two, and two-and-a-half inch globe and angle valves of 300 pounds pressure. From 1942 to 1945, Carl's labors were divided between the shop and the designing board. By war's end, he was in charge of Engineering - applying the experience gained by the company during the years of conflict.

     Carl was born in San Francisco. He moved to Southern California in 1912, and attended grade and high school in Los Angeles. He worked his way through the University of California at Berkeley, where he was awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1929 ("An inauspicious year for a young graduate," he recalls). Prior to joining Pacific, he was employed in the MacMillan Petroleum Corporation's refinery operation.

     Carl's interest in geology has provided him with an interesting hobby. He is, in the vernacular of the mineral collectors, a "rock hound" His quest for mineral samples has taken him throughout the southwestern part of our country. When he has the time, he likes to go fishing. He divides his angling between the fresh and salt water varieties. Carol's wife, Helen is a native of Stockton, California. They are presently living at 1249 Nutwood Street in Anaheim. They have four children; Dwayne, 23 Ann, 20, Brian, 13 and Karen,6.

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Saturday, November 13, 2021

Allender Family - William Allender - Pension acknowledgement

 This is a letter from the Treasury Department that states the widow of William Allender will receive a Certificate in the amount of $150.00.

This paper was handed down to me from Karen Louise Lindgren Bradford on the occasion of her mother's, Helen Louise Clarke Lindgren, death.This document reads:

(FORM No. 21.)

Second Auditor's Office,
Apl 2, 1873.
     Inclosed you will receive a Certificate, No. 602068, for $150, payable to you as widow of dis & died or to your order, by the Paymaster General, U.S.A., at Washington, D.C. being for pay due William Allender, a late Private in Captain [blank] Company H, 5th Regiment of Iowa Vols, forservice from the     day of, 18  , when to the day   ,18   , time of his   , and $150.00 Bounty allowed by Act July 28 1866 and July 22 1861

Discharge sent to the Paymaster Genl
         Very respectfully,
Your obedient servants,

Mary M Wilson                E.B.Lunch

                                                Second Auditor.

B F Brown Ho


DSB Room No. 68     Pa
This is what I have found on:

Allender, William Age 25. Residence Birmingham, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlist Aug. 25, 1862. Mustered Aug. 25, 1862. Transferred to company I, Fifth Cavalry. See company I, Fifth Cavalry.

I then searched: 

Go to the above website to learn more about what this unit did during the Civil War.

Here is the link at Ancestry:

Because of the spouse's name on the pension paperwork I am thinking that Mrs. Allender could have been Mary Elizabeth Cornthwaite Clarke Kemmer Jackson.

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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Lindgren Family - Florence Christina Lindgren - 6 January 1974

 Sunday - 1 PM - 1/6/73 74

Dear Anne and all -

Am finally getting settled down after all the holidays, etc. It has been raining since last Friday - and snowing not too far away - such as Beaumont (people caught in it on way to Palm Springs for a couple of days and sleeping in churches, etc.). Lancaster, Saugus, etc. I have not been hiking since Thurs. a.m. as we really have had a great deal of rain. Have been looking for a break to sneak up to the hills but prospects seem nil. So will take the opportunity write some overdue letters and you  will be #1.

I am delighted with the pictures of the handsome young men in the Christmas card Your mom brought them to Linea's on Fri. eve., Dec 28th - so I grabbed them to show everyone p resent -  then I received my very own the next day or so. We had a nice dinner at Linea's with Gurly, Joan, Stevie and Bob, then your Mom, Karen and Dennis. They all had drinks downstairs at the bar, then a very nice dinner with baked ham - and a nice dessert of Baskin-Robbins ice cream balls of choco-mint, rolled in cocanut and little candles atop.

We all had Christmas eve at Gurly's - she had other relatives there too - and I think a total of 18 at that group. Gurly had a great Smorgasboard. I hike every day - the 5mi. route, including Christmas and N.Y.'s. The trail is very sloppy in this rainy weather so have skipped these past few days, but no matter the weather, go for a swim in the Glendale YW. We are expecting a new storm (so called here) tonight but will swim in the a.m. at 9. I prefer to hike before the swim but now with the daylight saving time will be on the trail before daylight and prob on top of Mr. Hollywood before sunrise. With this much rain will have to look out for the big washouts where I could stumble in the dark. So will make it in daylight first to see how things are after the rains. 2 that case, hike after swim.
Your Mom had sent a check payable to the "Instersection" so while I would have been happy to pay for the record she did the honors. It was $6, plus, including the mail. I don't know the exact amount. Speaking of dancing I saw this in a a motor club mag. "Hula dancers have it easy. All they have to do is stand around and twiddle their tums." I see the Y in Glendale has Belly Dancing class - 13 lessons for $26. They have advanced, intermed, and beginner. I note they have five classes per week - three on Wed. and two on Mon.

I have started in another swimming class on Thurs. at 10:00 AM - so I go on the hike first. This is a nice group (only 4). The pool is 75'X35" - 7 lanes. We are supposed to arrive 15-20 min. early [class starts at 5-?]  and do 18 lengths. I would like to do all with crawl, but my breathing is not that good so change off between front crawl, back crawl, sidestroke and breastroke - then if I really want a rest I do the elementary backstroke. The surgeon says swimming is great for anyone and he thinks the hiking is fine, too.  Apparently I got along better than most he has attended - as maybe I told you the last time I was in he said to the nurse - "she should show the others how to do it." Well, the thing is I had absolutely no problems - lucky! Have to go back in Mar. and then every 6 mos. for a checkup.

I am interested to know where you are working Anne. You have said so many nice things about your boss - but never did tell me about this job - kind of co., what you do, how you found it, etc. The last I knew about details of your job was the prior you.
                So let me know - am interested and happy for you that it suits you so well.  [nothing further noted]

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Clarke Family - Daniel Wilson Clarke - 6 August 1908 letter

 Wednesday morning.

     Hereford Texas 8/6-1902

Mrs D.W. Clarke

     My Darling. - I will write you a few lines while waiting for breakfast. We got to Amarillo Monday at 5.05 P.M. and here yesterday at --1a.m. but could not get away yesterday. Have a chance to get out this morning with a fellow who lives right where we were to go - It is 55 miles from Here.

     This is an awful pretty country. level as it can be - makes me think of the country west of Pawnee Rock

We had a very heavy rain last night. Harder than any we had down there this season. There is not much farming done here, but wheat and oats are good. We saw wheat that tested 62 1/2# and some of makes 50 bu[shels] per acre. Jas McFarling lives 12 mi N.W. of here. His brother is an M.D. here. I saw their dad yesterday and had quite a talk with him. He told me of a man near Amarillo that had just 6 acres of wheat that made 300 bu. They are getting 68 cts

a bu for wheat and 30 for oats. Have no thrashers only some little horse-powers.

     Butter is worth 25 cents here when they can get any eggs worth same price.
     I haven't seen a chicken since I have been in Texas. I expect to get a place before I come back 
If I dont file in N.M. I will buy about Amarillo. We were offered our pick of 80000 acres 20 mi north of Amarillo at $3.00 per acre - '15 down and balance at 5% and as long time as we want. It is on the Canadian river and they tell us that there is some fine bottom onit. Land is higher here and going up every day. I talked to a man yesterday that sold some land here a year ago at $6.50 an acre and he said he would be glad to buy it back for $13.00
They say it has gone up $1.00 an acre in the last week.
     While I can't say that I like it here I think I will get a place for raise in the....[I do not know where the rest of tis letter is.....]

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Clarke Family - Helen Louise Clarke Lindgren - Research Questions

These are research questions that Pat wrote Frank and Fred - I have no idea who these 2 are at all. This letter reads as follows:

                                                                                                                    1861 Castle
                                                                                 Anaheim, Califor. 92804
                                                                                 May 14, 1968
Dear Frank and Fred
Dear Fred and Frank:

     This gives you equal billing. Many apologies for not writing the last few Christmases and all that. Seem not able to keep up with time as it dashes along.
     My brother and I have just become interested in our family genealogy. On the Clark side He has a suspicion (very new) that we COULD be related to Abraham Clark who signed the Declaration of Independence and also that possibly Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition is an ancestor. Have just realized that my father added the E on Clark because he thought it looked better or something.
     On Mother's side I always had the belief that we went by to Henry Clay.

     Just had the pleasant surprise of hearing from Aunt Gertie's Elizabeth last week who was visiting in California. So this Afternoon she ended up in Anaheim. We EVEN recognized each other after some 40 years! We have been very busy asking each other "Did you ever hear of ***** or "WHO was _________? and all such.

     We are wondering How much either of you knows or remembers anything concerning family history? Names, locations, dates --.

Aunt Gertie was born in the Round house, a sort of fort at Pittsburgh - now a State monument 1876. (Why?)

Attended Plum Hollow school near Thurman Iowa 1888?


Do you Know anything about Brother Geo.W. Shafer - One old photo in old handwriting say Shafre.

Elizabeth knows nothing of a Cora Este who lived in Columbus & came out to Mothers 8-9 years ago.

One empty space in album say Aunt Mattie & Uncle Lew Friesel or Cora Esta.

Was he a brother of our grandmother Ann Eliz Frisel & where did they live?

There is also a picture of P.P. Piersol & his wife Callie labeled half brother pictures from Helena Montana (we neither recall this name at all)

empty frame of Charlie Bellinger & Herbert Wilson (I recall Herbert & Vertha in Los Angeles) where does Herbert fit in?

    Where does Will Allender, lion tamer in Circus fit in? He lived in Yucaipa?

There's also a picture of Myrtle & Lulu Quillen, cousins of Mothers have heard of these)

Oh-about Yuicaupa - someone there was in Circus but Allender doesn't seem to be name I recall.

Whatever you can think of will be appreciated.

My sister in law seems to think Aunt Kate died in Calif.Yes?

     What was your father's business? How & where did he meet Aunt Kate?

I always meant to write Mother's history but just procrastinated too long. Isn't it a shame to have neglected all this.

Where all did the Shafers live? My mother went to Stanberry Normal school in Stanberry Missouri but Eliz says Aunt G went only thru 8th grade. [Please note - this is not uncommon for school to only go up to 8th grade.]

Fred- did old fabulous copper pieces get on sale during miners strike?

I'm bursting with curiosity. Eliz will stay a week or so.                            Helen

PS Reading some old pension papers. Apparently Grandma Shafer married a Howard later because that is on a pension deal. One picture says Grandma Shafer Wilson.

     Have also a pension certificate of Allender saying widow May Wilson. Anything you can think of will add to our guesses.

(side of page) PS Carl's brain circ is very poor. Hasn't worked since Oct. He doesn't realize this - just thinks I urged him to retire. Not smart at all any more but as sweet as ever

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Lindgren Family - There's a Mountain lion in the back yard!

     On the morning of 24 December 2020, at 0930, I was sitting at our kitchen island eating  minding my own business when I happened to see a mountain lion trotting along the fenceline - right next to the fence. I ran to the sliding door yelling at Brian that there was a mountain lion in the back yard, as he was yelling out "Did you see that!" I decided to use the land line phone and called the police.

   I told the person answering that I had just seen a mountain lion in the back yard. They said they would send out an officer.
Within minutes, an officer arrived and I met him in the back yard. I told him I would come out to take pictures of the foot prints - but I forgot to bring a measuring tape. 
     He listened to me as we examined the prints and said that Fish and Game would come out shortly.

 Two officers from Fish & Game came out and looked at the prints. I was glad that I had taken pictures as the two men walked all over the fence line and prints.

     The bigger guy looked me IN THE EYE and said "It was a dog." I looked the guy straight in the eye and and said "It was a mountain lion."
     The second guy looked in  our North and South neighbors and said -"Yeah [whatever his name was]it was a mountain lion." 
     2nd guy then looked at me and said "[1st guy] said it was a dog because the lion drug his rear foot, which a dog would do." 
     Ist guy also observed that we had yard cameras. At that point I rolled my eyes and said "let's go take a look."
     I brought out my camera phone and we looked. There were no pictures. If someone or thing isn't within 25 feet of the camera it won't pick up anything further away.
      So that is why we now have a "lioncam" camera along the back fence line!

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Saturday, November 6, 2021

Clarke Family - Helen Louise Clarke - Engagement Announcement

 Betrothal Revealed at Party - 1931 [unknown paper]

     In Long Beach recently the betrothal of Miss Helen Louise Clarke and Mr Carl Herbert Lindgren was announced [w]hen the bride-elect and her mother entertained at the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority house. University of California at Los Angeles.

     The wedding will take place June 15 at3:45 p.m. at Wee Kirk O' the Heather in Glendale.

     Miss Clarke is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Meredith. Mr Lindgren, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl William Lindgren of Los Angeles, is a graduate of the University of California. He is a member of Theta Tau, honorary geology fraternity and Theta Nu Epsilon fraternity man.

[clipping - personal archives]

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