Sunday, February 9, 2020

Lindgren Family - From Herräkra and Söraby A Family History - page 148B

in return. She faced her illness with courage and never complained of her misery though she was so very weak. She had a strong faith and ready to enter a New Life on Sunday, July 15, 1979." Florie worked as office manager for Lawrence Systems.
     Robert was born in  1910 in Oakland and was married in 1940 to Gurly Schonborg (born in 1915 in Rhode Island). Gurly has provided me with the information and pictures on Christine's family. They have three children. Joan (1942) married Stephen Howland in 1966 and has one child, Stephen IV, born in 1967 in Whittier, CA. Margaret (1944) died in 1981. She and Joan were both born in Michigan.
     Robert James, Jr., was born in 1949 in Los Angeles and married Marion Phillips in 1982. She was born in Scotland in 1945.
     Christine's youngest child was Margaret. She married, but she and her husband both passed away within a very short time of each other.
     Robert was a Lt. Commander in the Navy during World War II. He was a graduate of the California Maritime Academy with an in engineering degree. Before and after his service time he worked for Kobe, Inc., a manufacturer of hydraulic oil pumps.
     Carl was a geologist and a graduate of the U. of Cal. at Berkeley, where Harry also received his degree. Linea was a grade school teacher with degrees from UCLA and USC, later worked as a school psychomotrist.

MÄRTA, JONAS' FAMILY         BORN            DIED             

Märta Nilsdotter                     25 Jan 1835       6 Jan 1887
h.Jonas Peter Gustafsson           15 Dec 1828               1908

1 d.Anna Jonasdotter                 3 Jan 1858          6 Oct 1946
    h. Mr. Karlsson                  6 Mar 1858         2 Feb 1937 
   - (Had children and grandchildren but research not yet completed.
[continued on page 148C]

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