Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Lindgren Family - Brian Carl Lindgren - page 21

Jobs I have done - Part 1-Dictated by Brian Carl Lindgren

When I was 16 years old [1962]- I loaded concrete blocks, concrete, redi-mix, manure (bagged), lumber, pipe - cut and threaded pipe (the old fashioned way) and drove a forklift. Almost tipped the forklift over one day while drag racing. (Lin-Brook Hardware, Anaheim, CA)

When I was 17 years old [1963] - This summer, Duane was raising corn in a field immediately adjacent to Nana's, my mother's mother's, house. I was going to sell the corn there at the side of the street and split the profit with him but the corn was not mature yet. I went to a larger farm on the west side of Knott's Berry Farm and bought corn there. I sold it at a 100% markup at Duane's field. Good money - lots of business. As I remember the corn was about $12 - $15 a crate (144 ears).

When I was 18 years old [1964] - I worked at Wallace Tractor Co - Cleaned shop and yard areas. Delivered and picked up tractors, loaders, and backhoes. Drove a truck and trailer through Watts, CA the day before the riots broke out in 1965.

Also when I was 18 years old - (Summer of 1964) I got up at 4A.M., Monday through Friday to help load up catering trucks (what we call food trucks now except they were much smaller). Think of a regular
sized pickup but with a specially built truck bed to hold drinks, sandwiches, chips, candy, coffee, and hot sandwiches. One of the largest sections of this truck was for cold sodas, iced tea, juices, etc., and this section needed lots of ice. My principle job was to take a contractor's sized wheelbarrow, and load it up as far as possible with ice from a walk-in ice maker - about 12 feet square. I would then take it out to the catering trucks and totally fill in the space set up for the cold drinks. The driver would then take over and position all the drinks as he wanted. I usually received $5 - $7 for each truck I serviced. I usually earned $30 - $35 each morning in tips for performing about 3-3.5 hours of work. Not bad - no taxes taken out. Then my buddy Kim and I would go to Newport Beach twice a week or so to go body surging for a couple of hours. Then it was home to bed. [I think Kim found this job for the 2 of them.]

When I was 19 years old [1965] - I drove a Yellow Cab in Anaheim, CA during the summer of 1965. [Brian told me that one time he was driving "a little old lady", who noticed a motel sign advertising that they had water beds. She said

something like "I wonder what that is like." Brian answered "Oh you don't want to stay there! Someone stayed there and got so tangled up in the sheets that they drowned!"

I don't know everyone in this picture, Karen is to the right of Brian.To the left of the picture is Anne, then Connie, and then MaryLou, Anne's friend. 

Between during my 20 - 24 years of age I spent them in the Coast Guard.

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