Sunday, February 9, 2020

Lindgren Family - From Herräkra and Söraby A Family History - page 147


     Emma Leaf was very close to at least two of her aunts --Märta and Britta --and several cousins who came to America. It is through these cousins that we were able to get on the track of Emma's roots.

     Märta was a sister of Emma's mother Catharina and was born 25 January 1835 in Söraby parish. Märta's husband was Jonas Peter Gustafsson, who was born 15 December 1828 in Lenhovda parish at Skaraskog, the son of Gustaf Kasque and Elin Arvidsdotter. Gustaf was a soldier, and his children, in addition to Jonas, were Johannes, Lena, Cajsa, Gustaf, and Eva Lisa.
     Jonas Peter Gustafsson had three children from a previous marriage. They were Ann (1858), John (1850) and Elin Elissa (1862). Born to Jonas and Märta were Emilia (1871) and Kristine (1873). Anna married a Mr. Karlsson, and Elin Elissa apparently married a Magnusson. I have some names as far as Ann and Elin Elissa's descendants are concerned, but haven't had time to fit things together. I have written down some of those things on Page 146B. Don't take them as gospel at this time.
     Before her marriage to Jonas, Märta was living at the home farm where she and niece Emma were both born. She left the Norraby Norrgård farm the year Emma was born (1856) and moved to Dädesjö. She died on 5 January 1887 when her daughter Kristina was 14 years old.
     Emilia emigrated to America 13 June 1887 but returned to Sweden on 2 July 1890. In the period between 1880 and 1890 the Gustafsson family lived at a croft called Kalleskruf or Slätten. The croft belonged to the village of Ramnasa in the parish of Dädesjö parish.

     In the parish records of 1880 there was listed a widow living at their home, Ann Stina Andersdotter, born in 1837. Named with her were her six children Anders Peter (1865), Ingrid Maria  (1868), Anna Katrina (1868), Matilda Lovisa

[continued on page 148]

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