Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Lindgren Family - Brian Carl Lindgren - Coast Guard - Gloucester City New Jersey - page 27

Coast Guard - Gloucester City New Jersey

"We had a buoy tender and the 32 foot vessels that did port inspections. We took care of the Coast Guard radios including a repeater station atop

the interstate bridge - now renamed the Walt Whitman Bridge. You went in a dinky elevator up until you were at the top of the bridge - 500 feet off the road. We had to park in the roadway as there was no pullout lane was. We would put out the orange cones so no one would hit our car. I only went up there once to service the repeater station.

"I did go to a horse show one weekend that was about 30 miles from Philadelphia.

"I was there about 6 months, before my mom contacted the Red Cross for me to come home and help take care of my Dad, who was deteriorating mentally."

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