Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Lindgren Family - Brian Carl Lindgren - page 26 - The Phillapines

The Philippines. 

Brian left Los Angeles on a commercial flight to Guam which took approximately 16 hours. His next flight from Guam to Clark Air Force Base in Manilla was approximately 4 hours. From Manilla to Talmpulan Island the
flight was approximately 90 minutes in length. Overall, Brian was in a plane for nearly 22 hours. All of the pictures on this page are from 15 February 2020.

This is one of the planes that brought personnel to the island. The picture is from 1962. Brian said that the planes very rarely landed on the beach. The planes usually landed on the other side of the island and the personnel were driven to the station. 

If you look to the left of the oblong island, is the reef where the guardsmen would snorkel.

The CO's quarters is at the far south end of the string of buildings. The 17 guardsmen were housed in the building immediately north of the CO's quarters. 

That building also housed the dining hall. The transmitter was in the very north building. The projector was in the dining hall and would project the images out of a window. The pieces of plywood, that substituted for a screen, were about the size of a road sign. The island's residents would sit back and watch the movies as well.

The Guardsmen would run the diesel generators 24 hours a day for the entire station.

By the way - There are multiple ways to spell "Phillipines".

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