Sunday, February 9, 2020

Lindgren Family - From Herräkra and Söraby A Family History - page 146B


     The following information on Christine Lindgren's half sisters, Anna and Elin Elissa, has not been substantiated or verified and is offered here as a starting point for future research. Because much of the material is written in Swedish, and I couldn't find anyone immediately to help with the translation, I could not research the material properly.
     Among Anna's descendants is a woman named Edith. The information I have says she is a daughter of Anna. But it also says she married Einar Gustavsson on  18 March 1935 and had a son, Harald, born 30 October 1936. I guess it would not be impossible for Anna to have a daughter married in 1936, but it almost seems like we're skipping a generation. If Anna's daughter Edith was born when Anna was 40 years old, then Edith would be 37 years old when she married and 38 when her son Harold was born. Edith's brother Edwin was married 30 December 1932 and had two daughters, one name Ulla. 
     Elin Elissa probably had at least two children. Erik appears to be a son and Hannah a daughter of Elin Elissa. On her death announcement Elin Elissa's last name is Magnusson. Assuming that was her first and only husband's name, son Erik Johan Albert would be a Magnusson, and Hannah must have married a Karlsson (Magni Gustaf Gustaf Daniel Karlsson).
     On a Christmas picture of Elin
Elissa's family, the identification on the back introduces many more relatives I cannot fit in at the present time. They are listed as Helena and Karl, Edith and Frans, Oscar Carlson, Erik, Gustav, Hannah, Elissa, Ruth Lundin, Linda Carlson, Ruth's brother Gunnar Lundin and Alfred Carlson. The picture was taken at Christmas, probably some time in the 1920' or 1930's.
     On another picture with Elin Elissa and a younger married couple, it talks about Edith being married in Östra Torså parish and goes on to mention son Harold and also Edwin, who had two daughters, ages four years and four months, the younger one name Ulla. The question is whether Elin Elissa is referring to her own descendants of those of her sister Anna. The picture is taken at what looks like Tarjo Månsgård, Torgelstad. The identification is in Swedish, and there are several words which I can't make out because of the poor handwriting.
     These pictures and several letters in Swedish written by Elin Elissa to her half sister Christine in California were sent to me by Christine's daughter-in-flaw, Gurly Lindgren. I will need more time to put the puzzle together. I am sure that the letters have some helpful information, but I can't translate them because I can't read the handwriting.
     Actually, we are not dealing here with blood relatives of mine. They and Christine, of course, had the same father. But there is no blood relationship with Christine's cousins --Anna Matson, Emma Leaf or Esther Lindblom. Nevertheless, it is information that we would like to have straight, and it is important to Christine's descendants.

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