Saturday, February 22, 2020

Lindgren Family - Brian Carl Lindgren - page 36

Brian had moved to  946 Heather Circle in Salinas California in the Summer of 1974. He had graduated with a Bachelor's in Science with a Major in Industrial Engineering and a minor in  Electrical Engineering.

He had been hired by Pacific, Gas, and Electric, for the Salinas office.
His mother Pat helped him buy his queen size bed, couch, coffee table, and end tables. She also bought him end table lamps, and a large swivel "leather" chair that rocked.
The apartment faced the swimming pool and was on the second floor of the building. You would park in the lot at the base of the picture, and walk towards the pool on the walkway between the 2 apartment buildings, passing the pool on your left, veering left and they up to the stairs on the right.

This was where Brian learning how to retrieve his lost change in the washer. He was frustrated after doing his laundry one day, because the change he had in one of the pockets had fallen out, and ended up under the agitator. He got his Phillips screwdriver out and took off the agitator and - voila! Not only was his change there, but there was
more money from previous tenants loosing their change as well.

When ever we went to the movies in town, Brian would first check all
three washing machine agitators in the complex for fast food and movie money! We would buy a couple of hamburgers from the golden arches and sneak the food into the theater. That was the only way we had money to go out!

Brian would bring a can of Tab with him being sure to be very quiet while opening it. One time we brought cheeseburgers and French fries from McDonald's, and when
we brought the fries out, within a minute or 2, people would suddenly catch the scent and turn around trying to find out where that delicious aroma came from! We never fessed up and never got caught - not that we would do that now, oh no, no, no...…!
The theater that we would go to was in downtown Salinas. It was a one man operation. The same guy sold you your tickets at the door, ran the concession stand, and then would run the projector. He probably also cleaned up the place after the end of the day's showings.

I worked from Dr. Frank Joyce, who was a dentist in Salinas California. He worked so he could drive race cars when he wasn't performing dentistry. He would drive fast from his home in Carmel Valley and get tickets. He would get stopped by the CHP or police for speeding. I think -
can't remember for sure, but he had so many tickets they had an arrest warrant our for his arrest. One day he was pulled over on the way to work and he showed his driver's license to the officer and said he had an emergency at the hospital and took off in that general direction. The policeman went to the hospital to check on Joyce's story and was told he wasn't on staff there. The police ended up coming to the office to find out what the story was. Dr. Joyce was rather egocentric to say the least.

We lived in Salinas until we moved to Atascadero California in the fall of 1975. PG&E, moved us. The movers called us one day and asked how much "stuff" we had. I told them it was a 500 square foot apartment. They said fine and came up from San Luis Obispo to pack us up and move us. Once the movers
came and saw how much stuff we had, they called for a packer to come from San Luis to help get things packed up. I didn't think that we had THAT much stuff in there!

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