Friday, August 9, 2019

Lindgren Family - Florie Lindgren Second Family Letter - page 1

Good Morning!

One more little note - am busy at work.

Last night I mentioned to Harry that I had written you and he said it was he who was in the swing when Carl
fell off the second story porch. Harry said there was a crossboard that gave way that Carl was leaning against and he flew out and to the ground. Said it was quite a Fall.

This a.m. when I came by MacArthur Park which is right between 7th and Wilshire at Alvarado (about 3 mi from downtown L.A.) I recalled that we used to go over there a lot - Westlake Park then it was called - and the boys would fish for carp - using wadded up bread for bait. I think they
just used string for a line and even pins for hooks but belief they also had some little black fish hooks.

When we first came to L.A. in 1910 or so we lived at Georgia near 10th St. Maybe I told you in the other letter we used to walk down to May Co which was then called Hamburger's - same building - at 8th and Broadway. They even at that time had an escalator which we called "the moving stairs" and they had a roof garden where we would go to play. Had some sort of a manual merry go round and other things for kids. We loved it.

Pop when we were very young and on Georgia brought home a punching bag wih mitts - also some boxing gloves - and we had some fun fights as well as serious ones. Guess he wanted us to get rid of some of the energy - we always had a lot.

At this house on Georgia Harry built a wooden platform way high in a eucalyptus tree - had cross boards for steps way up where there were no branches. I remember one time when Carl
was up there he threw a stone down and it hit and broke a windshield of a passing car - he was scared to death when the man got out and looked all around but never did discover him.
And you know there would be hardly any cars on the sts. in those days.
In fact my dad had a bike with a seat built on the bar and he would take one of us at a time our riding

Must get to work. XXXOOO


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