Friday, August 9, 2019

Lindgren Family - Florie Lindgren First Family Letter- page 5

On Mariposa Ave. we had a family baseball team - even my father joined in - we would get up at 5 AM and play in the st. When we first came the neighbors afterwards told us they were horrified at no. of kids - but we always were in good standing with the neighbors - except
One Halloween - rather morning after - we found that all the sidewalks on the street (Mariposa) had been dribbled with tar (black - oil tar of some kind) except ours and the family of 2 boys named Jim and Jack Redd. No one ever admitted to it but we are sure it was Harry - and maybe Carl in on it with the Redd boys. Plenty of cleaning with gasoline the next day but I don't think the boys helped for that would be admission.
We really used to have a good time going to the beach and swimming in the ocean - just loved it and as we got a little older we used to swim around the pier in a group like a school of fish - if one got tired he would just flop over and get some assistance from another by pushing the tired one along.
Carl and I went to Hobart St. school - a few miles away from the house and it was an interesting walk across lots and ditches and water and polywogs.

Only the boys had bicycles as that was too much of a luxury - they paid for them with paper routes. We used to get to ride them and then I also had a little friend - a whole head smaller than I - who had a nice (but small) bike. I used to ride her on the handle bars every place. I also used to rent a bike for a whole day for price of 25c[cents] - that is when I had that much money.

I know there are many more things but now I am thinking about all the work I have to do and must get to it.

I have enjoyed thinking about all the fun we used to have. You know I guess I had work to do but for the life of me all I can think of is the fun we had - I don't remember doing anything resembling work - and maybe I didn't - too tired (?) as Carl said to Mom.

Our parents were wonderful to us - one time GrandMa Rose - Spencer's mother - said "Your father thought you were a lot of little kings" - I was glad to hear that but she had a jealous tone when she said it. My father was wonderful to all children - taught Sunday school and brought the kids in the class candy - did they love him.

[Left side] P.S. My dad used to help give us baths on Sat. night - brush out the snarls in our hair and put it up on curlers - he loved to take the whole tribe out when we were littl - then when Harry got a little older - maybe 12 or so - he would not go along as he said "..People asked too many questions." My mother said Harry cried when he came home from school first day because ".. they didn't teach him to read." (bott

[Right side] Contd. When I told him this a yr. or so ago - he said "I learned to read myself before I went to school." Oh well, you didn't ask me about the boys great uncle but they may be interested in that too. Mom said he cried when they cut off his long curls - thought it was going to hurt like a Peg or arm!

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