Friday, August 9, 2019

Lindgren Family - Florie Lindgren First Family Letter - page 2

One nice story I remember about Carl when he was probably under 10 yrs. - He had a paper route and one day he came home with a beautiful collie - as pretty as Lassie ever was - but a male dog (understand the Lassies are sometime boys). Well, he knew where the dog belonged - a few miles away so he returned it to the owner. The next day the dog came home with him again and he again took it back to the owner. The third time he took the dog back and the man said .."..I can see that Tony would rather be with  you than me so I will give him to you ..". So Carl (and all of us) were thrilled to have this beautiful dog and he renamed him "Sport" which was a very popular name for a dog in those days.

A couple of years later someone poisoned Sport - it was a Sunday morning and Harry worked over him for hours but he died. Neither Carl or I could go to school the next day we were so sad and in fact cried so much we just couldn't go to school. I remember right where we buried him in the lot back of us.
When I talked to Gurly this a.m. - and got to the part of recalling days we loved to remember.. she said it was June, 1939, and she went down to Long Beach to call on you - Bob along too. No one answered the door bell but they could see lights in the house; so they went around in the back and looked in the bedroom. There Carl was asleep in bed with his arm around Duane on one side and around you, Ann, on the other. It was Mother's first night out since you were born and she had gone to a bridge party. Carl woke up and let G and B in and said - "Oh, I have to feed the baby." She said he was excited and she fed you.
We  used to go swimming over at Bimini Hot Springs all the time - that is when-ever we had the price of admission. We would go early in the a.m. and absolutely stay all day until our hands were as wrinkled as could be. My dad started taking us and we were very young when we all learned to swim. The first time we ever went Carl walked right off the deep end and DOWN to the bottom - not having any idea about deep water. The life guard fished him out.
I guess you know that he and another boy put a lizard in a large can of peaches when they were working at the cannery.

When Carl was older and in high school he was a very good basketball player and also threw the discus in track.

He always was of very sweet dispositin but I remember one time when Grandma L. asked him to do some chores - he was just about 8 - and he said "I am tired" and Mom said "I am tired too" - but he answered "Aw, you NEVER get tired."

I remember the time he went to the store for a bottle of milk - riding his bike -and he dropped the milk - tried to catch it - and fell on the heavy broken glass. You probably remember the scar. He lost so much blood and the dr. not able to handle the case - taken to hospital and it was all night we did not know if he would pull thru. I never prayed so hard in my life.
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