Friday, August 9, 2019

Lindgren Family - Florie Lindgren First Family Letter page 4

At office next day - and will add a few I thought of.

I guess only Carl and Harry are on wireless pole as that was too early for Bob to be there as he was born in 1910 and even if this was not 1913 but as late as 1917 he would then be too small to be top man - could have been a friend. Harry had to take the pole down when we went into WW I by request - should say demand of government.
On Sunday a.m. we used to take street car to town to go to Swedish Sunday school - it was about 5 mi. Then on way home we walked and used our 5c[cents] to stop at a wonderful "Allen's Kandy Kitche" where we always bought (each one) a bag of home made taffee - vanilla, strawberry and chocolate - not the kind wrapped in chews - but hard taffe candy they used to chop up with a little hatchet and a plumb full bag for 5c [cents] and would close the top by flipping the bag and little ears on ea. side. Yum-yum.
Did you know Carl was 2 1/2 yrs. old at time of S.F. earthquake? Our house did not fall - only the chimney of bricks came down. I was 6 mos. old and of course only remember what was told to me. Harry would be 7 yrs. old and he said he remembers it well - also said they -  he and is little boy/ friends would walk down - weeks follow quake - downtown - about 3 mi. and go thru all the rubble to find their little treasures. xxx Nights after the earthquake we had 44 people sleeping in our house.
Right or maybe with yr. or two after earthquake in S.F. we moved to Oakland - pop had a better offer - he always could get good jobs as he was very talented in his line as cutter and designer of very top men's clothes - full dress opera capes, etc. Did Aldoph Menjou, Charlie Chaplin and many, many celebs. clothes. Anyway, we lived in a 2 story house there and a swing hung from 2nd story. Carl one time was lying on his belling at second porch level - swinging someone and he xx swung himself off the porch the whole one story - and only knocked the wind out - no broken bones. Once I was swinging on my bellly in the swing and flew out and broke an arm.
We used to go hiking up Mt. Wilson after we came to L.A. in 1911 - Harry led the tribe of kids - so we would leave Mariposa Ave. about 3 AM - ride the yellow Pico car to downtown L.A. Then we would catch the Red Electric Car at 6th and dMain and get to foot of Mt. Wilson by 6 AM - hike up the pretty rought 7 mile trail - packed our lunch - and back in the evening. We had a lot of lee way - when you have 7 kids that is probably bound to be.
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