Friday, August 9, 2019

Lindgren Family - Florie Lindgren Second Family Letter - page 1

Good Morning!

One more little note - am busy at work.

Last night I mentioned to Harry that I had written you and he said it was he who was in the swing when Carl
fell off the second story porch. Harry said there was a crossboard that gave way that Carl was leaning against and he flew out and to the ground. Said it was quite a Fall.

This a.m. when I came by MacArthur Park which is right between 7th and Wilshire at Alvarado (about 3 mi from downtown L.A.) I recalled that we used to go over there a lot - Westlake Park then it was called - and the boys would fish for carp - using wadded up bread for bait. I think they
just used string for a line and even pins for hooks but belief they also had some little black fish hooks.

When we first came to L.A. in 1910 or so we lived at Georgia near 10th St. Maybe I told you in the other letter we used to walk down to May Co which was then called Hamburger's - same building - at 8th and Broadway. They even at that time had an escalator which we called "the moving stairs" and they had a roof garden where we would go to play. Had some sort of a manual merry go round and other things for kids. We loved it.

Pop when we were very young and on Georgia brought home a punching bag wih mitts - also some boxing gloves - and we had some fun fights as well as serious ones. Guess he wanted us to get rid of some of the energy - we always had a lot.

At this house on Georgia Harry built a wooden platform way high in a eucalyptus tree - had cross boards for steps way up where there were no branches. I remember one time when Carl
was up there he threw a stone down and it hit and broke a windshield of a passing car - he was scared to death when the man got out and looked all around but never did discover him.
And you know there would be hardly any cars on the sts. in those days.
In fact my dad had a bike with a seat built on the bar and he would take one of us at a time our riding

Must get to work. XXXOOO


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Lindgren Family - Florie Lindgren First Family Letter- page 5

On Mariposa Ave. we had a family baseball team - even my father joined in - we would get up at 5 AM and play in the st. When we first came the neighbors afterwards told us they were horrified at no. of kids - but we always were in good standing with the neighbors - except
One Halloween - rather morning after - we found that all the sidewalks on the street (Mariposa) had been dribbled with tar (black - oil tar of some kind) except ours and the family of 2 boys named Jim and Jack Redd. No one ever admitted to it but we are sure it was Harry - and maybe Carl in on it with the Redd boys. Plenty of cleaning with gasoline the next day but I don't think the boys helped for that would be admission.
We really used to have a good time going to the beach and swimming in the ocean - just loved it and as we got a little older we used to swim around the pier in a group like a school of fish - if one got tired he would just flop over and get some assistance from another by pushing the tired one along.
Carl and I went to Hobart St. school - a few miles away from the house and it was an interesting walk across lots and ditches and water and polywogs.

Only the boys had bicycles as that was too much of a luxury - they paid for them with paper routes. We used to get to ride them and then I also had a little friend - a whole head smaller than I - who had a nice (but small) bike. I used to ride her on the handle bars every place. I also used to rent a bike for a whole day for price of 25c[cents] - that is when I had that much money.

I know there are many more things but now I am thinking about all the work I have to do and must get to it.

I have enjoyed thinking about all the fun we used to have. You know I guess I had work to do but for the life of me all I can think of is the fun we had - I don't remember doing anything resembling work - and maybe I didn't - too tired (?) as Carl said to Mom.

Our parents were wonderful to us - one time GrandMa Rose - Spencer's mother - said "Your father thought you were a lot of little kings" - I was glad to hear that but she had a jealous tone when she said it. My father was wonderful to all children - taught Sunday school and brought the kids in the class candy - did they love him.

[Left side] P.S. My dad used to help give us baths on Sat. night - brush out the snarls in our hair and put it up on curlers - he loved to take the whole tribe out when we were littl - then when Harry got a little older - maybe 12 or so - he would not go along as he said "..People asked too many questions." My mother said Harry cried when he came home from school first day because ".. they didn't teach him to read." (bott

[Right side] Contd. When I told him this a yr. or so ago - he said "I learned to read myself before I went to school." Oh well, you didn't ask me about the boys great uncle but they may be interested in that too. Mom said he cried when they cut off his long curls - thought it was going to hurt like a Peg or arm!

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Lindgren Family - Florie Lindgren First Family Letter page 4

At office next day - and will add a few I thought of.

I guess only Carl and Harry are on wireless pole as that was too early for Bob to be there as he was born in 1910 and even if this was not 1913 but as late as 1917 he would then be too small to be top man - could have been a friend. Harry had to take the pole down when we went into WW I by request - should say demand of government.
On Sunday a.m. we used to take street car to town to go to Swedish Sunday school - it was about 5 mi. Then on way home we walked and used our 5c[cents] to stop at a wonderful "Allen's Kandy Kitche" where we always bought (each one) a bag of home made taffee - vanilla, strawberry and chocolate - not the kind wrapped in chews - but hard taffe candy they used to chop up with a little hatchet and a plumb full bag for 5c [cents] and would close the top by flipping the bag and little ears on ea. side. Yum-yum.
Did you know Carl was 2 1/2 yrs. old at time of S.F. earthquake? Our house did not fall - only the chimney of bricks came down. I was 6 mos. old and of course only remember what was told to me. Harry would be 7 yrs. old and he said he remembers it well - also said they -  he and is little boy/ friends would walk down - weeks follow quake - downtown - about 3 mi. and go thru all the rubble to find their little treasures. xxx Nights after the earthquake we had 44 people sleeping in our house.
Right or maybe with yr. or two after earthquake in S.F. we moved to Oakland - pop had a better offer - he always could get good jobs as he was very talented in his line as cutter and designer of very top men's clothes - full dress opera capes, etc. Did Aldoph Menjou, Charlie Chaplin and many, many celebs. clothes. Anyway, we lived in a 2 story house there and a swing hung from 2nd story. Carl one time was lying on his belling at second porch level - swinging someone and he xx swung himself off the porch the whole one story - and only knocked the wind out - no broken bones. Once I was swinging on my bellly in the swing and flew out and broke an arm.
We used to go hiking up Mt. Wilson after we came to L.A. in 1911 - Harry led the tribe of kids - so we would leave Mariposa Ave. about 3 AM - ride the yellow Pico car to downtown L.A. Then we would catch the Red Electric Car at 6th and dMain and get to foot of Mt. Wilson by 6 AM - hike up the pretty rought 7 mile trail - packed our lunch - and back in the evening. We had a lot of lee way - when you have 7 kids that is probably bound to be.
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Lindgren Family - Florie Lindgren First Family Letter - page 3

Most of my memories of later in life - maybe in high school - I don't like to have favorites but guess we all do, and Carl was mine.

I think it is so nice to have the evening of the 21st set aside as you intend to do. I read that part of the letter to the girls in the office - one has two children 5 and 7, and she said she was so glad to hear of the idea.
I have not been to Anaheim since return of the travelers - just talked to them on the phone. I will get down in the next week or so. Brian called the other night and wanted to go to Dodger game but I have been baby sitting my hiking partner (German friend - the Shepherd); also the cat, while family away in Montana for two weeks. The young girl, Cheryl, who owns the dog was married; so I fulfilled hhis post as a labor of love - they offered to pay me but only love would be the medium in that case. I just got home Sun. night. I know the dog liked my company and we did lots of hiking - at night.

Am so happy John is doing well - I can understand why he attracts so many people - prospective employers, friends, girls (?), ect. I know what an impression he would make on my boss.

I don't plan to go back to work - tho it will seem mighty funny as I have practically worked since I was 18 and that is almost crowding 50 yrs - 47 to be exact.

I have a trust fund and think I can get it at $350 per mo. Then I will have my social sec. On the trust fund I will have to pay income tax as xxxx I have not contributed anything to it. The trust fund should last me 15 yrs - that is payout until it is used up.

I love the picture of the boys and John. Passed that around the office too.

Harry finally sold his house and it went thru escrow Aug. 19th. A couple about xx 35  bought it. The man is Industrial Designer for Lowry's and he is really doing the place all over. Paid $50,000, and Harry is glad to have it off his hands. Harry still had $33,000 loan on it. The house was almost paid for when he and Inez made a $40,000 loan against it and invested inapt. house - this was poor investment and he immediatly lost $20,000 on resale. His taxes were $1650 per yr and now have gone up another $100. So you can believe he is happy to unload it.

I will be with you on the 21st. especially, but love you dearly all the time. I read my Unity every morning and sometimes carry it to work; so you knw how much I appreciate it.
Florie xxxooo
[Left side] Harry is hoping to get a call now to go to sea again - the longshoremen's strike has put his line in a bad way. He would like to ship off E. coast so as to go to Europe. A physicist friend of his, Dr. Lauriston Marshall, that we have know from way back as "Larry" flew into town and dropped in here - he had flown down from SF in a Lear jet.

[Right side]with Bill Lear, a personal friend (another genius) in a million dollar xxx plane. I went to dinner with them - what distinguished company - no Bill Lear along - Harry and Larry, but that was sufficient!

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Lindgren Family - Florie Lindgren First Family Letter - page 2

One nice story I remember about Carl when he was probably under 10 yrs. - He had a paper route and one day he came home with a beautiful collie - as pretty as Lassie ever was - but a male dog (understand the Lassies are sometime boys). Well, he knew where the dog belonged - a few miles away so he returned it to the owner. The next day the dog came home with him again and he again took it back to the owner. The third time he took the dog back and the man said .."..I can see that Tony would rather be with  you than me so I will give him to you ..". So Carl (and all of us) were thrilled to have this beautiful dog and he renamed him "Sport" which was a very popular name for a dog in those days.

A couple of years later someone poisoned Sport - it was a Sunday morning and Harry worked over him for hours but he died. Neither Carl or I could go to school the next day we were so sad and in fact cried so much we just couldn't go to school. I remember right where we buried him in the lot back of us.
When I talked to Gurly this a.m. - and got to the part of recalling days we loved to remember.. she said it was June, 1939, and she went down to Long Beach to call on you - Bob along too. No one answered the door bell but they could see lights in the house; so they went around in the back and looked in the bedroom. There Carl was asleep in bed with his arm around Duane on one side and around you, Ann, on the other. It was Mother's first night out since you were born and she had gone to a bridge party. Carl woke up and let G and B in and said - "Oh, I have to feed the baby." She said he was excited and she fed you.
We  used to go swimming over at Bimini Hot Springs all the time - that is when-ever we had the price of admission. We would go early in the a.m. and absolutely stay all day until our hands were as wrinkled as could be. My dad started taking us and we were very young when we all learned to swim. The first time we ever went Carl walked right off the deep end and DOWN to the bottom - not having any idea about deep water. The life guard fished him out.
I guess you know that he and another boy put a lizard in a large can of peaches when they were working at the cannery.

When Carl was older and in high school he was a very good basketball player and also threw the discus in track.

He always was of very sweet dispositin but I remember one time when Grandma L. asked him to do some chores - he was just about 8 - and he said "I am tired" and Mom said "I am tired too" - but he answered "Aw, you NEVER get tired."

I remember the time he went to the store for a bottle of milk - riding his bike -and he dropped the milk - tried to catch it - and fell on the heavy broken glass. You probably remember the scar. He lost so much blood and the dr. not able to handle the case - taken to hospital and it was all night we did not know if he would pull thru. I never prayed so hard in my life.
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Lindgren Family - Florie Lindgren First Family Letter page 1

September 15, 1971

Dear Anne, John, Blair and Brent:

How nice to hear from you! And with such a newsy letter. Thank you so very much. I read it to Gurly on the phone this a.m. and we enjoyed it together. She is so fond of all of you - she is really family.

I found this to be the only paper I had at home but thought I could be sure of getting a letter off to you this way as I usually get all tied up at the office. Am retiring at end of yr. so that should all change. My boss made a request of the Bd. of Directors forme to work through'72 but they they said it could not be done - I worked an extra yr as it is and I would as soon, if not rather, leave, but just didn't like to refuse his request. It will seem odd to have a little time after getting up every working day for 42 yrs. and going into 610 South Broadway - a little overdue in terminating I should or would say.

You know when we were kids not many pictures were taken at least when they got down to child #4 (Carl) and #5 (me). I went thru the relics and found the enclosed. Put a few notes on the back. During summer of 1917 the older "kids" in the family talked Grandma Lindgren in chaperoning a group of us in Ontario all summer while we worked at a fruit cannery. I was just 11 but Iworked there too and still have a scar to show for it - cut finger while halving apricots. So all the Ontario, Calif. pictures are taken at that time.

The picture in the Ford was taken one Sunday when 15 of us actually rode in it - even straddling the radiator - from Ontario to San Dimas Canyon - perhaps 20 miles - and believe we were a sight to behold. The car belonged to Mr. Rathbun who owned a dry goods store on Pico Blvd. and whose family (Leonare and Ted) own (XX) quite a store in North Hollywood - well known and excellent merchandise - a dept. store. Carl is on the front of the car and Bob on RF fender. Think I am at or near driver's seat. That is Mr. Rathbun next to me. Grandma Lindgren is partially covered by my head. Guess Grandpa Lindgren came up for Sun. and he is in back with Margaret. Nina is in rear by Mr. Rathbun and Linea in front. The girls you don't recognize are Leonore R. and Florence Cummings.

In the one picture Harry is doing a sort of spread eagle between apt. house and next bldg. while in the one with Carl next to apt. house bld., Carl is jumping across (how to keep parents from growing old!). Oh yes, and to add a few grey hairs, how do you like the pole sitters. That house sleeping porches on either side and we used to climb out and run all over the roof. No one ever fell off, however, I think about the cutest picture of Carl is the shy one sitting on front lawn with Nina, Linea and Margaret - dated approx. 1913.

Thought I would send the one of Grandpa Lindgren, Linea and Harry - circa 1903 - along just to give you an idea what was being worn in moustache line. I had an extra family picture - which I never did like - and am sending it along for a museum piece. This was taken just before Harry went to sea as wireless op. in 1919. Gee, were we sober. Bob needed new shoes. Isn't Carl handsome in the snow pic. Also inthe photo - after his hair turned wavey. That it for pictures and all I could find.
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