Monday, April 11, 2022

Scherer Family - Christian Scherer - Land Sales

I found two documented land sales for Christian Sherer from Charles Jones both of Preble County. The sale of this deed reads as follows: 

Charles jones deed to C. Sherer. Record[d] 18 Jan 1830

This Indenture mad this 23rd day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundfred and twenty nine Between Charles Jones of Preble county State of Ohio of the one part and Christian Sherrer of the county and State aforsaid of the other part Witnesseth. that the said Charles Jones doth for and in consideration of the Sum of twelve hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Christian Sherrer the receipt whereof the said Charles Jones doth here by acknowledge that the said Charles Jones hathbargained granted sold aliened and confirmed and by these presents doth bargain grant alien and confirm unto him the said Christian Sherrer his heirs or assigned forever all that message or tenement of land lying and being in the county aforesaid being a part of the South East quarter of Section No. 34 of Township No. 6 in Range No. 2. East,Beginning at the SouthEast corner of the above discribed quarter running thence North one hundred poles to a Stone thence West one hundred and sixty Poles to a Stone. Thence South one hundred poles to a stone thence East one hundred and Sixty poles to the Beginning  Containing One Hundred acres -
Together with all the commodaties advantages profits hereditaments thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to the Said messuage or tenement of land above discribed To have and To hold the said peice or parcel of ground Together with all the profits advantages appurtenancy and hereditaments thereunto belonging or in anywise apportaining to him the said Christian Sherrer his heirs of 


assigned to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the Christian Sherrer his his heirs executors administration or assigned forever and they the said Charles Jones and Anna his wife, for theirselves their heirs executors adm[d]. or assigned will forever warrant and defend.    In Witness whwhereof, they the said Charles Jones and Anna his wife, hat hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals. the day and year above wittess
Signed sealed and delivered                            Charles Jones   [seal]
in the presense of us                             Anna Jones [seal]        
Henry Jones
Elisha Stubbs                                    

The State of Ohio}[?] on this twenty third day of September, in the 
      Preble County}year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty nine, Charles Jones and Ann his wife, the grantors named in the within Deed of Conveyance, personally appeared before me one of he justice of the peace in and forsaid county and severally acknowledged the signing and sealing there of  their [?]  Deed for the purposes therein expressed. And the said Anna having been made known to the contents of said deed, and being by me examined separate and apart from her husband, declared that she voluntarily of her own free will and accord without fear or coercion of her husband did and now doth, acknowledge the signing and sealing thereof.
     Given under my hand and seal, the day and year first above Written,
Elisha Stubbs, JD

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