Saturday, April 16, 2022

Bone Family - John Bone - Probate Records

I found John Bone's probate record in , on 6 November 2021.They were on page 274 of 2336, in film 007712732.

These read as follows:

John Bone, Deceased;
Butler County,       ;
January 4th 1859
     Be it remembered that on application to  the Probate Court of Butler County Ohio by Robert L. Bone Executor of the Last Will and Testament of John Bone, deceased, and the said Will having been proved by the oaths of William E. Brown and Thomas Millikin the
subscribing witnesses thereto, it is ordered that the same be admitted to record as the valid Last Will and Testament of the said John Bone deceased; Thereupon the administration of the estate of the said John Bone deceased is granted unto Robert L. Bone, Executor aforesaid, and the said Robert L. Bone, together with James Hardin and James E. Young, his bail, gave bond unto the state of Ohio in the sum of Fourteen thousand dollars.

This record was found on in the file of "Ohio, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1786-1998 for John Bone. Butler [county] > Will records, Vol 1-2, 1851 - 1874, page 322 of 1275. This page reads as:

John Bone, Deceased, = January 4th 1858

In the name of God, Amen; I John Bone of Milford Township Butler County, Ohio do make this my last will and testament. Item- I will and devise that all my debts and funeral expenses be first paid out of my personal estate. Item - I will and direct that my Executor hereinafter named as soon as convenient after death convert all my personal estate into money, and that he also as soon as convenient after my death sell and convey all my Real Estate and convert the same into money said sale of my Real Estate to be made by my said Executor [?] at public or private sale as he may see fit.  Item, I will and devise to my daughter Margaret Cornthwaite the sum of One Hundred and Fifty dollars, to be paid by my Executor out of my estate.     Item I will and devise that all the residue of my [?] estate be distributed equally among my four children, Robert L. Bone, Sara G. Bone,  Alexander B. Bone and Sarah Ann Steels   Item, In the Event that either  of my said children should die before this will takes effect, it is my will that the children of said deceased child shall receives his or her share under this will.     Item, This my will that no account whatever be taken of any money or property I may heretofore have given, or may hereafter give to either of my said children as advancement but that my Estate remaining at my decease shall be distributed as heretofore devised    Item, I hereby nominate my son Robert L. Bone to be the Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made   In witness whereof I have here to set my hand and seal this December 6 1855.

John Bone    Seal
Executed in my presense, Wm E. Brown. Thomas Millikin
     The State of Ohio, Butler County, SS, Probate Court within and forsaid County of Butler and State of Ohio. Be it remembered, that the Probate Court of the County of Butler aforesaid, holden at Hamilton in the Said County of Butler on the 2nd day of January One thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Nine, before the Honorable William R. Kinder, Judge of said Court of Probate, tho within or before written last Will and Testament of John Bone, who is now deceased being presented for Probate by Robert L Bone, the Executer therein named, and Wm. E. Brown and Thomas Millikin the subscribing witnesses to the said Last Will and Testament, appearing in their [?] persons in said Court and being duly sworn, deposeth and [?], and each of them for himself deposeth and sayeth, that in his and their presence the said John Bone the Testator subscribed, acknowledged and [?] the witness before writing as and for his last Will and Testament, and that at the time of the said signing and acknowledging the said testator was of sound and discerning mind, memory and judgement, over twenty one years of age, and under no  restraint, and they verily believe And that at the  request and in the presence of the said Testator they the said William E. Brown and Thomas Millikin subscribed their names as witnesses of the said Last Will and Testament,       Wm E. Brown Thomas Millikin. Sworn and subscribed in said Court the day of January AD 1859   W R Kinsler Judge of Butler Probate Court.
         And there upon the same was ordered and be admitted to Probate and Records as the valid Last Will and Testament of the said John Bone, deceased,

          By the Court, Wm A. Kinder Probate Judge, January 4 1859.

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