Sunday, April 17, 2022

Lindgren Family - Anne Christine Lindgren - A Letter about Helen "Pat" Louise Clarke Lindgren

I believe that Anne wrote this letter shortly after Pat died. I believe it was handed out at her funeral. This letter reads as:

Good morning!! I'm Anne Lindgren Davison, a proud daughter in this family. I want to express to each of you how IMPORTANT you were to our Mom. HER life was rich and full, because of all of you and all the others who have gone before, and are now embracing her with their love.

She would want me to REMIND each of you that she was READY and yes, HAPPY to begin her eternal life. She wouldn't want you to feel sad or depressed - that to HER would just be a waste of time. A friend of Mom's sent a get well card to the house which was followed shortly by a sympathy card to the family which read "By now you have had my card saying "Get Better Soon and SHE DID. I'll miss a good friend, but we know she can now breathe without difficulty." Mom was SO THANKFUL that she WAS free of pain and when her time came, she quietly slipped away. The Cost of Saying Good Bye is saying HELP.

As my two sons, Blair and Brent, are in law enforcement, my thoughts often go along those lines. I was thinking of how a "Wanted" poster would read for Mom. It might say WANTED: 4' 11" white female, clear of mind, full of love, humor, and concern for her fellow man, constantly helping others in many ways. ALIAS': Mom, Mother, Nana, Sis, Pat, Helen, Nana Pat, Sarge and others -but all names to which she proudly answered.

PLACES TO BE FOUND: in a chair reading, at garage sales, cars being driven around like a contented cocker spaniel, on a plane flying to my family in Florida, on the phone encouraging - NO, TELLING people when they were scheduled to donate blood. She could also be found in front of  ANY flower arrangement that needed her special touch, in her garden working well after dark, or delivering food to others, or planning and organizing various committees in church, schools, and in the community.

THINGS SHE LOVED: her God, her beloved husband, her children, grandchildren and great granddaughter, her WONDERFUL and FAITHFUL friends, a good paperback - well, really, almost ANY paperback or magazine, tearing out coupons and recipes or articles of special interest to someone else and giving advice. In fact, if you ever asked her for her opinion she was NEVER stumped for an answer!!!


OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Mom was a water conservationist LONG before society realized how vital that effort was - she really worried about this world running out of water. She also worried constantly about the tree roots that infiltrated the water lines at her house. She often said that her idea of Heaven was a place where she didn't have to worry about the plumbing!! THAT WAS OUR MOM!!

Mom saved everything: NO, she didn't have that "everything in it's place kind of house. Well, yes, there WAS a place for everything - and by golly, if you just walked around long enough, you would find it. You see, it saved a lot of time that way. You didn't have to go through endless, BORING, file folders or complex data recovery systems to get what you wanted. Interestingly enough, this carried through to saving ALL the cards, letters, and school projects that her children and grandchildren ever sent to her. She kept them in a four drawer chest and called them "HER TREASURES". How meaningful that is to us now, as we can see back in time in our lives as we wrote notes and letters to her.

The wonderful thing about friends and family is that we are NOT ALONE - we can reach out to one another at times like these and offer comfort and support. There is an abundance of happy and humorous memories to put a smile on our faces as we say "Well, that was Mom or Nana or Pat or Helen"

It all went according to her script and somehow I know she is pleased about that.

We sincerely want to thank each of you, so very much for being here today.

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