Friday, December 17, 2021

Clarke Family - James Clark - page 9 - Probate - Culpeper - Administrative Costs

 I found this at on 11 December 2021. This is a list of the Administrative costs for handling the estate of James Clark of Culpeper County Virginia. This reads as:

Page 428
Admin afo
The estate of James Clarke dec?

In account with Copeland P Cartcher, adm
who qualified 21st June 1852
July 24  To cash paid Thos.W. Gray, for crying sale                                                                 no 1 $1.00
Nov. 10   " Wm.F. Martin, bal. of a/c               2  8.77
      23   " Joshua Smith    do      do             3  1.00
Jany 1      " John W. Frushee   Bond             4 50.00
Apl. 2      "  Wm. W. Smith   bal a/c            5   1.00
May 20    "  C.C. Beckham  2 bonds             6  40.46
Aug 15     "  A. Kempers' adm  bond              7  15.45
Oct. 19    "  Shff. taxes 1852                        8  3.32
   "    "      "  F. Mangy, Fee bill                    9  4.10
   "    "      "  S.A. Murphy, [?] of A.S. Ashby admin}
                 P. Murphy decd bal. bond       } 10 27.88
   "   19    " R.H. Buckner, in part of note 11 12.50 
    "   "     " [???] in 118.42   rects  5 [?]       5.92       
                         les.                           113.78
By amt. of Sales
   " This sum of Wm Duncanson, bal. a/c      .70
    "    do       "    A.J. Garner            do       .69
   "     do       "    J.T. Murphy           do       .75
   "     do       "    Emily Hansbrough do     2.50
Oct. 19"   balance due admn.                     53.00           


=============                ====================
      Culpeper C. Ho. Va   
Claims. office Feby. 16th da 1854
                         On the 9th day of November 1853, Copeland P. Centcher laid before me, a commission of the County Court of Culpeper, a statement of his account as above of James Clarke dcd.
together with his vouchers; and having [?proven] the notice required by law of the said account being before me for Settlement, I have this day stated & settler the same, as will be seen by the foregoing statement, showing a balance due the adm. of $53.00 on the 19th of Oct. 1853. The bond given by the admin. is sufficient - all whish is reported.
F.M. Latham Comm.
Culpeper County Court May 15th 1854.
                          The Settlement of the account of Copeland P. Catcher admn. of James Clarke decd, having been returned & filed for thirty days, and no exception being taken thereto, was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.
JMangy cr.                        

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