Friday, December 17, 2021

Clarke Family - James Clark - page 5 - Probate Records - Culpeper County - Will and Distributions of Estate

I found James Clark's will who I believe, at present, to be the father of Thomas G. Clark. This will reads as:

James Clarks

In the name of God amen. I James Clark in the County of Culpeper being in perfect mind and memory make this my last will and testament,

Inpremis. I lend to my dear wife during Ten Year half that Tract of Land lying or being in the County of Orange, and the Tract I now upon in the County of Culpeper. It is my desire that at her decease the said half Orange Tract should fall to my son Ambrose and should he die without an Heir to fall to my son Thomas likewise I lend to my wife during her life four negroes (vig) Nab, Jude, Bill and Eve, Two mares valued at thirty pounds five cows and calves, Ten Sheep, fifteen Hogs, Three feather Beds and the House hold Furniture and likewise two work steers, one Blase faced Colt and a Grey Horse,

Item. I give to be equally divided [?] my sons Reuben and Joseph (at my wife decease) this Tract of Land I now live upon being or lying in the County of Culpeper and if both of them should die without Heirs that one of these parcels should fall to my son John and the other to the Surviving Children. but if only one of them should die without an Heir this said part & Land. must fall to John and his Heirs forever,

Item I give to my son James that remaining half Tract of Land lying or being in the County of Orange likewise a negro boy named Ben, to him and his Heirs forever,

Item I give to my son John fifty pounds or a third part of the Value of said Orange track of Land to be paid him by my sons James and Ambrose at my wife decease likewise a negro Boy named Peter to him and his Heirs forever,

Item I give to my son Thomas a negro Boy named Jack and thirty pounds to be paid by my son Reuben & Joseph at my wifes decease to him and his Heirs for ever             

Item: I give to my son Joseph a negro Girl named Beck, and the little black mare colt to him and his Heirs forever,
Item. I give to my son Ambrose & Red Corbin able part with those that have negroes out of my wife's Legacy at her decease.
Item. I give to my Brother Joseph Clark negro Girl named Winny for the use of my daughter Elizabeth during her life. at her decease to fall to her Children to be equally divided
Item. I give to my son Reuben a negro boy named Frank and the bay mare Colt to him, and His Heirs forever,
Item. I give to my daughter Lucy a negro Girl named Rachael to her & her Heirs forever.
Item. I give to my daughter Nancy a negro Girl named Hannah one feather bed, a cow and a calf to her and her Heirs forever,
Item. I give to my daughter Molly a negro Girl named, by Phillis one feather and a Cow and calf to her and her Heirs forever.
Item I give to my daughter Sucky a negro Girl named Nelly & Feather Bed a Cow and a Calf to her and her Heirs forever,
Item. I give to my daughter Joannah, a negro Girl named little Phillis to her and her Heirs forever. 
Item, I give to my daughter Fanny a negro Boy named Joe to her & her Heirs forever.
Item. I give to my daughter Rhoda a negro Girl named little Eve to her and her heirs forever.
Item. It's likewise my desire that such of my Children [a] their negroes that the said Negro or Negroes should be valued so that each Childs part maybe made equivalent.
Item. Its my desire that my son Ambrose (at my wifes decease) should an equal part with the last before any division be made, and then an equal part of the Residue.
Lastly. I appoint my dear wife my brother William and Joseph Clark Executors to this my Last will and Testament hereby revoking all others by me here tofore made In Witness whereof I have here unto  [?] my hand and Seal this second day of June seventeen Hundred and Eighty Nine.                                                         James Clark (L?)
In presence of }
William Porter}
Joseph Clarke }
Henry Sparks  }
Page 344
At a bond held for Culpeper County the 21st day of September 1789
     This Last will and Testament of James Clark Deceased was [?] to the Court by Mary Clark Executrix and William Clark one of the Executors thereto named and was proved by the oathe of William Porter, Joseph Clark and Henry Sparks witnesses thereto, and Ordered to be Recorded, and on the motion of the said Executrix and Executor, Certificate is Granted them for obtaining a [?] thereof in due form they having made oath thereto, and gave Bond, and Security according to Law [Liberty?] being reserved for the other Executor to qualify when he shall thing fit and at a Court held for the said County the 19th day of October 1789. Joseph Clark the other Executor therein named came in to Court and on his motion Certificate is granted him for allowing a  [?] thereof in due form he having made oath thereto and gave Bond and Security according to Law
John Jameson Ct. [?]                  

If you have problems finding this source, I copied this from on 5 March 2022.

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