Sunday, December 5, 2021

Clarke Family - Reuben Clark - page 4 - Probate Records - Will

In the name of God Amen. I Reuben Clark of the County of Madison Co., State of Virginia, being very sick & weak in body, but of perfect Sense and memory calling unto mind the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the times, do make and ordain this my last will & Testament in manner following - 

     First I give to my wife Bathsheba Clark, one negro man named Bazel, and named Will, and negro woman named Mary, one negro girl named Leah, and boy named Harvey also two other boys named Willis and Gabriel, also the tract of Land where on on I now live, being part of a tract I purchased of Cattell Canway, to be to her during her natural Life- Item- I give to my son James Clark the tract of Land I purchased of Rober Waren containing by a deed from his success are to me two hundred & fifty five acres more of less, also one horse, one Cow & Calf, and feather bed of [furniture],one negro man named Soloman to him and his heirs forever                                                                                                  74

Item I give to my son William Clark the tract of Land I purchased of William Sine also part of the tract I purchased of Cattell Conway being the upped end, to begin at the river side opposit a sink hole, & running thence up near a draine with a row of persimmon trees to a dividing line between myself & the heirs of James Callius decd both tracts together supposed to contain two hundred acres bethe same more or less. also ane horse, saddle & bridle and [?] half an feather bed of furniture, one negro boy named Joseph to him and his heirs forever-
     Item-I give to my son John Clark the trach of Land wherever I now live after the death of my wife Bathsheba Clark being part of the tract of Land I purchased of Cattell Conway, also one horse saddle & bridle, one Cow and Calf and bed and furniture, one negro boy named Aaran, to him and his heirs forever-
     Item-I give to my daughter Elizabeth Clark one negro woman & child named Fanny & Maria, one horse, saddle and bridle, and Cow and calf, & feather bed & furniture to her and her heirs forever-
     Item, I give to my daughter Rhoda Clark, one negro woman named Eve and horse, bridle & Saddle, and Cow & calf, one feather bed & furniture to her and her heirs forever-
     Item, I give to my daughter Tabitha Clark, one negro girl named Dorcas, one horse, saddle, & bridle, and Cow and Calf one feather bed & furniture to her and her heirs forever
     Item, I give to my wife Bathsheba Clark, all the residue of my Estate both real & personal, during her natural life and at her death, all of which I bequeath to her, here, and heretofore accept that which is otherwise dispersed of; To be equally divided between my Children namely, Mary Blakey Ann Shorter, Frances Booton. Jemima Burdine, Lucretia Clark, Bathsheba Anderson, James Clark, Elizabeth Clark, Rhoda Clark, William Clark, Tabitha Clark and John Clark, to [deem] and their heirs forever-
     Item, I give and bequeath to my six children James Clark Elizabeth Clark, Rhoda Clark, William Clarke, Tabitha Clark and John Clark at the death of my wife Bathsheba Clark, all the negroes I have heretofore given my wife Bathsheba Clark during her natural life namely Bazel, Will, Mary Leah, Henry, Willie & Gabreal, then and their increase to be equally divided among my six Children above named, James Elizabeth, Rhoda, William, Tabitha and John to them and their heirs forever-
     I Constitue and [appeal to my] sons James Clark and William Clark Executors of this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other wills by me heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this my Last Will & Testament, In Witness whereof I do set my hand and Seal this tenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and Seven
     Signed Sealed published [?]  }
to be his Last Will & Testament }     Reuben Clark {SS}
In presence of......................       }          Thumb
Jonathan Kirtley                                           print
David PP Shals
Benjamin Havey
At a Court Continued and held for Madison County of Friday the 28th Day of October 1814. This Last Will and testament of Reuben Clark deceased was established [?]

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