Friday, December 31, 2021

Schonborg Family- Harold Carl Schonborg picture

These are some odds and ends including a picture of Harold and I believe his father. I believe the picture came from Cousin Bob.

Is the above photo of Harold and his Dad? I can't tell.

Obviously the date on this snippet below has an error regarding the date of Harold's death.

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Schonborg Family - Harold Carl Schonborg - VT-5 Jaluit Bombing Attack

I do not know when I found this listing of Aircrew killed in action on 1 February 1942.

Harold is listed as #8.

The BuNo is 0352

The Pilot was Lt J C Moore*

Harold is listed as  RM3c [Radio Man 3rd class] H C Schonborg*  

AOM1cH F Omo* was the Gunner

The script for this reads as follows: 

     Four significant efforts were mounted during February and March 1942, providing three TBD squadrons with "warm-" experience for greater things. On 1 February the Enterprise task force struck the Marshall Islands while Yorktown's group attacked the Gilberts. The "Big E" kicked off with a predawn launch against Kwajalein Atoll - 37 SBD's and nine TBDs, which bombed a light cruiser and a submarine. Lt Cdr Lindsey's aircraft released 54 500-lb general-purpose bombs with marginal results.

     A false alarm of two carriers in the lagoon prompted the launch of nine more TBD's under the command of VT-6 executive officer Lt Cdr Lance Massey in the US Navy's first aerial torpedo attack. Finding no carriers, the 'torpeckers' attacked other targets and, all told, Enterprise Air Group damaged eight or more ships. But enemy flak and fighters took a toll, downing five SBDs.

     The Devastators claimed four hits on a transport and two oilers when in fact only one ship was torpedoed. The 'torpeckers' were lucky, with only three aeroplanes damaged, but the 'Big E's' report stated prophetically:

     "Fighter protection for VT is mandatory. Fortunately, in this action VT-6 encountered no air opposition, but it is certain that their mission [next page]

would not have been accomplished had they been intercepted by enemy fighters which were in the near vicinity"

     Yorktown's aviators also fared poorly this day (actually 31 January across the International Date Line). In marginal weather they lost six of the 28 first strike aircraft, four of those belonging to Torpedo Five, which apparently fell victim to the weather conditions. Lt H T Johnson, the squadron's executive officer flying No 7 (BuNo 0298), and Ens H R Hein in No 6 (1516), ditched out of fuel.

     With their crewmen they made their way to tiny Gebu Island, where they were accepted by friendly Micronesians. However, two days later the Japanese found the Americans, who spent the rest of the war in captivity. Two more Torpedo Five aeroplanes apparently collided in heavy cloud as Lt Jack C. Moore's No 8 (0352) and Lt Max V Maher's No 10 (1507) were lost with all hands. Additionally, No 5 (0333) aborted when Lt(jg) R Denniston was unable to retract his landing gear.

     Only two enemy ships were damaged in return for these losses.

     Three weeks later, on 24 February, Enterprise hit Wake Island with minimal results. Nine TBDs dropped 108 100-lb bombs from 12,000 ft as VT-6 attacked oil tanks and a moored seaplane, but overall damage was limited. Then, on 4 March, the 'Big E' attacked Marcus Island, without launching VT-6, and without substantive damage to either side.

     Torpedo Six lost an aircraft on 18 February when Lt(jg) John T Eversole became disoriented in high winds and made a water landing about 60 miles from the task force. Happily, the crew of 'Tare 18' was rescued by a destroyer the next day and returned to Enterprise. Additionally, VT-3 lost a Devastator on the 22nd, a reminder that naval aviation posed more hazards than enemy aircraft or AA guns.

     Upon Enterprise's return to Pearl Harbor VT-6's executive officer was reassigned. Lt Cdr Lance E Massey assumed command of Saratoga's Torpedo Three, relieving Lt Cdr J E Clark. Massey inherited Clark's well-conceived doctrine of torpedo attack, and decided to keep the previous CO's tactics, which would be tested in less than 90 days.

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Lindgren Family - Peggy, Joan, and Bob

From Robert James Lindgren 7 December 2020:

Peggy is on the left; Joan is on the right and, and Cousin Bob says he is playing Forrest Gump.

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Lindgren Family - Robert James Lindgren - My VIet Cong Friend pages 1 and 2

This is a letter from Cousin Robert James Lindgren, 4 November 2021. He titled the email "My Viet Cong Friend." This typed document, written by Gary D. Belden at an unknown date.. This reads as:

     It was a long hot hump to the Tu Cau Bridge, , about two miles from Camp 413. Motor transport had left on high and dry again. Walking on both sides of the dirt road in staggered formation 20 meters between each man, we finally arrived.

     First or Second Platoon was pulling bridge watch. Third Platoon's objective was to be a blocking force for the ARVN. The ARVN were to sweep and drive the enemy to our position between the river and along the main service road.

     I watched Lieutenant Puller and "Red" Watson, the radioman, head for the command bunker. I set my machine gun down facing the open area and sat down myself.

     I yelled at my squad leader, "Hey Gray, I'm going on R&R in three weeks. I'm going to celebrate my nineteenth birthday in Bangkok."

     Our conversation was interrupted by sniper fire from the tree line on the north side of the road. the grunts returned fire at the tree line instantly. With the platoon engaged in a firefight to the north, we'd got ambushed from the village to the south, across the bridge. We had been set up by a few snipers so the main NVA force could get the advantage to our backs. We were pinned down in the open on an elevated road, getting hit from both sides.

     The next words were "guns up." It was time to get with the program. I followed Gray, running with our gun, listening to the AK-rounds zip past me. We reached the generator bunker, and diving in behind me were To Mousel and Joe Oncay. We had made the 100 yards without a scratch. Lt Puller and Watson were in the bunker. Puller told us to fire at will.

     We had plenty of enemy running in the village and the battle was intensifying. Watson yelled, "Jets are up, sir!" In less than a minute a silver Marine F-4 Phantom streaked at  tree-top level. The pilot had the 20-millimeter cannon firing and he released two bombs that hit directly on the village. It was one big explosion. Dirt, smoke, and wood from the buildings filled the air. The opposition from the village was over.

     We left the generator bunker and made our way back to the platoon. We took a few sniper rounds from the tree line on the north from behind some civilian hootches.

     I watched as a Marine raised up and shot as if he had a specific target. At that moment an old man jumped up in the doorway of his hootch. He was screaming and thrashing as if to tear the air down. The old man was pushed aside by a woman carrying her young daughter. The mother and daughter were covered with blood, and as they made their way to us we recognized the young girl.

     She was the young girl Joe Oncay had named Wendy. When we were on bridge watch, this young girl would come to our position each morning to trade fresh fruit for out Korean-vintage cigarettes and leftover chow.

     The Corpsman ran to get Wendy, and she and her mother along with the Marine casualties were medevaced to Da Nang. The word came back that Wendy's right arm had to be amputated, but she would recover.

     Six weeks later we moved to the Tu Cau Bridge to stand watch. The next morning we had a visitor-it was Wendy. She had a hard time keeping her balance as she climbed the five-rung ladder. We took her basket from her left arm to make it easier for her to climb. Her right shirt sleeve was tucked and pinned neatly, two inches below her right shoulder.

     She had a big grin on her face and has happy to see us. Our exchange went as usual, except we gave her more for her fruit.

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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Clarke Family - Thomas G. Clarke - School Bell

 I believe that this is the hand bell that Thomas G. Clarke used to let students know that school was in Session.

It is mentioned in the Urmston Family letter written in 1936 from Mrs. LeRoy Urmston who lived in Anderson Indiana.

I believe that Minnie Ann Clark Urmston wrote this letter. She married Leroy Urmston [validated by the letter] 26 March 1885 in Madison County Indiana.

I found her on the 1880 Indiana census in Madison County, city of Lafayette, ED 23.

On that document, she is living in the household of her father, Alfred Clark. Her mother is listed as Savina.

In the 1860 census for Madison County Indiana, Lafeyette Township, I found an Alfred living in the household of Thomas G. Clark.

I believe that the Alfred Clark living in the Thomas G. Clark household is the same person that Minnie names in the letter written in 1936. 

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Saturday, December 18, 2021

Lower Family - Joseph Lower - Findagrave

I originally found this entry for Joseph Lower on 17 March 2017. This entry reads as demonstrated to the right in 3 entries.

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Lower Family - Joseph Lower - Marriage

 This record came from and is part of the Ohio, US, County Marriage Records, from 1774-1993, Preble County 1808 - 1867. 

This document reads as follows:


     These are to certify the within named Joseph Lower and Sally Price was lawfully joined together in Marriage by me Wm Leas J.D. Given from under my hand this 23rd day of Dec 1811.

I realized after studying this page that Sally and her sister Betsy were married on the same day by the same J.D.. That record -just above Joseph and Sally's entry reads:


     These are to Certify that Patrich McGriff and Betsy Price were married by me this 23rd day of Dec 1811.  Wm. Leas J.P.

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Friday, December 17, 2021

Clarke Family - James Clark - page 9 - Probate - Culpeper - Administrative Costs

 I found this at on 11 December 2021. This is a list of the Administrative costs for handling the estate of James Clark of Culpeper County Virginia. This reads as:

Page 428
Admin afo
The estate of James Clarke dec?

In account with Copeland P Cartcher, adm
who qualified 21st June 1852
July 24  To cash paid Thos.W. Gray, for crying sale                                                                 no 1 $1.00
Nov. 10   " Wm.F. Martin, bal. of a/c               2  8.77
      23   " Joshua Smith    do      do             3  1.00
Jany 1      " John W. Frushee   Bond             4 50.00
Apl. 2      "  Wm. W. Smith   bal a/c            5   1.00
May 20    "  C.C. Beckham  2 bonds             6  40.46
Aug 15     "  A. Kempers' adm  bond              7  15.45
Oct. 19    "  Shff. taxes 1852                        8  3.32
   "    "      "  F. Mangy, Fee bill                    9  4.10
   "    "      "  S.A. Murphy, [?] of A.S. Ashby admin}
                 P. Murphy decd bal. bond       } 10 27.88
   "   19    " R.H. Buckner, in part of note 11 12.50 
    "   "     " [???] in 118.42   rects  5 [?]       5.92       
                         les.                           113.78
By amt. of Sales
   " This sum of Wm Duncanson, bal. a/c      .70
    "    do       "    A.J. Garner            do       .69
   "     do       "    J.T. Murphy           do       .75
   "     do       "    Emily Hansbrough do     2.50
Oct. 19"   balance due admn.                     53.00           


=============                ====================
      Culpeper C. Ho. Va   
Claims. office Feby. 16th da 1854
                         On the 9th day of November 1853, Copeland P. Centcher laid before me, a commission of the County Court of Culpeper, a statement of his account as above of James Clarke dcd.
together with his vouchers; and having [?proven] the notice required by law of the said account being before me for Settlement, I have this day stated & settler the same, as will be seen by the foregoing statement, showing a balance due the adm. of $53.00 on the 19th of Oct. 1853. The bond given by the admin. is sufficient - all whish is reported.
F.M. Latham Comm.
Culpeper County Court May 15th 1854.
                          The Settlement of the account of Copeland P. Catcher admn. of James Clarke decd, having been returned & filed for thirty days, and no exception being taken thereto, was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.
JMangy cr.                        

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Clarke Family - James Clark - page 8 - Probate - Inventory of Items Sold

a/c Sales

A list of the property of the Est. of the late James Clarke decd' Sold
1 Lot Saws                  1.00  Capt. Gordon
1 Hatchett, snare & punch .35  Capt. Gordon
1 lot Chisels   No 1  .20   Capt. Gordon
5 Chisels        " 2   1.00   Capt. Gordon
5   "              "  3   .37 1/2 Wm T. Martin
1 lot Old irons         .25 George Hughes
2 planes                 .60 James T. Murphy
5 planes                 .30   Capt. C.T. Cantcher
1 Gun barrel & stocks 1.05 Wm. T. Martin
1 Large gouge           .85 Wm. T. Martin
1 Lot gouges            .12  Wm. T. Martin
1 Lot Pattern          .12  Wm. T. Martin
2 Large Augers       .30 Capt. Gordon
1 Long [augers] & [calipers]    .36 Wm. T. Martin
2 Spoke shoes & burning iron  .12 George Hughes
1 Tool adds                         .75 Thos Harris
1 circular Saw                     .15 Jno. Brown
1 Cross cut Saw                 2.00 Thos. Harris
1 axe                                  .24 Capt. Gordon
1 Grindstone                       1.75 Wm. T. Martin
1 Lot hub band                    .35 Jno Brown
5 Hub bands                      .01   "         "
4 wheels for 2 Horse wagon    12.50 C. P. Cantcher
4    "       "   1     "       "          11.00 D.R. Hughes
1 Lot spokes 380 [&] 2.55       9.69 Thos Harris
1 Lot hounds for wagon            .83   "      "
1 Lot [?] plank 22 feet             .35  Wm. T. Martin
1Lot [?]8     "      "  40            .32 Thos. Harris
1 "       "    plank                      .57 Wm T. Martin
1 Work bench & vice               3.00 Jas. T Murphy
            Carried over          $50.73 1/2
      Amt brought over        $50.73 1/2
5 Hubs .10c                           .50   Wm. T. Martin
1 Spoke shave                         .50  Thos Harris
1 Saw rest   8c                       .08    "           "
1 Brace & nine bits                  .62 1/2 Jas. T. Murphy
5 Bits                                  .75         Wm. T Martin
4 Wagon Railing                   .50           Thos Harris
1 Lot plank                            .40   Wm. T. Martin
2 Walnut plank                      .15    Thos Harris
1 Turning lathe                       .50   Wm. T. Martin
1 Spoke holder                        .08      "             "
1 Hub frame                          .12 1/2    "            "
1 Drawing [line]                     .15   Jas. T Murphy
1 Lot Barrels                        .02     "             "
1 Buggy & harness               15.00     E.T. Clarke
1 Heifer                             11.00     A.D. Ashby
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Clarke Family - James Clark - page 7 - Probate Records - Inventory

I found this list of James Clark's belongings in It was in the collection titled "Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1500 The page numbers start on 121 through and including page 124.

This page, 86 of 567 reads: 
Clark in
A list or appraisements of the property of the est.[tate] of James Clark noted July 23rd 1852.

4 Saws                                               2.00
1 Hatchet. squares & punch                        .75
1 Saw belt braces & [?] spokes [?]              3.00
1 Set chisels                                          1.50
1 Set old irons                                        .25
7 planes                                              2.00
1 Gun barrel, 2 stocks & [?]                     2.00
3 Large gauges                                     1.00
1 Set gauges                                          .50
1 Set patterns                                       1.00
3 Large augers &  compass[?]                  1.30
2 Spoke shaves & burning iron & [?]          1.00
1 Fellor Saw & foot adds                        1.50
1[?] cut saw                                         2.00
1 axe & Singletree                                    .50
1 Grinder stone & crank                          2.00
1 Set hub bands                                       .50
3 Boxes for hubs                                     . 6
4 wheels for 2 horse wagon                    18.00
4 unfinished wheels                               12.00
1 Set felloes                                            .50
1 Set - plank                                           .50
1 work bench & vice                                 3.00
5 hubs                                                   .50
1 Set plank                                             1.00
1 Turning Lathe for Hubs                         1.00
1 Horse shaving & fix for hub                      .50
1 Buggy & harness                                 35.00
1 large Cow                                            7.00
Cont. page 87 of 567 reads:

1 Black Cow & calf                            15.00
1 Heifer                                          10.00 
1 Set barrels                                       .25
1 Lot books                                       .75
2 large waters                                   1.00
1 pr pitchers                                       .50
1 Bedstead, bed & furniture                30.00
1 Bureau & [?]                                 7.00
1/2 dozen chairs                                3.00
1 Clock                                            1.00
4 Window hangings                          1.00
1 folding table                                  2.00
1 large dinner pot                             2.00
1 Tray & skillet                                 .50
1 Shovel & tongs                               .50
1 saddle                                          1.50

We the undersigned proceeded to appraise the property agree able to the annexed order, which is respectfully submitted.

Eli McVeigh
William Stone
J.T. Norman

Steamsburg 16th Oct. 1852
A confirmation of inventory of the estate of Jas. Clark decd.
Coleman Beckham a/c            $7.50
Wm. Dunconson a/c                8.60
Jos. Morman  a/c                    15.75
Jas. H. Nowles                       6.75
William T. Martin                  5.30        
            Amt. Brot. over         44.10

Wm. Smith ac.
Joshua Smith
Saml. Berlin
Jas. T. Murpy
A. Guarner
Mrs. Emily Hansbrough
Blucher W. Hansbrough
William Ross
A.S. Ashby
All of which is respectfully submitted agreeable to order
William Stout
Eli McVeigh
J.T. Morman

Culpeper County Court Clerks office December 20th 1852.
          This appraisement of the estate of James Clark
J.Massey c.o.

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Clarke Family - James Clark - page 7 - Probate Records - Culpeper Inventory


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Clarke Family - James Clark - page 5 - Probate Records - Culpeper County - Will and Distributions of Estate

I found James Clark's will who I believe, at present, to be the father of Thomas G. Clark. This will reads as:

James Clarks

In the name of God amen. I James Clark in the County of Culpeper being in perfect mind and memory make this my last will and testament,

Inpremis. I lend to my dear wife during Ten Year half that Tract of Land lying or being in the County of Orange, and the Tract I now upon in the County of Culpeper. It is my desire that at her decease the said half Orange Tract should fall to my son Ambrose and should he die without an Heir to fall to my son Thomas likewise I lend to my wife during her life four negroes (vig) Nab, Jude, Bill and Eve, Two mares valued at thirty pounds five cows and calves, Ten Sheep, fifteen Hogs, Three feather Beds and the House hold Furniture and likewise two work steers, one Blase faced Colt and a Grey Horse,

Item. I give to be equally divided [?] my sons Reuben and Joseph (at my wife decease) this Tract of Land I now live upon being or lying in the County of Culpeper and if both of them should die without Heirs that one of these parcels should fall to my son John and the other to the Surviving Children. but if only one of them should die without an Heir this said part & Land. must fall to John and his Heirs forever,

Item I give to my son James that remaining half Tract of Land lying or being in the County of Orange likewise a negro boy named Ben, to him and his Heirs forever,

Item I give to my son John fifty pounds or a third part of the Value of said Orange track of Land to be paid him by my sons James and Ambrose at my wife decease likewise a negro Boy named Peter to him and his Heirs forever,

Item I give to my son Thomas a negro Boy named Jack and thirty pounds to be paid by my son Reuben & Joseph at my wifes decease to him and his Heirs for ever             

Item: I give to my son Joseph a negro Girl named Beck, and the little black mare colt to him and his Heirs forever,
Item. I give to my son Ambrose & Red Corbin able part with those that have negroes out of my wife's Legacy at her decease.
Item. I give to my Brother Joseph Clark negro Girl named Winny for the use of my daughter Elizabeth during her life. at her decease to fall to her Children to be equally divided
Item. I give to my son Reuben a negro boy named Frank and the bay mare Colt to him, and His Heirs forever,
Item. I give to my daughter Lucy a negro Girl named Rachael to her & her Heirs forever.
Item. I give to my daughter Nancy a negro Girl named Hannah one feather bed, a cow and a calf to her and her Heirs forever,
Item. I give to my daughter Molly a negro Girl named, by Phillis one feather and a Cow and calf to her and her Heirs forever.
Item I give to my daughter Sucky a negro Girl named Nelly & Feather Bed a Cow and a Calf to her and her Heirs forever,
Item. I give to my daughter Joannah, a negro Girl named little Phillis to her and her Heirs forever. 
Item, I give to my daughter Fanny a negro Boy named Joe to her & her Heirs forever.
Item. I give to my daughter Rhoda a negro Girl named little Eve to her and her heirs forever.
Item. It's likewise my desire that such of my Children [a] their negroes that the said Negro or Negroes should be valued so that each Childs part maybe made equivalent.
Item. Its my desire that my son Ambrose (at my wifes decease) should an equal part with the last before any division be made, and then an equal part of the Residue.
Lastly. I appoint my dear wife my brother William and Joseph Clark Executors to this my Last will and Testament hereby revoking all others by me here tofore made In Witness whereof I have here unto  [?] my hand and Seal this second day of June seventeen Hundred and Eighty Nine.                                                         James Clark (L?)
In presence of }
William Porter}
Joseph Clarke }
Henry Sparks  }
Page 344
At a bond held for Culpeper County the 21st day of September 1789
     This Last will and Testament of James Clark Deceased was [?] to the Court by Mary Clark Executrix and William Clark one of the Executors thereto named and was proved by the oathe of William Porter, Joseph Clark and Henry Sparks witnesses thereto, and Ordered to be Recorded, and on the motion of the said Executrix and Executor, Certificate is Granted them for obtaining a [?] thereof in due form they having made oath thereto, and gave Bond, and Security according to Law [Liberty?] being reserved for the other Executor to qualify when he shall thing fit and at a Court held for the said County the 19th day of October 1789. Joseph Clark the other Executor therein named came in to Court and on his motion Certificate is granted him for allowing a  [?] thereof in due form he having made oath thereto and gave Bond and Security according to Law
John Jameson Ct. [?]                  

If you have problems finding this source, I copied this from on 5 March 2022.

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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Clarke Family Tree


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Friday, December 10, 2021

Lower Family - Cynthia Anne Lower - page 3 - Obituary

I "refound" this obituary in December 11 2021, on This obituary reads as:                                                       

MRS. CYNTHIA RAINS                                          
                                    DEAD AT BALTIMORE                        
Former Washington township Resident was 88 Years of Age-Burial Near Milton
{Special to the Item}

Milton, Ind., July 17.--Mrs. Cynthia Ann Rains died at the home of her son, Frank Clark, at North Baltimore, Ohio, yesterday morning after a few weeks' illness. She was 88 years old. She leaves four sons, Slias Clark of Milton, Alfred Clark of Portland, Joseph Clark of Kansas City, and Frank Clark of North Baltimore, Ohio. She also leaves three sisters, Mrs. Sarah Woods of Liberty, Mrs. Latitia McMullen of Logansport, and Mrs. Wilson of Newton, Kas.
     Mrs. Rains was the daughter of Joseph Lower and was born in this township. She was twice married, her first marriage being to Thomas Clark. Afte hris death she was again united in marriage to Bazael Rains, who is also deceased. She isthe mother-in-law of Mrs. Elizabeth Rains of Nebraska, who is now spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Beeson.
     The body will be brought from North Baltimore, Ohio, to the home of her son, Silas Clark, about three miles south of town, on Saturday. the funeral services will be conducted at Valley Grove chapel Sunday about 10:30 a. m. Friends will meet at the home of Mr. Clark about 10 a. m. Interment in Valley Grove cemetery.



     Mrs. Cynthia Rains, age 88 died at her home in North Baltimore, O., Friday.  She was the mother of Silas Clark, south of Milton and her remains will be brought to his home this afternoon on the Lake Erie road at 2:28. The funeral will be at the Valley Grove church Sunday morning and the interment will be in the Clark lot in the adjoining cemetery. [I do not remember which newspaper I found this in.]

I found this clipping on in December 2020. this obituary reads as:

       The Grim Reaper

     Milton, Ind. July 18-Cynthia A. Rains, 88 died at the home of her son. Frank Clark, at North Baltimore, O. this morning. She was the daughter of Joseph Lower, of pioneer days in this township, and was born south of Milton. She was twice married, her first husband being Thomas Clark, and after his death, she married Bazael Rains, who is also dead. She leaves four sone, Frank Clark , of North Baltimore, O.; Silas Clark of Milton, Alfred Clark, of Portland, Ind., and Joseph Clark, of Kansas City. She also leaves three sisters, Mrs. Sarah Woods of Liberty; Mrs. Latitia McMullen, of Logansport, and Mrs. Wilson, of Newton Ill. The body will be brought to the home of her son, Silas Clark, three miles south of Milton, Saturday. The funeral will be at Valley Grove chapel, four miles south of here, Sunday morning, and interment in that cemetery. She was the mother-in-law of Mrs. Elisabeth Rains of Nebraska, who is now with Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Beeson at Milton.

I found this obituary at in December of 2020. It reads as follows:
Cambridge City Tribune (Cambridge City, Indiana)

Mrs. Cynthia Anna Rains died at the home of her son Frank Clark, of North Baltimore, Ohio, Thursday. She was born in Washington township, Wayne county, Ind, 88 years ago and was the daughter of the late Joseph Lower. She was twice married-first to Thos. Clark, who deceased, and later to Bazael Rains, who also preceded her in death. Of her immediate family she leaves her sons, Silas Clark, of Milton, Alfred Clark, of Portland, Ind., Joseph Clark, of Kansas City, and Frank Clark, of Baltimore, Ohio, with whom she made her home. She also leaves three sister, Mrs. Melinda Wood, of Liberty, Mrs. Latitia McMullen, of Logansport, and Mrs. Wilson of Newton, Ill. The body of the deceased was brought to Milton Saturday afternoon and taken to the home of her son Silas Clark. The funeral took place at Valley Grove chapel near Beesons Station. Rev. A.N. Marlatt, of Connersville, officiating. Interment in Valley Grove cemetery. Among the relatives present were Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Clark, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark, of North Baltimore; the grandchildren-Mr. and Mrs. Urpeaton, of Tipton, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Coversion, of Goshen, Thos. Clark, of Elwood; the sister, Mrs. Wood, of Liberty. Relataives from Connersvill were J.B. Jones, Orvel Jones, Ellsworth Jones, Mr. and Mrs Edward McIntosh, C.M. Buckley, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard McMullen, of Waterloo, also Mrs. Elizabeth Rains, of Milton.

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Sunday, December 5, 2021

Clarke Family - Reuben Clark - Page 5 - Probate Records - Bonds of Guarantors

This copy of the Excais bond reads as: 
Reuben decd.
Escais bond
page 75

     Know all men by these presents, That we James Clark and Henry Price are held and firmly bound unto Paschal Early, Robert Thomas, William Bootau, John Hume and Thomas Shurley, Gentlemen, Justices of the Court of Madison County now sitting in the sum of ten thousand dollars to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made to the said Justices, and their successors, we bind ourselves, and each of us, our and each of our heirs, executors and Administrators, jointly and severly firmly by these presents. Sealed with and seals, and dated this 28th day of Octobe Anno Domini, 1814, and in the 39th year of the Commonwealth. 

The Condition of the above obligation is such, That if the above obligation is such, that if the above bound James Clark Executor of the last will and testament of  Reuben Clark deceased, do make or cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels, and credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands and possession or knowledge of the said James Clark, or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for him and the same so made, exhibited in the County Court of Madison at such time as he shall be thereto required by the said court, and the same goods, chattels and credits, and all other the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, at any time afore; shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of the said James Clark or with the hands and possession of any other person or persons for him do well and truly administer according to Law:  And further make a just and true account of all his actings and doings therein, when thereunto required by the said County; and all shall well and truly pay and deliver all the legacies contained and specified in the said testament, as far as the said goods, chattels and Credits will thereunto [?] and the Law shall charge, then this obligation to be void and of us effect, or else to remain in full force and ordered.

      Sealed and delivered in the}                     James Clark Seal
     Presence of the Court      }                   Henry Price  Seal

At a court held in Madison County the 28th day of October 1814.     
     This bond was in open Court acknowledge by the parties thereunto and ordered to be recorded.
Benjamin Cade [court clerk]     

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Clarke Family - Reuben Clark - page 4 - Probate Records - Will

In the name of God Amen. I Reuben Clark of the County of Madison Co., State of Virginia, being very sick & weak in body, but of perfect Sense and memory calling unto mind the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the times, do make and ordain this my last will & Testament in manner following - 

     First I give to my wife Bathsheba Clark, one negro man named Bazel, and named Will, and negro woman named Mary, one negro girl named Leah, and boy named Harvey also two other boys named Willis and Gabriel, also the tract of Land where on on I now live, being part of a tract I purchased of Cattell Canway, to be to her during her natural Life- Item- I give to my son James Clark the tract of Land I purchased of Rober Waren containing by a deed from his success are to me two hundred & fifty five acres more of less, also one horse, one Cow & Calf, and feather bed of [furniture],one negro man named Soloman to him and his heirs forever                                                                                                  74

Item I give to my son William Clark the tract of Land I purchased of William Sine also part of the tract I purchased of Cattell Conway being the upped end, to begin at the river side opposit a sink hole, & running thence up near a draine with a row of persimmon trees to a dividing line between myself & the heirs of James Callius decd both tracts together supposed to contain two hundred acres bethe same more or less. also ane horse, saddle & bridle and [?] half an feather bed of furniture, one negro boy named Joseph to him and his heirs forever-
     Item-I give to my son John Clark the trach of Land wherever I now live after the death of my wife Bathsheba Clark being part of the tract of Land I purchased of Cattell Conway, also one horse saddle & bridle, one Cow and Calf and bed and furniture, one negro boy named Aaran, to him and his heirs forever-
     Item-I give to my daughter Elizabeth Clark one negro woman & child named Fanny & Maria, one horse, saddle and bridle, and Cow and calf, & feather bed & furniture to her and her heirs forever-
     Item, I give to my daughter Rhoda Clark, one negro woman named Eve and horse, bridle & Saddle, and Cow & calf, one feather bed & furniture to her and her heirs forever-
     Item, I give to my daughter Tabitha Clark, one negro girl named Dorcas, one horse, saddle, & bridle, and Cow and Calf one feather bed & furniture to her and her heirs forever
     Item, I give to my wife Bathsheba Clark, all the residue of my Estate both real & personal, during her natural life and at her death, all of which I bequeath to her, here, and heretofore accept that which is otherwise dispersed of; To be equally divided between my Children namely, Mary Blakey Ann Shorter, Frances Booton. Jemima Burdine, Lucretia Clark, Bathsheba Anderson, James Clark, Elizabeth Clark, Rhoda Clark, William Clark, Tabitha Clark and John Clark, to [deem] and their heirs forever-
     Item, I give and bequeath to my six children James Clark Elizabeth Clark, Rhoda Clark, William Clarke, Tabitha Clark and John Clark at the death of my wife Bathsheba Clark, all the negroes I have heretofore given my wife Bathsheba Clark during her natural life namely Bazel, Will, Mary Leah, Henry, Willie & Gabreal, then and their increase to be equally divided among my six Children above named, James Elizabeth, Rhoda, William, Tabitha and John to them and their heirs forever-
     I Constitue and [appeal to my] sons James Clark and William Clark Executors of this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other wills by me heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this my Last Will & Testament, In Witness whereof I do set my hand and Seal this tenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and Seven
     Signed Sealed published [?]  }
to be his Last Will & Testament }     Reuben Clark {SS}
In presence of......................       }          Thumb
Jonathan Kirtley                                           print
David PP Shals
Benjamin Havey
At a Court Continued and held for Madison County of Friday the 28th Day of October 1814. This Last Will and testament of Reuben Clark deceased was established [?]

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