Friday, November 27, 2020

Lytle Family - Robert Lytle - Revolutionary War Pension - page 3

The State of Ohio}   Butler Common pleas.
Butler County}        October [?]

On this nineteenth day of October in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty two personally appeared before the Honorable the Judge of the Court Common Pleas [?] sitting in the County of Butler and State of Ohio Robert Lytle a resident of said County of Butler aged seventy nine years who being first duly sworn according to [?] dothon his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832 that some time in August or September in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and seventy Six in the County of Cumberland & State of Pennsylvania he  [?] in a Company Commanded by Captain Thomas Tarbert in the Regiment under Col Frederick Sweatt [?] and \\\\\\\\\\ commanded to Philadelphia to Trenton: Princeton, Brunswick and Amboy at [which] last place the army [re?] a few days when they were ordered to march to the relief of the forces on Long Island at which place they did not arrive [?]Consequence of meeting a portion of troops retreating from said Island at {Benfle town} at which he remained until he had served a [?] of three month after which he was discharged - That in seventeen hundred and Seventy eight he again went out as a Militiaman of the State of Pennsylvania in the Company commanded by Capt McConnell in the Regt he Commanded by said Col Watt and was  [?] at a place in Bucks County Pennsylvania called "Crooked Billet" where the forces were attacked by the British forces and [?] were about fifteen wounded American were burned to death by setting on fire a [?] wheatfield in which they laid - that he remained in said County as a part of a force to prevent the carrying of provisions to the British  [?] then lying in Philadelphia until another term of two months had expired - That on seventeen hundred and seventy nine at the time the Indians had attacked and captured Free=Cornd's Fort  on the first Branch of the Susquehannah Riverr in Pennsylvania he again voluteered under Colonel Tho Tarbert by  whom he was marched to said Fort after which he was discharged

[continued on page 4]

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