Saturday, November 28, 2020

Cornthwaite Family - Francis Cornthwaite Will - page 3

 [continued from page 2]

and Saith, that in his and their presence the said Francis Cornthwaite, the Testator Subscibed, acknowledged and declared the within or before writing as and for his last Will and Testament, and that at the time of the said Signing and acknowledging, the Said Testator was of Sound and disposing mind, memory and judgement, over twenty one years of age and under no restraint as they verily believe. And that at the request, and in the presence of this Said Testator, they the said James Harden, and Ales F. Heume, Subscribed their names as witnesses to the Said last Will and Testament.
Alex F. Heume
James Hardin
Sworn and Subscribed in Said Court the 20th day of May A/D/ 1867
Joseph Fraber, Probate Judge
The State of Ohio, Butler County, SS:- Be it remembered, that on this 20th day of May, A.D. 1867, the last Will and Testament of Francis Cornthwaite, deceased, was produced before me in Open Court, and the Subscribing witnesses to the Same, having been examined by me, under Oath, which was reduced to writing, as above and Signed by them respectively, and it appearing to the Court that Said Will was duly executed and attested, and that the Said Testator was of Sound and disposing mind, memory and Judgment, over twenty-one years of age, and under no restraint, and that said Will is in all respects, the Valid last Will of Francis Cornthwaite, deceased. It is therefore Ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the Same be admitted to record among the Records of Wills of this Office, as the valid last Will and Testament of Francis Cornthwaite, deceased.
By the Court,
Joseph Fraber, Probate Judge.

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