Friday, November 27, 2020

Lytle Family - Robert Lytle - Revolutionary War Pension - page 2

Left page:
Sen [sent?] letter 29 March 1836 to P. Lyt. [Lytle?]
Order to pay[?]. 25 Sept 1837.

Right page:
Ohio 19.849
Robert Lytle
of Hamilton, in the State of Ohio, who was a Private in the Co commanded by Captain Tarbett of the Rt.[regiment] commanded by Col. Wall in the Penn [Pennsylvania] line for 6 mos [months].
Inscribed on the Roll of Ohio,
at the rate of 20. Dollars 00. cents per annum, to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831.
Certificate of Pension issued the 21. day of Sep 1833 and sent to JA. Millikin. Hamilton. B Co. Ohio
Arrears to the 4th of Sept. 1833.         50.00 
Semi-anl. allowance ending 4 Ma '84 10.00
                                                          $ 60.00
{Revolutionary Claim,}
{Act  June 7, 1832.}
Recorded by Wm. R. Palmer, Clerk,

Book  E.   Vol. 8   Page 15.

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