Sunday, October 25, 2020

Clarke Family - Thomas G. Clark - page 1- Intent to sell Spiritous Vinous and Malt liquors

This small article found by on 25 October 2020. This notice reads:


Notice is hereby given that I Thomas Clark, a resident of Cambridge City, Jackson Township, Wayne Count, Indiana, will apply at the next session of the Board of Commissioners of said County, for a license to sell spiritous, vinous and malt liquors in less quantities than a quart at a time, and allow the same to be drunk on the premises where sold, agreeable to the provisions of the law approved March 5th, 1859.

     The premises on which I propose to sell, are situated on the east side of Foote Street, being part of lot number eight; (8) is  block number three (3) West of the River and south of the National Road, and bounded as follows. commencing at a point, thirty feet North of the South corner of said lot, thence east forty-eight (48) feet, thence south: fifteen (15) feet, thence West forty-eight (4 8) thence south: fifteen (15) feet to the place of beginning, in Cambridge City, Jackson Township, Wayne County, Indiana,                                                   THOMAS CLARK.

May 6th, 1869

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