Thursday, October 22, 2020

Kask Family - Family Census - 1834 - 1839- page 8

This is the census of Lenhovda, Hökhult Rote, Soldat torp. This reads as:

No=61 [I believe this is the farm number]. Sold. Gustaf Kasgue was born 19 August 1777. [See Gustaf's blogpost of his 1780 birth record.]

H. Elin Arvids dotter October 1787 

Dot: Lena Caisa born 2 March 1819. Lena moved within the parish. The page she left in 1830 to, as yet an unknown location.

Son Gustaf born 30 October 1823 in Lenhovda.

D. Eva Lisa born 20 November 1825 do[Ditto].

Son Jonas Petter born 15 December 1828 do[Ditto].

These are some of the headings for the catechism columns:
Husförhör [House interrogation] - This is where the year's dates were entered
Nattvard Gäng [Communion Gang?]
Läser [Reading]

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