Sunday, October 25, 2020

Clarke Family - Thomas G. Clark - page 1- Intent to sell Spiritous Vinous and Malt liquors

This small article found by on 25 October 2020. This notice reads:


Notice is hereby given that I Thomas Clark, a resident of Cambridge City, Jackson Township, Wayne Count, Indiana, will apply at the next session of the Board of Commissioners of said County, for a license to sell spiritous, vinous and malt liquors in less quantities than a quart at a time, and allow the same to be drunk on the premises where sold, agreeable to the provisions of the law approved March 5th, 1859.

     The premises on which I propose to sell, are situated on the east side of Foote Street, being part of lot number eight; (8) is  block number three (3) West of the River and south of the National Road, and bounded as follows. commencing at a point, thirty feet North of the South corner of said lot, thence east forty-eight (48) feet, thence south: fifteen (15) feet, thence West forty-eight (4 8) thence south: fifteen (15) feet to the place of beginning, in Cambridge City, Jackson Township, Wayne County, Indiana,                                                   THOMAS CLARK.

May 6th, 1869

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Saturday, October 24, 2020

Lindgren Family - Brian Carl Lindgren -VAFB Cartoons - page 24

I do not know which launch this is........

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Lindgren Family - Carl & Kristina Lindgren's Home in Los Angeles Ca.

This is Carl Wilhelm and Kristina Gustafsdotter Lindgren's house on 908 S. Plymouth Blvd, in Los Angeles California.

As of 23 October 2020, it sold for around $1.3 - 1.4 million. 

The estimated refi payment was approximately $6,387.00 each month!

It is 1655 square feet.

To bad someone in the family didn't still own it!

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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Kask Family - Eva Lisa Kask Birth Record

This is the birth record of Gustav Kask and Elin Arvidsdotter. It is listed in in Fodelse och dopbocker, C1/2 (1740 - 1838), Sida[page] 376.

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Kask Family - Gustav Kask son - 1823 Birth Record

This is the birth record for Gustaf Kask, Son of Gustaf Kask the soldier. It reads:

October 30 1823. Baptized November 2 1823.

I believe the 34 immediately before his name Gustav.

Gustaf's parents were Sold. Gustaf Kasque and H.[hustru] Elin  [?Arvidsdotter]. Skaraskog.

The witnesses [Testes] Peter Svensson i [of] Skaraskog. Johannes Lashverson. [Haskog] {gant] Gustosson, Hökhult. H.[Hustru] Marie i[of] Skaraskog. Pig[pigan=unmarried working woman]Lisa Persdotter i[of] [?]. Pig[Pigan] Lisa Persdotter i[in] Prostegis. Backstuga.

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Kask Family - Family Census 1850 - 1856 - page 10

This census is from, Lenhovda,1850 - 1856. It is the first census after Gustaf Kask has died. It Reads: 

Backstuga [Back Cottage]

Enkan Elin Arvids dt born 2 October 1787 in Malmback.Son Jonas Peter Gustafsson born  15 December 1828 in Lenhovda, Skaraskog.

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Kask Family - Family Census - 1840 - 1850 - page 9

This page of the Lenhovda shows that the Kask family is no longer the sole residents of the Soldat Torpet. I believe that Gustaf Kask has retired from the military. At that point in time, they moved to the "Backstuga" or back cottage.
[?] Soldat Gustaf Kask born 19 August 1777 in Lenhovda.

Hustr. Elin Arvid do. was born 8[?] October 1787 in Malmback. [Enka means that Elin is a widow.]

Son Gustaf born 30 October 1823 in Lenhovda. Gustaf moved out in 1841. He is also listed in the volume of census records on page 247.

Dottr Eva Lisa born 29 November 1825 in Lenhovda [do>ditto]. She came back to Lenhovda in 1848 after leaving in 1844 from [?]. She then she left in 1849

Son Jonas Peter born 15 December 1828 born in Lenhovda [do>ditto]. Jonas Peter left the area in 1846, and he returned in 1847 from [?].

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Kask Family - Family Census - 1834 - 1839- page 8

This is the census of Lenhovda, Hökhult Rote, Soldat torp. This reads as:

No=61 [I believe this is the farm number]. Sold. Gustaf Kasgue was born 19 August 1777. [See Gustaf's blogpost of his 1780 birth record.]

H. Elin Arvids dotter October 1787 

Dot: Lena Caisa born 2 March 1819. Lena moved within the parish. The page she left in 1830 to, as yet an unknown location.

Son Gustaf born 30 October 1823 in Lenhovda.

D. Eva Lisa born 20 November 1825 do[Ditto].

Son Jonas Petter born 15 December 1828 do[Ditto].

These are some of the headings for the catechism columns:
Husförhör [House interrogation] - This is where the year's dates were entered
Nattvard Gäng [Communion Gang?]
Läser [Reading]

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Kask Family - Kask Family Census - 1828 - 1833 - page 7

This is the Kask Family census for 1828 - 1833. It reads:

Hökhult Soldat. Torp

No 61[?] Sold Gustaf Kasque born 19 August 1777 [wrong they never correct it.]

H. Elin Arvidsdotter born 1787.

S. Johannes born 6 March 1816. [Johannes moved from the family and is also listed on page 182 - which is the page number on the book page.]

D. Lena Caisa born 2 March 1819

S. Gustaf born 30 October 1823.

D. Eva Lisa born 29 November 1825.

S. Jonas Peter born 15 December 1828. [YES this is our Jonas Peter, Kristina's father!]

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Kask Family - Kask Family Census - 1823 - 1828 - page 6

 This census shows that Gustaf Kasgue has remarried. He has married our great-great-grandmother, Elin Arvidsdotter.

The family still is living in Skäraskog Sold. Torp. This reads:

Sold. Gustaf Kasgue born 19 June 1777 [wrong].

H. Elin Arvidsdotter born 1787.

D. Sara Stina born 6 September 1810. [Sara has left the family several times possible to work and bring in more money for the family. She left in 1825, 1827, and 1828.]

D. Lisa born 13 July 1813. (Lisa's death is listed her as 1 November 1834.]

S. Johannes born 6 March 1816.

D. Leva Caisa born 2 March 1819.

S. Gustaf born 30 October 1823.

D. Eva Lisa born 29 November 1825. 

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Kask Family - Kask Family Census - 1821 -1823 - page 5

 This is the Kask Family Census - 1821 - 1823. The family is still living on the Hökhult Rote in Skäraskog [translate to cutting forest].

Soldat torp.
Sold. Gustaf Kask born 19 August 1777.

H. Stina Johansdr. born 1 August 1781. [Look to the extreme right of the page. You will see: dod 1821]

S. Carl born 26 November 1807. Look 3 columns to the right. Carl moved out from the family in 1822. I cannot read to where he moved.

D. Sara Stina born 6 September 1810.

D. Lisa born 13 July 1813.

S. Johannes born 6 March 1816.

D. Lena Caisa born 2 March 1819.

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Kask Family - Kask Family Census - 1816 - 1820 - page 4

[Just a note: I could not find a census that covers 1810 - 1816. I will have to wait until when the Family History Center opens after the pandemic is over.]

This view is of the 1816 - 1820 census. It is from Lenhovda [County], and of the area of Skarskog Soldat-torp [soldier farm].

First notice that the census heading has a new heading. That is 'Koppor", indicates that the family has been vaccinated for small pox or "smittkoppor'. The only person that has not been vaccinated is the youngest child in the house "Lena Caisa".

All the family members except the youngest, Johannes and Lena Caisa, pave been tested for knowing their catechism.

This census reads:

Soldat. Gustaf Kask born 19 of August 1777 [see his blog post with his true birth record documenting his true birth date].

H: Stina Johansdot:, born the 1st of February 1781.

S: Carl, born 26 November 1807.

D: Sara Stina born 6 July 1810.

D: Lisa born 13 July 1813.

S: Johannes born 6 March 1816.

D: Lena Caisa born 2 March 1819. 

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Kask Family - Kask Family Census 1806 - 1810 - page 3

This is the Census page of the Kask Family from 1806- 1810. It is from It is in the volume of  AI:3, Bild [picture] 154, Sida [page] 288. It is part of the Ekeberga Kirkoarkiv [church archive], for the village of Skarskog. It reads:

[The Kask Family is still listed on the lower part of the page [which is why I divided the page into 2 parts.]

Sold: Gustaf Kask was born on 1777, 18th of August. [Gustaf had an older brother who was born on this date. Our Gustaf was born in 1780. I have posted his birth record on this blog.

H: [Hustru] Stina Johansd [dotter] was born 1781, August 1.

S: [Son] Carl was born 1807, November 26th.

D: [Dotter] Sara Stina, was born 1810, September 6th.

D: [Dotter] Lisa, was born 1813, July13th.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Kask Family - Gustaf Kask - 1780 Birth Record

This is our Gustaf Kask's birth record. It reads:

Date of birth: July 19 1780
Christening date: July 23rd 1780. 

Name: Gustaf

Place of birth: Hokhult, Lenhovda, Sweden.

Parents: [Father] Sold. Hokengzen, [Mother] Catharina Johansdotter
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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Kask Family - Family Census - 1792 - 1806 - page 4

I found this 1972 - 1806 census of the Kask family in Lenhovda. It is volume AI:5 1792 - 1806). It is Image 230/page 445. The family itself was listed almost to the bottom of the page.

The Kask family lives in Lenhovda [county], in Skaraskog, in the area of Hokhul Rote [route].

The first column under födelse [birth]; År [year]; dag [day].
The 2 columns under "Inflyttning" translate to moving in. The first is the year. The next lists where the person came from.
I can't interpret columns 3-13.

The family is listed in the lower half of the page:

Sold: Gustaf Kask born 1777 [it should be 1780].
Hust[ru]: Stina Johansdot[ter]: Born 1781. She immigrated in 1803 from an area I cannot decipher at the moment.
Son Johannes -  Follow this line to the far right page and you                                                     will see that Johannes died [dod] in 1804.
       Johannes - Follow this line to the far right page and you                                                    will see that this Johannes died in the month                                                    of September 1805.

The columns on the right hand page is for listing the competency of the individual's recitation of the catechism.

[Source: > Arkiv]
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Peterson Family - Martha Nilsdotter - 1867 Census - page 4


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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Peterson Family - Martha Nilsdotter - Death Record - page 3

Marta's death occurred on the 6th of January, 1887. Her death was the first for the year.

She was funeral was on the 16th of January.

 Kön with the "1" means she was a female.

De aflidnes translates to "The deceased". This description reads:

The wife Marte Nilsdr [Nilsdotter] fr. [from] Baleskruf, Ramnase [the rest I cannot translate and neither can Google Translate].

Alder vid doden translate to: age at death. Marta was 51 years, 11 months and 11 days.

Gift means that she was married.

Dodsorsak reads as Magkråstra. This translates to gastric or peptic ulcer.

[No wonder she looks so stressed in the picture of the 4 of them....]

I believe that the 200 states what page she is listed on in the census book for that year. I found the family on AI /20 (1886-1890):

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Peterson Family - Martha Nilsdotter - Moving out record - page 2

In October 1856, Martha moved to Dädesjö. I do not know if she already had employment there or not. I would say that she was hired to take care of Jonas Gustafsson's household.

Below is the Inflyttningslängder, or in English Occupancy lengths or Moving In Records. Martha is listed in the Uttflyttade, or Moving Out Records. These records are in the same volume, and sometimes as in this case, the Moving out records are on the left page, and the Moving In Records are on the page on the right.

Martha was the 34th person to move into Dädesjö in 1856.

On line 34, Martha is identified as a "pigan", or an unmarried working woman. She is from Norraby Norreg [no translation this is a place name] and she is going to  Dädesjö.

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Peterson Family - Nils Peterson - Family Census - page 8


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Peterson Family - Nils Peterson - Family Census - page 7


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Peterson Family - Nils Peterson Family Census - page 6


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Peterson Family - Nils Peterson Family Census - page 5


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Peterson Family - Martha Nilsdotter - Birth Record - page 1


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Friday, October 16, 2020

Gustafson Family - Jonas Gustafson - Headstone - page 10

This is the headstone for Jonas Peter Gustafsson. I found this on at an unknown date or time. It reads:

J.P. Gustafsson
1828 to 1908
Dottersonnen [Daughter's son]
Eric Karlsson
1893 - 1925

For more that 100 years, it was the practice to re-use burial plots, usually after 25 years. Fees would be levied to provide for the upkeep of the plot. After 25 years the "cemetery authority" would contact those responsible and ask if they wanted to continue the contract. If the contact did not wish to continue the contract, the headstone/marker would be removed. and the plot would be "reused".

Apparently, Jonas' family renewed the contract - which makes me wonder how much they paid.

All this is according to:

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Gustafson Family - Jonas Gustafson - Death Record - page 9

This is the death record for Jonas Gustafson. I retrieved this document on 16 October 2020, from

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Gustafson Family - Jonas Gustafson - 1891 Family census - page 8


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Gustafson Family - Jonas Gustafson - 1886 Family census - page 7

This is the 1886 Jonas Gustafson Family Census. It reads as follows below the image:


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Gustafson Family - Jonas Peter Gustafson - Family Census 1881- page 6

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Gustafson Family - Jonas Peter Gustafson - Family Census 1876- page 5


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Gustafson Family - Jonas Gustafson - Family Census 1871 - page 4


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Gustafson Family - Jonas Gustafson - Gustafson Nilsdotter Marriage Record - page 3

This is the Bans and Marriage entry for Jonas Peter Gustafson and Martha Nilsdotter. The left page reads:
1870 ars Lysnings [Listing number] och Vigsel-Bot [Wedding book]
Their marriage was the first listing and occurred on February 6.
Under: Fästehjonens
namn, stand, embete, yrke, hemvist, nationalitet och trosbekännelse, (om främmande) [Fästehjonens name, status, office, profession, domicile, nationality and creed, (if foreign)]Gustafson Jonas Peter Enklena [widower] under Ramnåsa [unknown text] torpet Kalleskruf oth Pigan Martha Nilsdotter under Eke [ unknown wording] Norregård
Födelseår [year of birth] - [Jonas] 1828 [Martha] 1835

Hvllket gifte [What a marriage] - [Jonas] 2 [Martha] 1

Tillhör adel. [Belongs to nobility] - empty
för Dädesjö Församling. [for Dädesjö Parish.]
Hinderslöshet, afvittring, giftomannasamtycke, m. m. [Obstacle, weathering, marriage consent, etc.]
Vigselns [Marriage]
[I will be transcribing and interpreting more from this page.]
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Follo atl Husförhörsboken. [Census for this year, page number] - [Jonas] 223  [Martha] 365

Right page reads:

Contrahentormn gåvo ömsesidigt [the contractors gave reciprocally] fa och pigan dia dern förening [father and maid dia dern association] faste guinna fader Nils Peterson [permanent guinna father Nils Peterson] 

arsnummer. [year number] 1
År [year]
Månad. dag. [month. day.] March 26

Serskilda Anteckaingar [Special Notes]

[I will be transcribing and interpreting more from this page.]

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Gustafson Family - Jonas Gustafson - Birth Record - page 2

 This is Jonas Peter Gustafson's birth record. It was found in [the Swedish Archives] on 16 October 2020.

Gustafson Family - Jonas Gustafson - Family Picture - page 1

I believe that this is a picture of Jonas Gustafson, his second wife Marta Nillsdotter [both seated].

I believe that standing behind their parents from left to right is Kristina and Emilie Jonasdotter. 
Jonas and Marta had two other children: Matilda who was born 5 June 1875 and died on 15 June 1875 in Dadesjo, Kronoberg Sweden; and Carl who was born 20 August 1876 and died on 26 August 1876 Dadesjo, Kronoberg Sweden.


I received these photos from Robert James Lindgren Jr, on the 18 of September 2017. Used with permission. Private Collection.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - page 13

Carl Wilhelm Lindgren forefront left in "his" tailor shop. I do not know for sure if he owned it.

I received these pictures from Robert James Lindgren on 24 September 2020.

Carl Wilhelm Lindgren is pictured in tailor shop, circa 1930 in Los Angeles County.

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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Lindgren Family - Harry Mallock Lindgren - Page 7


This page documents the sound design for Rear Window, for which Uncle Harry was credited for the sound recording.

Wilmut's World Wide Weblog

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Lindgren Family - Harry Mallock Lindgren - page 1

 I retrieved this birth record from on the 27th of September. It reads:


 1. Name of Child                   Harry

 2. Sex and Color                 Male, Female; White, Black, Copper.

 3. Date of Birth                  10th day of January 1899

 4. Name of Father               Carl W. Lindgren

 5. Maiden Name of Mother   Christine Johnson

 6. Birth-place of Father        Sweden

 7. Birth-place of  Mother     Sweden

 8. Occupation of Father        Tailor

 9. Residence of  Parents       1456 Linden Street.

10. Condition at Birth          Alive, Dead, Premature, Stillborn

11. Remarks                                                                                                 

The law requires this Blank to be filled in full and returned to the Health Office before the 5th day of the month following the birth by the Physician or Midwife in attendance.

 Signature: Neta Martenson
Address: 1916 Webster St

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