Saturday, July 17, 2021

Good Family - John Good - 50th Anniversary Celebration

I have not yet found the newspaper that this was in, however I believe the event took place in Trenton Ohio.
This clipping reads as:

GOLDEN WEDDING - Wednesday was the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of John and Elizabeth Good, who live near Trenton. It was appropriately celebrated by the children and friends of the family, was, without the knowledge of the aged couple, made extensive preparations for the event. A grand dinner was the most important auxiliary connected with the affair, to which about seventy-five persons did ample justice. J.G. Long sent as a gift a beautiful card-case, Mrs, H. G. Johns a gold-napkin ring besides many other presents from members of the family. Master Daniel Wilson Clark, aged five years, a great-grandson of the aged couple, added to the enjoyment of the occassion by making the following speech: "Ladies and gentlemen, I now appear before you this afternoon. I'm not very large, but my age is five years. I will present to my great-grandpa and grandma a gold dollar, as I am the only great-grandchild. My name is Daniel Wilson Clark." His little speech was heartily received by the guests. In the evening the Seven mile Cornet Band, by special invitation, gave some of their delightful music, and were all made happy by a beneficial supper.

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