Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Clarke Family - Annie M Clark Letter - page 1, 2 and 3

 Mt. Washington June 4th 1918
Dear Anna & Joe=
As the time grows near when you will Enter the holy BOnds of wed Lock & we next give up the notion that you will ever com to visit us, as a Boy and Little Joe. altho you will gain a wife and & hope be very happy. It hurst us to Look our Boy for now he will be a man. Dear Joe this is a big Responsibile Position you are now about to Enter one for Life may God be

with you and take care or you both - Love and cherish her be true & Live for Each other, you are so young for this undertaking but all well that end.
Dear Joe I send my Love & best wishes for your 21st Birth Day and a Little gift for foth your Great days that are coming so soon The Picture & hope you will Like Grand Pa will send $600 to frame it you can Let your Mother get it ready I think a rose wood frame would be Pretty- but she can select it here Grand Pa is out of basins

[this page has been enhanced] now having Sold his big Team- he wants to go to the Harvest Field soon & fear he cant stand it, but he wants to go - Oh this war it hurts me to read the Paper - we can not sell but or hardly sell any thing we have one horse yett, he is on Pasture every thing is so high guess we will stay hear at this same Place untill after the war if we Live that  long - how & would Love to be with you folks at the wedding but fear tis impossible for nowever we shall Remember you all in our Prayers your Loving Grand Ma Annie M Clark

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