Saturday, December 19, 2020

Lindgren Family - Brian Lindgren - 6 June 2019 Our DDay - page 60

Around 2-4 a.m., I talked with Brian's RN on Neuro - Russ. I have known him for numerous years and I believe he is highly competent and knew what to expect and take care of anything that one of patient's might throw at him.

Apparently around 0230 Brian had gone into a heart rate of 170 plus or minus. They had worked with him and eventually gotten him down to his now normal rate of 120 - 130 beats per minute.
He called me after that and told me what had been going on. I thanked him and we hung up.

About 30 minutes after his phone call, I called Russ back. I told him that if we were going down a "cardiac route" I wanted Dr. Fluture to take care of Brian. (I go to Dr. Pickrell who is a wonderful cardiac MD and wouldn't trade him for the world. Dr. Fluture is all of that and an Interventionalist Cardiologist meaning he can place stents and perform TAVRs [Trans Aortic Valve Replacements]).

At about 0645, I received another call from Russ. All he said was "We are coding him right now." I asked what room in ICU and he said he would let me know. I got dressed and tried to get ahold of Andrew, who had worked that night. The phone kept going to the answering machine. I then tried to call Michelle across the street. Her phone went to the answering machine. I tried to call Mike and his phone went to answering machine. By that time I had gotten into the car and was driving down the street, very conscious of my speed and stopped at all stop signs, and didn't run any traffic lights. I called Tana. She answered and said that she would meet me at the hospital.

I went to Andrew's which was literally, 3 houses away from the hospital. I banged my fist on the door and woke him up telling him, "We need to go to the hospital right now!"

He got dressed and we drove to the hospital parking  in the new employee parking, then walked very quickly up to the elevator to take us to ICU. 
We waited for Dr. Akiode to come out and talk with us and that Brian was vented and wouldn't be talking to us. He was still under meds that wouldn't let him wake up for now. 

The picture above is actually a still of when Brian was extubated 8 days after being vented.

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