Saturday, December 19, 2020

Lindgren Family - Brian Carl Lindgren - page 56

 Brian had been complaining about having right lower abdominal discomfort for maybe a month. It was so low in his abdomen I was wondering if he had a nasty appendix stuck somewhere where it shouldn't be. I even looked it up and that could be the case.

 Anyway I sent him to the outpatient Clinic at Mesa and they sent him to the Emergency Department at Wyoming Medical Center. He was seen by Dr. Johnna Cubin who immediately ordered a CT scan of his abdomen.

Brian called me at my office and said "you need to come over here now. Dr. Cubin has got the results of the x-ray. You need to come here now!" I was there in less than 5 minutes.

Dr. Cubin took us out to a computer in the main common room. I looked at the computer screen and something like: "I see the right kidney but what's that?"

Dr. Cubin said "That's a Renal Cell Carcinoma, and Dr. Jones [urology] wants to see you as soon as possible next week."

And that is what we did........

So, if you look at the picture, the tumor is in the lower left, middle  half of the picture. You can even see the right ureteral artery going to the aorta. 

The left kidney is in the lower left kidney in the lower right middle of the picture. That is the size the right kidney should be.  The tumor is 151 mm in length from left to right. 

The scan to the right shows is as if the camera is looking up from Brian's feet. You can see the left kidney much better.

That night I went on the Internet and looked up as much as I could find about Renal Cell Carcinoma. I could tell by the measurements in the first CT scan that this was not a Stage 3 cancer.

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