Sunday, October 20, 2019

Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Lindgren Family Census 1871 - Page 3

This page lists 2 generations of the Lindgren family, who lived in Dädesjö parish, [now] Kronoberg County, Sweden in the years 1871 -1875.

This is a sample of the Swedish census/catechism book. Priests would go through the parish and write down any births, deaths, or families/persons  moving in or out of the parish. [There are other books that can be accessed through the Swedish archives that lists births, deaths, and persons "moving in" and moving out".]

This particular book covers the census/catechism [Husforhorslangder] for 1871 - 1875 in Dädesjö parish. 

This is Dädesjö Parish, opened to Bild [Picture/image] 237, sida [page] 331 house interrogation root.

The residence is Soldatt No 105 [this states it is a Soldier farm, number 105 Herkelock. 

On line 2 the first person listed is the Soldat [soldier] Carl Peter Lindgren. He was born in 1836 [on] the 22nd of November in Dädesjö. 

He was married (gift) the 26th day of December in 1860.  Koppor is checked which means he has been innoculated for Small Pox. The right hand page lists the dates that he was assessed for his knowledge of the Catechism. 

Line 4 lists his wife (hustr.) Bothilda Charl. Svensdt [Charlotte Svensdotter]. She was born in Dädesjö, in 1842, [on] the 24th day of November. [The marriage is as listed above.] She also was inoculated for Small Pox and knows her catechism. 

Skip down to line 7 and you will see their son [S.] Carl Wilhelm. He was born in 1872 on the 2nd day.

He also has been vaccinated for Small Pox. He ages from 1 - 3 years during this census period so he doesn't/can't recite the catechism. You will notice on line 8, as son named Jonas Peter and his entries are crossed out. He was born in 1874, on the 2nd of February. Further to the right of the left hand page you will see the date "74". This entry states that he died in 1874, on the 8th day of February. So, he lived only 6 days.

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