Sunday, October 20, 2019

Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Lindgren Johansdotter Marriage License - page 13

Thank you Cousin Bob [Robert James Lindgren] for sharing this wedding celebration picture of Carl Wilhelm Lindgren and Kristina Johannsdotter Lindgren.
This is the marriage License and Certificate for Carl W. Lindgren and Christine Johnson in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Below is the transcription:

[page] 83


State of Minnesota,
District Court for the County of Ramsey.

To Any Person Lawfully Authorized to Solemnize marriages within said State:

     Know Ye, That License is hereby granted to join together as HUSBAND and WIFE Carl W. Lindgren of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota and Christine Johnson of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, being satisfied by the oath of said Lindgren that there is no legal impediment thereto.
     Therefore, This shall be your sufficient authority for solemnizing the marriage of said parties, and making return thereof as provided by law.
     In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the District Court, at St. Paul, this 4th day of August 1898
     Edward G. Rgers Clerk.
          By Harry A. Sundberg Deputy Clerk.
State of Minnesota
     I Hereby Certify That on the 4 day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety - eight, at St Paul, Minn in said County, I, the undersigned, a Clergyman, did join in the HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY, according to the laws of this State, Carl W. Lindgren of the County of Ramsey and State of Minn and Christine Johnson of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota in presence of

Aug Lindgren} Witnesses
Anna Lindgren}                 L. A. Johnston

Filed for record on the 8th day of August 1898
On one of our Family History Tours, Brian and I drove to downtown St. Paul. We went to the county building and retrieved this copy.

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