Sunday, October 20, 2019

Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Page 20

Death Record of Carl Wilhelm Lindgren obtained from Vital Records California Department of Public Health, Office of The State Registrar of Vital Statistics. Obtained October 29 1984.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - page 17 - 1920 Lindgren Family Census

This is the 1920 Lindgren Family census. I divided the census in half as the Carl Wilhelm Lindgren family was listed at the bottom of the census.
This census reads:

This is the 1920 census for the Lindgren Family. They live in Los Angeles Township, Los Angeles County, California. It was conducted on the 10th day of January 1920, by Francis A Brode.

The family lives in Supervisor's District No. 8, Enumeration District No 186, Precinct 443. This is Sheet No. 12 A.

The enumeration starts on line 44. The address of the house is 113[1].The Lindgren's are the 37[th] house, and the 40[th] family visited.

Line 44 -Lindgren Carl W is the head of the household. The family rents the house. Carl is a white male who is 47 and married. Carl immigrated in 1888, and is a naturalized citizen in 1893. He has not attended school. He speaks and writes English. Both he and his parents were born in Sweden. He is a cutter in a Tailor  Shop. He is an employed worker.

Line 45 - Christine is Carl's wife. She is a white, married, 44 year old female. She does not attend school. She speaks and writes English. Both she and her parents were born in Sweden. She does not work out of the house.

Line 46 - Harry M is Carl's son. He is a 20 year old white male who is single. He has gone to school in the last year and can read and write English. Harry was born in California. Both of his parents were born in Sweden. He is employed as a Radio Op[erator] on a [?] vessel.

Line 47 - Linea  is Carl's daughter. She is a 19 year old white female who is single. She has gone to school in the last year and can read and write English. Linea was born in California. Both of her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed.

Line 48 - Nina J. is Carl's daughter. She is a 17 year old white female who is single. She has gone to school in the last year and can read and write English. Nina was born in California. Both of her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed.

Line 49 - Carl H. is Carl's son. She is a 16 year old white male who is single. He has gone to school in the last year and can read and write English. Carl was born in California. Both of his parents were born in Sweden. He is not employed.

Line 50 - Florie C. is Carl's daughter. She is a 13 year old white female who is single. She has gone to school in the last year and can read and write English. Florie was born in California. Both of her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - page 15 - 1910 Lindgren Family Census

This is the first US Census after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

As you can see in the title bar, this census was taken in Brooklyn Township, Oakland, Alameda County California. The family's apartment building was probably totaled in the earthquake.

Family legend has it that Carl worked for the Oakland Opera at this time. The census was enumerated on the 18 day of April 1910, by J. E. Foster.

The family was in Enumeration district 146, part of the 7th Ward. and are listed on Sheet No. 5B.  They were counted at 1523 22 Ave, and appear on line 75.

This census reads as follows:

Line 75 - Lindgren C. W. Carl Wihelm is the white male, 37 year old married head of the household. He has been married for 12 years. Both he and his parents were born in Sweden. He is a naturalized citizen of the United States. He can read and write [English]. He works in a Tailor shop. He has not been unemployed in the last 12 months. He rents a house.

Line 74 - Christine is a white female who is married to Carl. She is 36 years old. She has been pregnant 5 times and has delivered 5 children. Both she and her parents were born in Sweden. She immigrated to the US in 1891. She speaks English. She is not employed out of the home. She can read and write.

Line 77 - Harry M. is Carl's son. He is a white 11 year old single male. He was born in California. His parents were born in Sweden. He can speak English and is not employed. He can read and write, and attends school.

Line 78 - Linea is Carl's daughter. She is a 9 year old white female. She was born in California. Her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed. She can read and write, and attends school.

Line 79 - Nina is Carl's daughter. She is a 7 year old white female. She was born in California. Her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed. She can read and write, and attends school.

Line 80 -  Carl is Carl's son. He is a white 6 year old single male. He was born in California. His parents were born in Sweden. He can speak English and is not employed. He can read and write, and attends school.

Line 81 - Florence [Florie] is Carl's daughter. She is a 4 year old white female. She was born in California. Her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed, nor does she attend school. 

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - page 14 - 1900 Lindgren Family Census

This is the 1900 United States Census for San Francisco, San Francisco County, California. 

The yellow and green areas highlight the members of the Carl W. Lindgren family.

The census was enumerated for this page was on the 4th day of June 1900.

The Lindgrens were living in an apartment at 1118 Vallejo Street. There was another Swedish family by the name of Carlson living there as well. 

The Lindgrens were the 79th family visited by the enumerator on June 4th 1900.

Carl W. Lindgren is listed as the head of the household, a white male, who was born in May of 1872. He is 28 years old, and has been married once. He and his parents were born in Sweden. He immigrated in 1889, has lived in the United States for 9 years, and is a naturalized citizen. He can read, write, and speak English. He has been continuously employed in the last year. He rents where he lives, and it is his home.

Christina, his wife, lives with him. She is a white female who was born in May 1873. She is 27 years old and has been married once. She has been pregnant once and that child is living. Christina and her parents were all born in Sweden. She immigrated in 1891 and has lived in the United States for 9 years. She can read, write, and speak English.     

Harry M. is Carl's son. He is a white male who was born in Jan 1899. He is a single 1 year old. He was born in California, and his parents [Carl and Christina] were born in Sweden. 

Minnie is the sister of Carl. She is a white female and was born in Oct 1877. She is 22 years old and single. She and her parents were both born in Sweden. She immigrated in 1897 and has been in  the United States for 3 years. She can read, write, and speak English.

Edia is Carl's sister. She is 20 years old and single. She and her parents were both born in Sweden. She immigrated in 1899 and has been in the United States for 0 years. She can read, write, and speak English.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Lindgren Johansdotter Marriage License - page 13

Thank you Cousin Bob [Robert James Lindgren] for sharing this wedding celebration picture of Carl Wilhelm Lindgren and Kristina Johannsdotter Lindgren.
This is the marriage License and Certificate for Carl W. Lindgren and Christine Johnson in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Below is the transcription:

[page] 83


State of Minnesota,
District Court for the County of Ramsey.

To Any Person Lawfully Authorized to Solemnize marriages within said State:

     Know Ye, That License is hereby granted to join together as HUSBAND and WIFE Carl W. Lindgren of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota and Christine Johnson of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, being satisfied by the oath of said Lindgren that there is no legal impediment thereto.
     Therefore, This shall be your sufficient authority for solemnizing the marriage of said parties, and making return thereof as provided by law.
     In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the District Court, at St. Paul, this 4th day of August 1898
     Edward G. Rgers Clerk.
          By Harry A. Sundberg Deputy Clerk.
State of Minnesota
     I Hereby Certify That on the 4 day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety - eight, at St Paul, Minn in said County, I, the undersigned, a Clergyman, did join in the HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY, according to the laws of this State, Carl W. Lindgren of the County of Ramsey and State of Minn and Christine Johnson of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota in presence of

Aug Lindgren} Witnesses
Anna Lindgren}                 L. A. Johnston

Filed for record on the 8th day of August 1898
On one of our Family History Tours, Brian and I drove to downtown St. Paul. We went to the county building and retrieved this copy.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - First Lutheran Church St. Paul Minnesota - page 12

Here is the ledger for the First Lutheran Church in St. Paul Minnesota. It lists Carl W. Lindgren, 26, and Christine Johnson, 25 as having been married on Aug 4 1898. They were living in Minneapolis, Minn.

The ledger page pictured is from, U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Swedish American Church Records, 1800-1947, film image, 506 of 2856.

The First Lutheran Church is located at 463 Maria Ave, St. Paul Minnesota, and was founded in 1854.

The following picture is off the First Lutheran Church Facebook page:

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - 1895 Lindgren Minnesota State Census - page 11

When Carl arrived in the United States, he settled in with his older brother Gus and his family. This Minnesota State census was found at

This census was taken on the 17th day of June, 1895.

The family was living in St. Paul, Ramsey County, in the 11th Precinct.

August "Gus" Lindgren is 31 years old. Gus is a painter.

Annie Lindgren, Gus' wife is 31 years old as well.

Annie and Gus' son John is 2 years old.

[Our Carl] William Lindgren is 23 years old. Carl lists his occupation as tailor.

Carl states in the census that he has been a resident of Minnesota for 6 years which coincides with when he left Sweden.

For the amount of time employed at regular occupation during year ending June 1899 in months, Carl answered "6".

Annie, Gus, and Carl list their native country as Sweden.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - St. Paul, Minnesota Church Registry - page 10

This is the ledger page with Karl Wilhelm Lindgren's record of joining the First Lutheran Church in St. Paul Minnesota:

 It shows his name and birthdate and birthplace (and baptism) on the left side of the picture. 

On the right side of the page it shows when he joined/received into the church, near the middle of the page. On the far right side of the right page was when he left for Oakland California.

The ledger page pictured is from, U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Swedish American Church Records, 1800-1947, film image, 337 of 2856.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Romeo Transport - page 9

The Romeo was built for shorter than longer voyages. 

The trip to Kingston - Upon - Hull, England took 40-50 hours.

Based upon the website listed below, the immigrants waited for the train to Liverpool, which left on Mondays at 11AM. The trains arrived at Liverpool by 3pm that same day. The route went through Leeds and Manchester. 

The ticket price included, the trip to Hull, Liverpool, and the steamship to America. A relative of the website's author paid 62 kronor and 50 ören [pennies]. That was approximately a year's wages in Sweden.

For more about immigration from Sweden, go to the website listed below.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Gothenburg, Sweden Passenger List - page 8

This is the passenger list for the "Romeo" which sailed out of Gothenburg, Sweden in April of 1889. 

I found this list of passengers at

Carl left from Gothenburg, Sweden in April 1889.

Under the column "Kontraktets No" [Contracts no], passenger number 81 is [our] Carl W. Lindgren.

Hemort till län och socken means "Hometown of the County and the parish". There is no translation for Undevalla.

Alder translates to age. Carl is 16 years old. Man  for this purpose there is a hash mark in that column.

Bestämmelseort translates to Place of Destination. He is included as going to Chicago.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Moving out Record - page 7

This is the Swedish record of Karl Wilhelm Lindgren moving out of Betingetorp, Dädesjö Parish. 

Stålle, hvarifrån utflyttad [from where moved out] states Betingetorp, the place that he left.

Ort, hvarthån ntflyttad, socken i län, stad. [Location, white-collar moved, parish in county, city.] This column states where Karl was moving to, N. Amerika.

Mankön translates to 1 man moving out.

On the left side of the page, Årsnummer [Års nummer] states that he is the 3rd person from that area to move out in 1889.

Carl left on the 3rd of April.

The number "270" means that he can be found on that page in the Family Census of 1886.

Dr. translates to "Drang". Drang mean an unmarried man.

Carl's name is listed as Karl Wilhelm Lindgren.

Carl is from Betingetorp.

His final destination is N. Amerika - North America.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Family Census 1886 - page 6

The Lindgren Family is still multigenerational in 1886, but the family is not intact. Notice that the following names are crossed out: 
     Johan August
     Frans Gustaf Lindon
     Ingrid Kristina
     Karl Wilhelm

When a person's name is crossed out in a Household Register, it either means that that person died or moved out of the home.

In this case since the area where the death dates would have been written in, there is nothing noted.

Look farther to the right of the right hand page and you will see notations for each of the four persons.

Johan's occupation states he is a "målare", or painter. 

Under "Beväringsinfo" are numbers. These 2 columns are about "conscript notes". It is possible that Gus served 2 years in the Army.

The notation of Afflyttat refers to "moving out". In the next column for Gus, the city of Kristianstad is written. He moved to Kristianstad in 1887, the 21st of March. He was preparing to move to the United States.

On the next line down, it looks as if Franz moved to Lund in 1888, on the 4th of March

Line 7 states that Ingrid Kristina is listed on page 74 of this volume of the Household Register. She moved there in 1887, on the 18th of October.      

On line 8, it is written that our Carl Wilhelm moved to "N. Amerika" in 1889, the 2nd day of April. What this doesn't show is that he ends up living with his oldest brother, Johan August [Gus]indgren. We will be finding Carl and Gus on the US census and the Minnesota State Census in future postings.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhellm Lindgren - Family Census 1881- page 5

This page lists 2 generations of the Lindgren family. They lived in Dädesjö parish, [now] Kronoberg County, Sweden in the years 1881 -1885. The area they lived in became more populated, so it is possible that it was renamed as Betingetorp.

The family is still all together.

If you follow Johan Agust across to the right page, there are notations under the column: Fräjd och säskilda anteckningar - translated to "Joy and special notes". [I do not believe that the translation is totally accurate - I do believe the "special notes" phrase tho'.] I believe these abbreviations and dates show him moving around the "neighborhood" working.

Johan August was the first of the family in emmigrate to the United States. His "moving in-moving out" record states that he was a [house?] painter.

Johan became known as "Gus" and settled in Minneapolis Minnesota. He later married and had a son.

Later, Carl Wilhelm will move to Mineapolis as well.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Family census 1876 - page 4

This page lists 2 generations of the Lindgren family, who lived in Dädesjö parish, [now] Kronoberg County, Sweden in the years 1876 -1880.

Here the Lindgren family is again within the Household Registers. They are living on the same Soldat farm, No. 105.

The family is listed on Bild 238 of the Household Register.

Two more girls, Nina and Ida, and a son name Jonas Elof, have been born into the family.

Carl is still not old enough to be tested for his competency with his catechism.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - page 20

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Lindgren Family Census 1871 - Page 3

This page lists 2 generations of the Lindgren family, who lived in Dädesjö parish, [now] Kronoberg County, Sweden in the years 1871 -1875.

This is a sample of the Swedish census/catechism book. Priests would go through the parish and write down any births, deaths, or families/persons  moving in or out of the parish. [There are other books that can be accessed through the Swedish archives that lists births, deaths, and persons "moving in" and moving out".]

This particular book covers the census/catechism [Husforhorslangder] for 1871 - 1875 in Dädesjö parish. 

This is Dädesjö Parish, opened to Bild [Picture/image] 237, sida [page] 331 house interrogation root.

The residence is Soldatt No 105 [this states it is a Soldier farm, number 105 Herkelock. 

On line 2 the first person listed is the Soldat [soldier] Carl Peter Lindgren. He was born in 1836 [on] the 22nd of November in Dädesjö. 

He was married (gift) the 26th day of December in 1860.  Koppor is checked which means he has been innoculated for Small Pox. The right hand page lists the dates that he was assessed for his knowledge of the Catechism. 

Line 4 lists his wife (hustr.) Bothilda Charl. Svensdt [Charlotte Svensdotter]. She was born in Dädesjö, in 1842, [on] the 24th day of November. [The marriage is as listed above.] She also was inoculated for Small Pox and knows her catechism. 

Skip down to line 7 and you will see their son [S.] Carl Wilhelm. He was born in 1872 on the 2nd day.

He also has been vaccinated for Small Pox. He ages from 1 - 3 years during this census period so he doesn't/can't recite the catechism. You will notice on line 8, as son named Jonas Peter and his entries are crossed out. He was born in 1874, on the 2nd of February. Further to the right of the left hand page you will see the date "74". This entry states that he died in 1874, on the 8th day of February. So, he lived only 6 days.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Birth Record - page 2

This is a view of Carl Peter Lindgren's birth record from 1872:

It is in the same parish but in a different book. - the birth and baptism book [Födelse-och dopböcker] for 1872.

On Bild [picture or image] 59, the first entry on the page is our Carl Wilhelm Lindgren.

The entry states that he was the 19th child born that year in that parish. He was born on May 2nd, and was baptised on May 6. He was the only child born from this pregnancy, and he is male.

I cannot at this time read the vertical inscription but it might be saying that he was 4 days old when he was baptized.

The next box to the right, names his father - Carl Peter Lindgren - and his father's occupation. Carl Peter was a soldier with a specific regiment. [There are books that lists regiments and soldiers within the Swedish archives.]

His mother's name is Svensdotter Bothilda Charlotta. The number after her name states the couple was married 11 years when Carl Wilhelm was born.

The next column to the right states where the family was living at the time of the birth, and what page the family is listed on in the census/catechism book  for 1871 - 1875 in Dädesjö parish.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Birth record - page 1

This is Carl Wilhelm Lindgren's birth record. It can be seen in the Digital Archives of Sweden. Those archives are called "Riksarkivet".

Google ""

You can then click on That should take you to an area so you can choose the pathway. For now, I would suggest that you just view the records I am finding there.

The below record came from the Dädesjö church [kyrkoarkiv] books. This is the book for 1872 in Dädesjö. It reads:

Carl's birth entry is the 19th of the month of May. He was born on May 3rd and baptized on the 6th. This pregnancy had only one birth.

His father was Carl Peter Lindgren. He was a soldier and his wife's [hustru] was Svensdotter Botilda Charlotta. Carl was born in Betingetorp, and is in listed in the census book on page 331.

Below is the birth record I found in I am not sure why it looks different. It does show that the record is from Kronoberg

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Lindgren Family - Ingrid Kristina Karlsdotter Lindgren - page 1

Scan down to line 15 and you will see that Ingrid Kristina Karlsdotter Lindgren is listed.

Under "Inflyttat" [or moving in] the census states that she moved from her residence as stated on page 270. She moved to this address on the 18th of October 1887. 

Scan further to the right of the right hand page.

On line 15 of the right page you see that Ingrid moved again. She is listed on page 316 of this same volume. She moved on October 28th, in 1889.

Again - on the left page, line 19, Ingrid is listed as having moved from p. 74. She moved on the 28th of October 1889. This date, agrees with the previous entry that she moved out of her current residence.

She did not move again during this time period of this census.

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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Riddle Family - Ralph Riddle - page 6

Retrieved from, 1 June 2020. Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research. San Bernardino Sun, Volume 42, page 13. 28 February 1936.
Wife's Infidelity, Climaxed by Ontario Slaying, Moves Husband to Last Act

Bewildered and broken by his wife's unfaithfulness, which culminated in her suicide in an Ontario hotel, Ralph Riddle, young law student, shot and killed himself in San Francisco yesterday.
   "Life was never important to me,: a note said. "Margaret is gone, so all meaning is gone."
   His body, a bullet through the heart, was found by Richard McNulty, student at Hastings law college, in a room which they shared.
                   DESPONDENCY TOLD
   McNulty said Riddle had been deeply despondent since his beautiful blonde wife, Margaret, shot herself through the heart in the Hotel Ontario three weeks ago, a few minutes after she had registerd there as husband and wife with Boyd Taylor, 27-year-old Los Angeles attorney whom she had known for a week.
   McNulty, returning home from classes yesterday, found a note pinned to the door of the apartment which he and Riddle shared.
   "Mac-" it read, "you will find my body inside this room. Better notify police. This is a suicide. On the table in the room you will find a letter addressed to you, explaining all."
             WED TWO YEARS AGO
   McNulty said the couple had been married two years ago in Los Angeles. Several weeks ago, Mrs. Riddle came south for a visit. Until that time they had rarely been sep[arated.]
Retrieved from, 1 June 2020. Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research. San Bernardino Sun, Volume 42, page 21. 28 February 1936. MATE FOLLOWS WIFE IN DEATH (continued from page 13)
Margaret gave it its only meaning as far as I was concerned. Now Margaret is gone so all meaning is gone," he said in the other letter.
   "To go on living seems utterly futile to me. God knows there are too many futile and stupid people in the world already. Why sould I go on living?"
   McNulty said Riddle had brooded over his wife's death for two weeks.
   "He did not even know of his wife's friendship for the attorney until after they went away together," McNulty said. "But the thing that seemed to puzzle him most was why she left no explanation for her suicide. He couldn't understand it. The uncertainty made him frantic."
   Riddle left behind a $110 certified check made out to McNulty, with instructions it be used to defray funeral expenses. Days ago he obtained estimates of costs to ship his body to Los Angeles from a San Francisco undertaker, it was revealed.
   His personal belongings were carefully wrapped in packages left in the room. One package was addressed to Florence Hedger in Los Angeles, believed to be Mrs. Riddle's sisster.
   Near his body a copy of William Cullen Bryant's poem, "Thantopsis," was found with two lines underscored:
   "Where each shall take his chamber
   "In the silent halls of death."

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Riddle Family - Ralph Riddle - page 5

Retrieved from on 23 June 2020. Woodland Daily Democrat, Woodland, California. Friday, February 28 1936.

Student Takes Own Life After Wife's Suicide


SAN FRANCISCO - Two weeks ago, Margaret L. Riddle, 22 year-old dress designer and bride of a San Francisco law student, sought surcease from the problems of life by shooting herself to death in a hotel room at Ontario in Southern California.
   She did not explain why she did it.
   Yesterday, no longer able to endure the problems she left, Ralph, L. Riddle, the 24-year-old  husband, joined her in death, using the same means to quit life that she did.
    Riddle, however, explained.
    In a note to Richard MacNulty of San Diego, his roommate and classmate, Riddle wrote:
   "I was at a point where death was more attractive to me than life. I have quit."
   And to his relatives, Mrs. H. D. Edwards of Santa Rosa, sister, and Lloyd E. Riddle, Los Angeles, his brother, he wrote:
   "Life was never very important to me. Margaret gave it its only meaning. Margaret is gone and so is all meaning. To go on living seemed utterly futile."
   MacNulty found the body, bullet-pierced, in their room at 145 Gough street. On a nearby table was a book opened to "Thanatopsis," Bryant's famous poem on death.

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Friday, October 18, 2019

Riddle Family - Ralph Riddle - page 4


Wife's Suicide Causes Mate To End Life

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 27 - Mrs. Margaret Riddle, over whose death in Ontario two weeks ago, Ralph L. Riddle, 24, Hastings College law student, who was her estranged husband, shot and killed himself here today.      

Law Student Folows His Estranged Spouse in Death by 17 days.


Despondency over the death of his estranged wife, who was found shot in an Ontario hotel February 10 today led Ralph L. Riddle, Hastings Law College student, to shoot himself in his apartment at 145 Goff street.
   This was learned by police when they were called to the scene of the suicide, to find Riddle lying on the floor of the       apartment, a bullet hole in his chest.
   Robert McNulty, Riddle's roommate, who first found the body, told officers that since Mrs. Riddle, who had been living in Los Angeles for some time, was found dead, that the law student had been morose and despondent.
    Mrs. Riddle, accoding to southern police, had registered at a hotel in Ontario with Boyd Allen Taylor, Los Angeles attorney, as Taylor's wife. 

   Taylor left the hotel room for a short time, and on his return he told police he found the woman's body slumped on the bed, a bullet hole in the head.
   Taylor, his relatives told police, was married, but had been separated from his wife for two years. The two were en route to Tijuana when the tragedy occurred.
   San Francisco police said Riddle's revolver was found on the floor, near his body.
   Three notes, two of which were sealed and were not immediatly opened by officers, were found on a dresser. The third, addressed to McNulty, indicated young Riddle, who was 24 years of age, was despondent over the events which had robbed him of his wife, with whom he hoped to effect a reconciliation.
   The note, McNulty said, quoted one line of a poem of Bryant's: 
   "So live to pleasant dreams!"

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Riddle Family - Ralph Riddle - page 3

S.F. Law Student Commits

(United Press Leased Wire)

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 28 - A San Francisco law school student joined his young but faithless wife in death through suicide late yesterday.
   Leaving behind a note which had explained life had lost its meaning since his wife killed herself, 24-year old Ralph Riddle sent a fatal bullet through his brain in a room he shared with Richard McNulty, fellow student at Hastings Law College here.
   His death  was a tragic climax to the collapse of a college romance and to Marjorie Margaret Riddle's flight from her husband that ended in an Ontario Calif., hotel room, where she had registerd with another man as the latter's wife. An hour after she registered she shot and killed herself.
   Riddle had brooded over her suicide in the two weeks that followed. Today he told McNulty he was staying home from classes.

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Riddle Family - Ralph Riddle - page 2

[Retrieved from San Bernadino Daily Sun, page 12. Wednesday, February [12] 1938. 1 June 2020.]

Husband of Blonde in "Love Remorse" Suicide Asks No Probe Be Made


Young Law Student Discloses Final Letter Did Not Tell of New Infatuation
(Special Staff Correspondence)

ONTARIO, Feb. 11 - Arriving here today from San Francisco where he is a law student, Ralph Riddle young husband of Mrs. Margaret Lindgren Riddle, expressed himself as satisfied with the theory that his 22-year-old blonde wife had committed suicide and declared that he desired no further inquiry.
   Mrs. Riddle ended her life early Sunday morning in an Ontario hotel bedroom only a few minutes after she and Boyd Alan Taylor, 29, Los Angeles attorney, had registered at the hostelry as man and wife.
                   LETTER HINTS AFFECTION
   Using a revolver belonging to Taylor, the young woman shot herself through the heart while her companion was in the bathrub.
   A letter, which Mrs. Riddle had written to her husband Saturday, onlly a few hours before her tragic death, was displayed by Riddle here today, but is said to have offered no hint whatever of the writer's impending suicide. It does, however give strong evidence of Mrs. Riddle's affection for her husband.
   It also was said to have borne out the theory that her desperate act was prompted by remorse over her relations with Taylor, with whom she apparently became infatuated, following her meeting with the attorney only a week earlier.
                   CORONER DROPS PROBE
   Coroner R. E. Williams late this afternoon released the young woman's body without ordering an inquest, in line of the young husband's wishes.
   Riddle was accompanied to Ontario by Mrs. Riddle's brother, Harry Lindgren of Los Angeles. They told of tentative plans for funeral services tomorrow afternoon in Los Angeles.

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Riddle Family - Ralph Riddle - page 1

Officials Await Arrival of Girl Suicide's mate

(Special Staff Correspondence)

ONTARIO, Feb 10.- An autopsy performed today by Dr. John Burby, county autopsy surgeon, at the mortuary of J. B. Draper & Co. in Ontario showed that the bullet which early Sunday ended the life of Mrs. Margaret Riddle at an Ontario hotel, had passed directly through the center of the young woman's heart.
   Mrs. Riddle shot herself in the closet of a hotel bedroom with a pistol belonging to Boyd Alan Taylor, 29, Los Angeles attorney, who had registered for the couple as man and wife a few minutes earlier. Taylor was in the bath at the time the fatal shot was fired, he told police.
   Deputy Coroner E. P. Doyle was in Ontario today to continue the investigation into the young woman's death. He has not yet released the body and is said to be delaying decision on a possible inquest until the arrival of Ralph Riddle, law-student husband of the dead girl, from San Francisco.

(Possibly from California Newspapers on line.) February, 2019

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Monday, October 14, 2019

Lindgren Family - Margaret Velma Lindgren Riddle - Page 5

The San Bernadino Daily Sun, MONDAY MORNING, FEBR [ARY]

Beauty, Torn by Duty to Mate And Love for Man, Kills Self

Fatal Shot climax of Gay Party Ending In Ontario Hotel.

  Torn between duty to her husband and her fierce love for her newly met sweetheart, Mrs. Margaret Riddle, 22-year-old blonde beauty, shot and killed herself early yesteday in an Ontario hotel room, where she had registered with Boyd Alan Taylor, young Los Angeles attorney.
   Just half an hour after she and Taylor had registered at the Hotel Ontario as man and wife, the young beauty fired the fatal shot through her chest with an automatic pistol she had taken from her companion's pocket, according to Coroner R. E. Williams, of San Bernadino county, who investigated, along with James L. Loch, chief of the Ontario police department.
   She committed her desperate act at 4:30 a.m., while Taylor, member of a wealthy and socially prominent family in Eagle Rock was taking a bath in the adjoining bathroom. Hearing the crack of the shot and her gasping cry of "Boyd, Boyd!" he rushed into the room, but she died almost instantly.
   Her husband, said Coroner Williams, is Ralph Riddle, a law student at the Hastings College of Law in San Francisco.
   It was a case of love at first sight between 29-year-old attorney and the attractive blonde, said Coroner Williams after long questioning of Taylor. 
   Only a week ago Mrs. Riddle had been introduced to Taylor by her sister. Mrs. Florence Hedges, with whom Mrs. Riddle had resided at 908 Plymouth avenue, Los Angeles.
   Since then they had been together almost constantly, said Coroner Williams, and it had been their plan to obtain didvorces so they could be married, the coroner was told.
   The girl's suicide was the climax to a gay party in Los Angeles. It was stated. At it's conclusion Taylor and Mrs. Riddle started on a motor trip which was designed to end at Tijauna, the coroner said.
   Taylor told Coroner Williams that Mrs. Riddle had been greatly worried over her sister's opposition to her new friendship. She was fond of her husband, and remorse may have made her despondent, said the coroner.
[Caption to picture] - Mrs. Margaret Riddle, 22 years old, who killed herself in an Ontario hotel room yesterday after registering with boyd Alan Taylor, Los Angeles attorney. Her husband is a San Francisco law student.
   The pistol was Taylor's, and he had a permit to carry it. As they entered their room, he removed the cartridge clip from the weapon, placing the clip in the coat of his suit and the gun itself in his topcoat.
   It was then that he retired to the bathroom for his bath. When Mrs. Riddle shot herself she was standing in the clothes closet where he had hung his coats. She fell out of the closet and across the floor of the bedroom. Dr. E. H.-----(Continued on page Two) 

(Continued from Page One)

Abbott was called and pronounced her dead.
   Taylor resided at 2385 Hill drive, Eagle Rock. He had been separated from his wife for two years. His father, the late Jesse H. Taylor, was formerly a city councilman of the Los Angeles suburb.
  Coroner Williams and Chief Loch ordered removal of the body to the Draper mortuary in Ontario after questioning of Taylor was completed. It is doubtful whether there will be an inquest, said the coroner, as the facts of the case seem plainly evident.
   Taylor told Coroner Williams Mrs. Riddle had written her husband from Los Angeles saturday night. The coroner will contact Riddle to determine if the letter casts any additional light on her act. 

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Lindgren Family - Margaret Velma Lindgren Riddle - Page 4

San Bernadino Daily Sun, Wednesday, February 12 1936

Husband of Blonde in "Love Remorse" Suicide Asks No Probe Be Made


Young Law Student Discloses Final Letter Did Not Tell Of New Infatuation   (Special Staff Correspondence)

ONTARIO, Feb 11 - Arriving here today from San Francisco where he is a law student, Ralph Riddle, young husband of Mrs. Margaret Lindgren Riddle, expressed himself as satisfied with the theory that his 22-year-old blonde wife had committed suicide and declared that he desired no further inquiry.
   Mrs. Riddle ended her life early Sunday morning in an Ontario hotel bedroom only a few minutes after she and Boyd Alan Taylor, 29, Los Angeles attorney, had registered at the hostelry as man and wife.
   Using a revolver belonging to Taylor, the young woman shot herself through the heart while her companion was in the bathtub.
   A letter, which Mrs. Riddle had written to her husband Saturday, only a few hours before her tragic death, was displayed by Riddle here today, but is said to have offered no hint whatever of the writer's impending suicide. It does, however, give strong evidence of Mrs. Riddle's affection for her husband.
   It also was said to have borne out the theory that her desperate act was prompted by remorse over her relations with Taylor, with whom she apparently became infatuated, following her meeting with the attorney only a week earlier.
   Coroner R. E. Williams late this afternoon released the young woman's body without ordering an inquest, in line of the young husband's wishes.
   Riddle was accompanied to Ontario by Mrs. Riddle's brother, Harry Lindgren of Los Angeles. They told of tentative plans for funeral services tomorrow afternoon in Las Angeles.

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