Friday, April 12, 2019

Lindgren Family - Brian Carl Lindgren - Kimm Richardson - page 20

"Before there were BFF's Kimm was my BFF."

Brian and Kimm met because our parents went to the same church, the First Christian Church of Anaheim. I don't remember exactly how we first met.

One of the highlights of the church sponsorship was that many of the junior and senior high schools, would go to church camp every summer, around the end of June. The church camp was owned and sponsored by a group of Christian throughout Southern California.

Church camp was the highlight of summer vacation for me. I remember starting around when I was in junior high school, my parents would prepare the campgrounds for summer camping. This was in the mountains about 15-20 miles northwest of La Canada. That was Memorial Day weekend that the Indianapolis 500 ran.

Church camp was a week long activity, starting on a Monday and come home the next Saturday.

I don't remember too many activities that we did except that we would have a bon fire every night. We would sing and tell stories. Some nights had special activities such as snipe hunting" - look it up.

On the first night we would have a get together in the dining hall where all the kids of all ages, would meet, and we were challenged to introduce ourselves and meet as many individuals we didn't know and we would get a prize for the most number of kids met.

We would  go to other churches throughout the year and see those kids again.

The areas were divided by sexes. They were log cabins, which slept about 16 people each.

Kimm and I would attend together. Our church would get sweatshirts for all of us that said "Anaheim" on the back. Other churches did the same. One year we turned our sweatshirts backwards so everyone could see where we were from for the camp picture.

When Kimm and I got to high school age, we would hang out alot together. Kimm would represent Anaheim High on the water polo team. I had no particular high school sport that I wanted to play on.

Later we would help each other modify cars.

I had a 56 Chevy
Kimm had a 51 Chevy slant back.

We both graduated high school in the summer of 1964. In June of 1964 Brian ad Kimm Richardson worked at by the beach or slept after the ice job. We would haul ice in.

Kimm and I both went to Fullerton JC in September of 1964. That didn't last long for me because I got tired of going to school in September of 195.

I joined the CG in 1966. Kimm joined the Navy.

If I had told my buddy Kimm Richardson that I was joining he said that he would have gone with me but we would only have been in boot camp. After that we would have been split up based on the results of testing and personal preferences.

He completed his four years in the Navy
serving on submarines.

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