Monday, February 18, 2019

Lindgren Family - Nina Virginia Lindgren page 5


own back yard.  I am anxious to have you see him.  He is all boy and I am sure you will get a big kick out of him.  He is quite friendly with most everyone and seems to enjoy being around people.  The other day he made a puddle on the wwing and Spencer's mother asked him who did it and he said "modu" - that is the closest he comes to saying mother.  Most of his words you can understand with very little trouble but he still insists on saying "Bapa" for grandpa.

     "Popie" has been taking a semi vacation for the last two weeks and plants to take another one. Things are rather slow at the store so he is staying home and only goes down when they phone for him and is getting half pay.  The rest is doing him a lot of good.  I don't know whether you heard that he is the proud possessor of a new Plymouth Delux Coupe and is very pleased with it.

     Grace Benz, a cousin of ours was out from Minneapolis with a friend of hers.  I was away at the time so didn't get to see her but I understand that Florie had a good time at least with her girl friend.

     Well, bye-bye Bobby, I guess it won't be long now before you will be home.  We are all looking forward to your coming.

     Lots of love from us all.


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