Monday, February 18, 2019

Lindgren Family - Nina Virginia Lindgren page 2

 July 30, 1935

Dear Bobby:

     I am still working a few hours a night at the theatre but it helps a lot to kill the monotony of staying home every night. In fact, Spencer's mother is just about fed up of her
night job too so one of these days she will be walking out on me and I will have to go back to the old schedule - early to bed.

     Spencer and I have just returned from our vacation. Had eight days -  the longest vacation he has had since we were married. We covered almost thirty-three hundred miles in that time. Drove up to Crater Lake in Oregon, then to the back side of Mt. Rainier and on to Vancouver and Victoria Canada. From Victoria we took the steamer back to Seattle which is about a four hour trip and
drove down the Oregon coast from Astoria. We spent the last two nights of our vacation resting up in Yosemite. I would have been feeling fine but Saturday morning Spencer and I hiked up to Vernal Falls - About four and a half miles in all and most of the up is climbing steps. Well I'm out of that kind of practice now and my legs have been so stiff that I can hardly get around but I guess in the next few days they will limber up.

     Marshall didn't miss us at all, in fact when he woke up Sunday morning and found us home he just gave us one of those puzzled looks and tried to figure out where we had been the last few days. A friend of Spencer's mother came over and spent the week sith her. She has been a nurse and is very fond of children so I didn't have to

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