Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Lindgren Family - Florence Christina Lindgren page 2

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Lindgren Family - Harry Mallock Lindgren page 1

This is Harry's birth record from oakland California. It reads as follows:


... of Child.     Harry
...d Color Male, White
[date]of birth 10th day of January 1899
[name] of  Father    Carl W. Lindgren
Name of Mother    Christine Johnson
[birth]place of Father    Sweden   
[birth]place of Mother    Sweden
[occupa]tion of Parents    Tailor
[residen]ce of Parents    No. 1456 Linden Street
[condit]ion at Birth    Alice

Signature: Neta Martenson
Address: 1619 Webster St, Alameda

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Monday, February 18, 2019

Lindgren Family - Nina Virginia Lindgren - Page 7

I have tried to change to black on white but to no avail. Will keep working on that and the transcript.

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Lindgren Family - Nina Virginia Lindgren - Page 6

Obituary L - No title

Los Angeles Times (1923-Current File) Nov. 7, 1936.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers Los Angeles Times (1881 - 1989) pg. 11

LEVE. November  6 Nina V. Leve, loving wife of M. Spencer Leve; daughter of Christina Lindgren; sister of Linea, Florence, Harry, Robert and Carl Lindgren

Services 3 p.m. Sunday at Pierce Brothers.

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Lindgren Family - Nina Virginia Lindgren page 5


own back yard.  I am anxious to have you see him.  He is all boy and I am sure you will get a big kick out of him.  He is quite friendly with most everyone and seems to enjoy being around people.  The other day he made a puddle on the wwing and Spencer's mother asked him who did it and he said "modu" - that is the closest he comes to saying mother.  Most of his words you can understand with very little trouble but he still insists on saying "Bapa" for grandpa.

     "Popie" has been taking a semi vacation for the last two weeks and plants to take another one. Things are rather slow at the store so he is staying home and only goes down when they phone for him and is getting half pay.  The rest is doing him a lot of good.  I don't know whether you heard that he is the proud possessor of a new Plymouth Delux Coupe and is very pleased with it.

     Grace Benz, a cousin of ours was out from Minneapolis with a friend of hers.  I was away at the time so didn't get to see her but I understand that Florie had a good time at least with her girl friend.

     Well, bye-bye Bobby, I guess it won't be long now before you will be home.  We are all looking forward to your coming.

     Lots of love from us all.


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Lindgren Family - Nina Virginia Lindgren page 4


that she would go back to her own place in Hollywood Park.  It will keep me tied down considerable more but in the long run I think we will all enjoy it better.  It just isn't like having a home of your own to have to share it, but I have no room to holler - it was my idea.  She hasn't said anything to me as yet but I think she will in a week or so.

     It is so hot in the office - not a speck of ventilation and I all but go to sleep punching the typewriter.  We have been having terrible hot
weather these last two weeks but I suppose we must expect a little of that.  It is the first we have had this year.

                                         August 1st, 1935


     Drove Margie and Ralph down to Manhattan with their week's supposes.  They have quite a nice little place - large living room with dinning table in one end, a bedroom, kitchen and bath.  It is about three blocks from the ocean and not very many people on the beach.  Marshall just had a grand time down in the water with Margie.  When she is around he pesters the life out of her continually.  She thought she and
Ralph would get away for a few minutes and go for a walk but she hadn't gone more than fifty feet when he discovered her and ran after her calling - "Margie, Wait a minute" - so she had to take him along after all.  Florie is staying down with Margie and Ralph and plans to comm ute back and forth.  It only takes about an hour and it will be a nice change for her.

     Marshall was so tired that he dropped off to sleep the minute we started driving home.  He burned a little on the face and shoulders.  I thought he was so well seasoned that no amount of sun could do that to him but the ocean atmosphere is somewhat different from that in his

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Lindgren Family - Nina Virginia Lindgren page 3


worry about him at all.  He was given so much attention while we were away that I am having a little trouble with him now. Wants to be entertained all the time and I don't believe he ever heard the word no-no while we were away. I think in a week or so that will wear off.

     I think I will sign off to tonight and continue tomorrow evening when things are quiet.

                                              July 31st 1935


     Am putting in a long evening
tonight. Started working at 5:00 P.M. when ordinarily I start at 7:00 P.M. so I should have time to write a few more lines.

     Margie and Ralph are going to spend a week at the Beach - Manhattan, I believe. They start tomorrow so Marshall and I will drive them down and take their baggage and spend the day with them.  We are planning an early start -  about 8:00A.M.   I very seldom skip Marshall's nap but I guess he will to do without it tomorrow.  It is almost impossible to get him to sleep any wheres away from home
but I guess that is because he has always taken his nap there.  It is sometimes hard for me to keep to his schedule but in the long run it is the easiest.  He just takes his sleeping time for granted and it is very seldom that I have any fuss.  He enjoys the water very much so I am sure he will have a grand day tomorrow. 

     I think in about a month or so I will have the house to myself again. Spencer's mother spoke to Spencer before we went on our vacation saying if it were all right with us she thought

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Lindgren Family - Nina Virginia Lindgren page 2

 July 30, 1935

Dear Bobby:

     I am still working a few hours a night at the theatre but it helps a lot to kill the monotony of staying home every night. In fact, Spencer's mother is just about fed up of her
night job too so one of these days she will be walking out on me and I will have to go back to the old schedule - early to bed.

     Spencer and I have just returned from our vacation. Had eight days -  the longest vacation he has had since we were married. We covered almost thirty-three hundred miles in that time. Drove up to Crater Lake in Oregon, then to the back side of Mt. Rainier and on to Vancouver and Victoria Canada. From Victoria we took the steamer back to Seattle which is about a four hour trip and
drove down the Oregon coast from Astoria. We spent the last two nights of our vacation resting up in Yosemite. I would have been feeling fine but Saturday morning Spencer and I hiked up to Vernal Falls - About four and a half miles in all and most of the up is climbing steps. Well I'm out of that kind of practice now and my legs have been so stiff that I can hardly get around but I guess in the next few days they will limber up.

     Marshall didn't miss us at all, in fact when he woke up Sunday morning and found us home he just gave us one of those puzzled looks and tried to figure out where we had been the last few days. A friend of Spencer's mother came over and spent the week sith her. She has been a nurse and is very fond of children so I didn't have to

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Lindgren Family - Nina Virginia Lindgren page 1

This is a California marriage license for Marshall Spencer Leve.

I retrieved it from FamilySearch.org at :

This is from: California, County Marriages, 1850-1952 [film#[ 005698460.

[The] Image [is] 814 of 2572.


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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Introduction - Title page 1

The Lindgren Family Circa 1918

Front row: Harry Mallock Lindgren, Robert James Lindgren, Carl Wilhelm Lindgren, Margaret Velma Lindgren,  Elin Linea Lindgren.

Back row: Florence Christina Lindgren, Kristina Jonasdotter Johnson Lindgren, Nina Virginia Lindgren, Carl Herbert Lindgren 

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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Lindgren Family - Family Tree

This is the family tree for the Lindgren and Clark Families. Various allied families also show up through the female lines.

All census schedules - unless otherwise noted - come from Ancestry.com, such as the above tree.

To access documents at FamilySearch.org you will need to sign up for an account. No one solicits you in any form or manner.

Click on the image you want to view in a larger format.

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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lindgren Clarke Family Tree

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