Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Lindgren Family - Harry Mallock Lindgren - Our Family's "Urban Ledgends"

Harry worked on many many films in the capacity "Sound Engineer" on multiple films.

One film was the 1950 movie "Sunset Blvd."

Legend has it that Harry was on the "set" when the words "All right Mr. DeMille, I am ready for my close up" was uttered by Gloria Swanson. Swanson was a long time actress in the early 1920s through the 1950s.

This is the link for that scene. Once there click on "YouTube".:

This is a link for Gloria's entry in Wikipedia:

This is a Barbara Walter interview.  This clip is 16 minutes long.


The second "Urban Legend" was the creation of the sound of the Martian dying, in the "War of Worlds" 1953, based on H.G. Wells novel.

It is believed by our family that the sound of the Martian dying was achieved when Harry rubbed dry ice very fast on the microphone while recording.

He then played the sound backward, which became the sound of the Martian dying.

This is the link to Harry's IMDB page with a list of all the television and movie credits. You will see "Sunset Blvd" is sighted to Harry. He is not credited for "War of the Worlds".

Anne states that she was present when they played the "rushes" from that days shooting, which highlighted the Martian dying. As Anne recalls she toured the studio. What was impressive, was that the building had all different sizes of doors, as well as the tank where the parting of the Red Sea was filmed.

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