Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Cornthwaite Family - Francis Cornthwaite Will - page 1

I am not sure when I found this will. It comes from FamilySearch.org, Film#107098185, Image 201 of 640. This will reads:

Francis Cornthwaite, decd. Will May 1 1867.
     "I, Francis Cornthwaite, of Butler County, Ohio, being in feeble health, but of Sound mind and memory, do create, publish and declare this my last will and Testament.
     First. I direct that my Executor hereinafter named shall, as soon after my death as possible, pay all just debts that I may be owing at my death.
     Second. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Margaret Cornthwaite, just what the law of the State of Ohio will give her, as my widow, at my death, believing that the Same will be ample to support her comfortable during her life.
     Third. I give and bequeath to my grand daughter, Mary Jane Carr, four hundred dollars, and direct my Executors hereinafter named to pay the Same to her as Soon as they conveniently can, after my death; this [?] thus devised to her to be her full share of my Estate.
      Fourth. I give and bequeath to my sons William H. Cornthwaite, Francis Cornthwaite and Augustus Cornthwaite, each the sum of One hundred dollars, this is to make their equal with my other children, as I have given my other children each the sum of One hundred dollars, and I direct my Executors hereinafter named to pay Said Summs to my Said Sons, William H., Francis and Augustus out of the first money that may come into their hands as Executors after my death.
     Fifth. I do hereby nominate and appoint my Sons Thomas Cornthwaite and Francis Cornthwaite, to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament.
     Sixth. I give and devise all my Real and Personal Estate of whatever nature or Kind, and wherever the Same may be Situated at my death to Thomas Cornthwaite and Francis Cornthwaite, the Executors of this my last Will and Testament, above nominated and appointed, in trust, for the payment of my Just debts and the legacies above Specified, and the legacies hereinafter named, and the expenses of administration of my Said Estate, with power to Sell and idspose of the Same, at public or private Sale at Such time, or times, and upon such terms, and in such manner, as to there shall serve, meet, and to be most advantageous for my Estate, and with full power to convey Said Real Estate to the purchases by good and Sufficient deed, or deeds. 
     Seventh. I direct that my Said Executors above nominated and appointed Shall out of the assets that may come into their hands and out of the proceeds of the Sale of my Said Real and personal property in the first place pay the legacies above named and my just debts and the expenses of administration aforesaid, and then that the balance in their hands (my wifes Share having been taken out), Shall be divided into ten equal parts, and that my Said Executors Shall pay over one of said parts to each of my ten children, Thomas Cornthwaite, Sarah Ann Peck, Robert L.  Cornthwaite, William H. Cornthwaite, Francis Cornthwaite, David Cornthwaite and Augustus Cornthwaite, but that one of said parts being one tenth, they shall retain in their hands and under their control and Shall Safely invest upon the best terms possible, and Shall each and every year pay to my daughter Mary Buseubark as long as Shall live the profits derived from the Same, and at her death the Same shall be equally divided among my nine children above
[continued on page 2]

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