Saturday, September 25, 2021

Leve Family - Marshall Spencer Leve - 1942 Draft Record


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Nelson Family - Elin Linea Nelson - Marriage Registry


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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Cornthwaite Family - Francis Cornthwaite Will - page 3

[continued from page 2]

and Saith, that in his and their presence the said Francis Cornthwaite, the Testator Subscribed, acknowledged, and declared the within or before writing as and for his last Will and Testament, and that at the time of the said Signing and acknowledging, the Said Testator was of Sound and disposing mind, memory and judgement, over twenty one years of age and under no restraint as they verily believe. And that at the request, and in the presence of the Said Testator, they, the said James Harden, and Alex F. Heurre, Subscribed their names as witnesses to the Said last will  and Testament.

Alex. F. Heurre,
James Hardin
     Sworn and Subscribed in Said Court the 20th day of May AD. 1867
Joseph Traber, Probate Judge.

     The State of Ohio, Butler County, Ss:- Be it remembered, that on this 20th day of May, A.D> 1867, the last Will and Testament of Francis Cornthwaite, deceased, was produced before me in Open Court, and the Subscribing witnesses to the Same, having been examined by me, under Oath, which was reduced to writing, as above and Signed by them respectively, and it appearing to the Court that Said Will was duly executed and attested, and that the Said Testator was of Sound and disposing mind, memory and Judgment, over twenty-one years of age, and under no restraint, and that said Will is in all respects, the Valid last Will of Francis Cornthwaite, deceased. It is therefore Ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court, that the Same be admitted to record among the Records of Wills of this Office, as the Valid last Will and Testament of Francis Cornthwaite, deceased.
By the Court,
Joseph Traber, Probate Judge.

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Cornthwaite Family - Francis Cornthwaite Will - page 2

 [continued from page 1]

named or their legal representatives.
     I also direct that the remaining tenth part, after deducting from the Same the amount that may be due, at my death, on two notes described as follows; one date Jany 13th, 1865 for $850.45 payable to my Order, made by B.W. Hortley and Elizabeth Hortley, and bearing eight per cent interest, and the other dated from 5th, 1858, for $475.00 due one year after date payable to my Order, made by B.W. Hortley, and bearing eight per cent interest, shall be paid by my Said Executors to my daughter Elizabeth Hortley.
     Eight. I direct that the above described two notes shall be counted by my Executors as a part of my Estate at the amount that may be due thereon at my death.
     Nineth. Heretofore a partnership was formed between myself, my Sons Francis Cornthwaite and John Cornthwaite and my Son-in-law B.W.Hortley, in the manufacturing of Tobacco, all being equal partners, in which business I now believe there will be a loss of from $300.00 to $400.00. I direct my Executors, after they shall have ascertained how much the loss in Said business Shall be to each of the above named partners, Shall require my said Sons Francis Cornthwaite and John Cornthwaite for Themselves respectively and my daughter Hortley wife of Said B.W. Hortley for her Said husband out of the Share above devised to them respectively by me in this will to Settle the Share of Said loss in Said Tobacco business properly belonging to Said Francis Cornthwaite, John Cornthwaite and Said B.W. Hortley, and thereby Save my Estate from bearing any more than its proper Share of Said loss, and in case they or either of them refuse or neglect to Settle their Share of said loss as above Specified, that my Executors retain out of the Share hereby devised to Said Francis Cornthwaite enough to Settle his Share of said loss, out of the Share hereby devised to John Cornthwaite enough to Settle his Share of said loss, and out of the Share hereby, devised to my daughter Elizabeth Cornthwaite enough to Settle the Share of the loss properly belonging to her husband B.W. Hortley. I do make this provision in order that my other children shall not suffer any portion of the loss in Said Tobacco business which they ought not to bear.
     In witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 27th day of April, A.D. 1867.                   Francis Cornthwaite {Seal}
     The above instrument declared to us by Francis Cornthwaite, the Testator therein mentioned, to be his last will and Testament was at the date thereof acknowledged by him to each of us and was Signed and Sealed by him in the presence of each of us, and we each at his request, and in his presence and in the presence of each other, Signed our names thereto as attesting witnesses.   James Hardin,
Alex. F Huerro

The State of Ohio, Butler County, Ss:_

          Probate Court within and for the County of Butler and State of Ohio:

     Be it remembered, that the Probate Court of the County of Butler aforeasaid, holden at Hamilton, in the Said County of Butler, on the 20th day of May, One thousand eight hundred and Sixty-Seven, before the Honorable Joseph Traber, Judge of Said Court of Probate; the within or before written last Will and Testament of Francis Cornthwaite, who is now deceased, being presented for probate by Thomas Cornthwaite and Francis Cornthwaite the Executors therein named. And James Hardin and Alex F. Hueruo, the subscribing witnesses to the Said last Will and Testament, appearing in their proper persons in Said Court and being duly sworn, Severally depose and Say, and each of them for himself deposeth,

[continued on page 3]

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Cornthwaite Family - Francis Cornthwaite Will - page 1

I am not sure when I found this will. It comes from, Film#107098185, Image 201 of 640. This will reads:

Francis Cornthwaite, decd. Will May 1 1867.
     "I, Francis Cornthwaite, of Butler County, Ohio, being in feeble health, but of Sound mind and memory, do create, publish and declare this my last will and Testament.
     First. I direct that my Executor hereinafter named shall, as soon after my death as possible, pay all just debts that I may be owing at my death.
     Second. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Margaret Cornthwaite, just what the law of the State of Ohio will give her, as my widow, at my death, believing that the Same will be ample to support her comfortable during her life.
     Third. I give and bequeath to my grand daughter, Mary Jane Carr, four hundred dollars, and direct my Executors hereinafter named to pay the Same to her as Soon as they conveniently can, after my death; this [?] thus devised to her to be her full share of my Estate.
      Fourth. I give and bequeath to my sons William H. Cornthwaite, Francis Cornthwaite and Augustus Cornthwaite, each the sum of One hundred dollars, this is to make their equal with my other children, as I have given my other children each the sum of One hundred dollars, and I direct my Executors hereinafter named to pay Said Summs to my Said Sons, William H., Francis and Augustus out of the first money that may come into their hands as Executors after my death.
     Fifth. I do hereby nominate and appoint my Sons Thomas Cornthwaite and Francis Cornthwaite, to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament.
     Sixth. I give and devise all my Real and Personal Estate of whatever nature or Kind, and wherever the Same may be Situated at my death to Thomas Cornthwaite and Francis Cornthwaite, the Executors of this my last Will and Testament, above nominated and appointed, in trust, for the payment of my Just debts and the legacies above Specified, and the legacies hereinafter named, and the expenses of administration of my Said Estate, with power to Sell and idspose of the Same, at public or private Sale at Such time, or times, and upon such terms, and in such manner, as to there shall serve, meet, and to be most advantageous for my Estate, and with full power to convey Said Real Estate to the purchases by good and Sufficient deed, or deeds. 
     Seventh. I direct that my Said Executors above nominated and appointed Shall out of the assets that may come into their hands and out of the proceeds of the Sale of my Said Real and personal property in the first place pay the legacies above named and my just debts and the expenses of administration aforesaid, and then that the balance in their hands (my wifes Share having been taken out), Shall be divided into ten equal parts, and that my Said Executors Shall pay over one of said parts to each of my ten children, Thomas Cornthwaite, Sarah Ann Peck, Robert L.  Cornthwaite, William H. Cornthwaite, Francis Cornthwaite, David Cornthwaite and Augustus Cornthwaite, but that one of said parts being one tenth, they shall retain in their hands and under their control and Shall Safely invest upon the best terms possible, and Shall each and every year pay to my daughter Mary Buseubark as long as Shall live the profits derived from the Same, and at her death the Same shall be equally divided among my nine children above
[continued on page 2]

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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Lindgren Family - Carl Peter Jonasson Lindgren - page 1 - Birth record

I just realized that I had not posted the documents tracing where the name Lindgren came from.

So am starting to work my way back.

The first gentleman I am working on - having done Carl Wilhelm - is Carl Peter Jonasson.

This is Carl Peter's birth record which I found on Ancestry.

Carl Peter was born in Norratorp [North Farm]Dadesjo, Kronoberg, Sweden. He was born on the 22 November 1835, and christened on the 24th. Carl was the 53rd child born in this parish. 

His father was Jonas Petersson Plato, and his mother was Jonas' wife Katarina Carlsdotter. Katarina was 30 years old. 

These were witnesses at Carl's christening: Farmer Nils Svensson from Norratorp, the unmarried man Hakan Mansson in Dadesjo, and another man with the last name of Pattersson. The unmarried woman present was Stina Samueslsdotter.

[I was not able to find the translations for all of the Swedish words. These were the only ones I could translate with Google Translate.]

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