Monday, May 3, 2021

Shaffer Family - George W. Shaffer - page 2 - 1891 Pension paperwork

ACT OF JUNE 27, 1890.
(3-165 a.a.)
Department of the Interior,

Apl. 25., 1891.
          You are hereby notified that a certificate, No. 289.598
for Orig. pension has this day been issued in favor of
Ann. E. Shaffer. widow of George W. Shaffer
Albany. Gentry. Co. and that the
pension is payable by the Pension Agent of Topeka.
who will also pay to you a fee of $ 10.
Rate of pension $ 8 . per month from July 5. 1890
Addlt. for each child.

          Very respectfully,
Green B Race[?]
C.B. Hinckley

          The act of July 4, 1884, provides that the fee for the prosecution of a pension claim shall be $10 only, unless a larger fee, not exceeding$25, is agreed upon under a special written contract. The fee will be paid to the attorney, or other person entitled thereto, by the Pension Agent out of the pension allowed. Should the attorney or other person demand or receive for his services any greater compensation, he would subject himself to the penalties provided in the statute, as follows:

          Any agent or attorney or other person instrumental in prosecuting any claim for pension or bounty land who shall directly or indirectly contract for, demand, or receive or retain any greater compensation for his services or instrumentality in prosecuting a claim for pension or bounty land than is herein provided, or for payment thereof at any other time or in any other manner than is herein provided, or who shall wrongfully withhold from a pensioner or claimant the whole or any part of the pension or claim allowed and due such pensioner or claimant, or the land-warrant issued to any such claimant, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall for every such offense be fined not exceeding $500, or imprisoned at hard labor not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court.


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