Monday, May 3, 2021

Shaffer Family - George W. Shaffer - page 1- 1890 Pension certificate

 Act of June 27, 1890

No 289598


DEPARTMENT of the Interior


It is hereby certified That, in conformity with the laws of the United States Ann E Shaffer Widow of George W. Shaffer who was a Teamster, Co. K 112 Regt. Pa. Vol. Infantry is entitled to a pension of the rate of Eight dollars per month to commence on the Fifth day of July 1890 and to continue during her widowhood unless she shall forfeit her right thereto. And she is also entitled to two dollars  per month additional for each of the following named children while living and under the age of sixteen year, to wit:

Commencing                                    Sixteen

Anna L., July 5 1890 ,, July 22. 1890

Gertrude E,, July 5 1890,, August 12, 1892


Given at the Department of the Interior this

Twenty-fifth day of April

one thousand eight hundred, and Ninety-one

and of the Independence of the United States

of America the one hundred and fifteenth


Acting Secretary of the Interior.


Green B. Rainer

Commissioner of Pensions

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